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This article presents the results of a study conducted with 243 Native American students who were part of a multi-ethnic sample of adolescents attending middle school in a large urban center in the Southwest region of the United States. Native adolescents who felt a stronger sense of belonging in their school were found to report a lower lifetime use of alcohol and cigarettes, lower cigarette and marijuana use in the previous month, lower frequency of current use of these substances, fewer substances ever used, and a later age of initiation into drug use than other Native students. Research implications are discussed in relationship to school environment, culturally-grounded prevention curricula, and school social work practice.  相似文献   
In this paper, we propose a flexible cure rate survival model by assuming that the number of competing causes of the event of interest follows the Negative Binomial distribution and the time to event follows a Weibull distribution. Indeed, we introduce the Weibull-Negative-Binomial (WNB) distribution, which can be used in order to model survival data when the hazard rate function is increasing, decreasing and some non-monotonous shaped. Another advantage of the proposed model is that it has some distributions commonly used in lifetime analysis as particular cases. Moreover, the proposed model includes as special cases some of the well-know cure rate models discussed in the literature. We consider a frequentist analysis for parameter estimation of a WNB model with cure rate. Then, we derive the appropriate matrices for assessing local influence on the parameter estimates under different perturbation schemes and present some ways to perform global influence analysis. Finally, the methodology is illustrated on a medical data.  相似文献   
In this paper we propose a new nonparametric estimator of the conditional distribution function under a semiparametric censorship model. We establish an asymptotic representation of the estimator as a sum of iid random variables, balanced by some kernel weights. This representation is used for obtaining large sample results such as the rate of uniform convergence of the estimator, or its limit distributional law. We prove that the new estimator outperforms the conditional Kaplan–Meier estimator for censored data, in the sense that it exhibits lower asymptotic variance. Illustration through real data analysis is provided.  相似文献   
翻译的语言学理论将翻译提到科学的高度加以描述,可以说比传统理论前进了一步。但是如果因此而否认了翻译的艺术性,就无法阐明翻译中的许多问题。翻译的艺术性至少包括三个方面的内容,即形式表现、异质同构和艺术冲动。  相似文献   
以广州二手交易的596个高层楼盘、3703个交易样本为研究基础,采用特征价格法测度了影响广州市住宅价格的主要因素,它们分别是与商业中心的距离、与山江公园的距离、与地铁的距离、噪音、户型间隔、装修档次、朝向、楼层、楼龄、阳台数量10项因素,并给出了影响因素的隐含价值。  相似文献   
浅谈大学英语优化教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前我们面临着教育体制由应试教育向素质教育转轨的关键时期,大学英语教学改革一直是一个受人们关注的问题,因此大学英语优化教学颇为重要。本文就如何进行大学英语优化教学进行了探讨,并提出了一些具体做法。  相似文献   
为了探究母亲的教养方式、亲子沟通、幼儿问题行为三者之间的关系,运用《父母教养方式问卷》、《亲子沟通问卷》以及《幼儿问题行为问卷》(家长版)对辽宁省501 位幼儿及其母亲进行测查,并用SPSS26.0 软件对回收的数据进行分析。研究发现:母亲教养方式能正向预测幼儿问题行为、负向预测亲子沟通;亲子沟通能负向预测幼儿问题行为,且在母亲教养方式和幼儿问题行为之间起部分中介作用。主要教育建议:父母应理性看待幼儿问题行为,发挥自身榜样作用;采用科学教养方式,提升自身教养水平;建立良好亲子沟通,营造良好家庭氛围。  相似文献   
儿童发展实验学校是美国早期教育体系的重要组成,也曾一度被视作教育改革的实验基地,儿童研究和教师教育的前沿阵地。现如今,其面临资金短缺、人才流失、服务时间难以满足大多数家庭需求、儿童研究样本多样化不足等困境。如何基于人类发展生态学理论,持守自身在高校资源、人力资源和硬件设施方面的优势,并通过增设服务项目、扩大招生规模、倡导教师研究,开展校际合作等变革措施突破自身发展瓶颈,是实验学校未来发展的方向。  相似文献   
Evidence synthesis findings depend on the assumption that the included studies follow good clinical practice and results are not fabricated or false. Studies which are problematic due to scientific misconduct, poor research practice, or honest error may distort evidence synthesis findings. Authors of evidence synthesis need transparent mechanisms to identify and manage problematic studies to avoid misleading findings. As evidence synthesis authors of the Cochrane COVID-19 review on ivermectin, we identified many problematic studies in terms of research integrity and regulatory compliance. Through iterative discussion, we developed a research integrity assessment (RIA) tool for randomized controlled trials for the update of this Cochrane review. In this paper, we explain the rationale and application of the RIA tool in this case study. RIA assesses six study criteria: study retraction, prospective trial registration, adequate ethics approval, author group, plausibility of methods (e.g., randomization), and plausibility of study results. RIA was used in the Cochrane review as part of the eligibility check during screening of potentially eligible studies. Problematic studies were excluded and studies with open questions were held in awaiting classification until clarified. RIA decisions were made independently by two authors and reported transparently. Using the RIA tool resulted in the exclusion of >40% of studies in the first update of the review. RIA is a complementary tool prior to assessing “Risk of Bias” aiming to establish the integrity and authenticity of studies. RIA provides a platform for urgent development of a standard approach to identifying and managing problematic studies.  相似文献   
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