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Abstract A general criticism of the 1996 Welfare Reform Act is that it is primarily the result of an urban political agenda, and it may hurt rather than help the rural poor. Under the new welfare system, the rural poor that are most likely to be affected are those who live in socially, economically, and spatially disadvantaged communities. More residents in these communities are likely to need TANF, clients in these communities are least likely to leave TANF by finding employment, and community organizations are likely to have more limited resources to help TANF recipients. The objective of this study is to examine the extent to which variations in community conditions account for differences in TANF participation rates. Using 1997 TANF data from the Mississippi Department of Human Services, we estimated OLS regression models of local TANF participation rates across 100 communities in nonmetro counties. The results indicate that TANF participation rates tend to be higher in communities with high concentrations of African Americans, less faith‐based activeness, more employment in retail trade, spatial concentration of the poor, and located in the Delta.  相似文献   
Newly-funded initiatives aim to promote marriage among low-income African American women to reduce poverty and welfare dependency. Research indicates that these women have a strong desire to marry, but lack economically secure marriage partners. This research predominantly focuses on urban populations, and little is known about marriage as a strategy to end poverty and welfare dependency among the rural poor. Two case study counties in rural Mississippi were selected to examine if marriage promotion initiatives are a viable strategy for poor rural African American single mothers. Data were collected through semistructured interviews using a life history calendar procedure. The results show that, like their urban counterparts, poor rural single mothers are rarely able to find their “Mr. Right” because of their personal and contextual characteristics.  相似文献   
Consistent evidence supports the hypothesis that a progressive accumulation of oxidative damage to important cellular molecules is a fundamental mechanism involved in most senescence-associated alterations. Oxidative damage occurs when free radicals produced within an organism are not completely destroyed by the appropriate endogenous defense systems. Because lipids are a major component of living organisms and probably the first easy target of free radicals once they are produced, lipid peroxidation might play an important role in initiating and/or mediating some aspects of the aging process. It has been widely demonstrated that there is an age-associated increase in the steady-state concentrations of lipid peroxidation products. However, establishing the involvement of this phenomenon in the pathogenesis of the aging process has not been an easy task. The recent development of more reliable techniques to measure lipid peroxidation, together with more well-defined animal models of aging, should be of great help in future studies in this field. The current evidence for the presence and importance of lipid peroxidation in the aging process is discussed in this review.  相似文献   
In several applied disciplines, as Economics, Marketing, Business, Sociology, Psychology, Political science, Environmental research and Medicine, it is common to collect data in the form of ordered categorical observations. In this paper, we introduce a class of models based on mixtures of discrete random variables in order to specify a general framework for the statistical analysis of this kind of data. The structure of these models allows the interpretation of the final response as related to feeling, uncertainty and a possible shelter option and the expression of the relationship among these components and subjects’ covariates. Such a model may be effectively estimated by maximum likelihood methods leading to asymptotically efficient inference. We present a simulation experiment and discuss a real case study to check the consistency and the usefulness of the approach. Some final considerations conclude the paper.  相似文献   
The past two decades have ushered in a period of widespread spatial diffusion of Hispanics well beyond traditional metropolitan gateways. This article examines emerging patterns of racial and ethnic residential segregation in new Hispanic destinations over the 1990–2010 period, linking county, place, and block data from the 1990, 2000, and 2010 decennial censuses. Our multiscalar analyses of segregation are framed by classical models of immigrant assimilation and alternative models of place stratification. We ask whether Hispanics are integrating spatially with the native population and whether recent demographic and economic processes have eroded or perpetuated racial boundaries in nonmetropolitan areas. We show that Hispanic residential segregation from whites is often exceptionally high and declining slowly in rural counties and communities. New Hispanic destinations, on average, have higher Hispanic segregation levels than established gateway communities. The results also highlight microscale segregation patterns within rural places and in the open countryside (i.e., outside places), a result that is consistent with emerging patterns of “white flight.” Observed estimates of Hispanic‐white segregation across fast‐growing nonmetropolitan counties often hide substantial heterogeneity in residential segregation. Divergent patterns of rural segregation reflect local‐area differences in population dynamics, economic inequality, and the county employment base (using Economic Research Service functional specialization codes). Illustrative maps of Hispanic boom counties highlight spatially uneven patterns of racial diversity. They also provide an empirical basis for our multivariate analyses, which show that divergent patterns of local‐area segregation often reflect spatial variation in employment across different industrial sectors.  相似文献   
This article develops a new Markov-switching vector autoregressive (VAR) model with stochastic correlation for contagion analysis on financial markets. The correlation and the log-volatility dynamics are driven by two independent Markov chains, thus allowing for different effects such as volatility spill-overs and correlation shifts with various degrees of intensity. We outline a suitable Bayesian inference procedure based on Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms. We then apply the model to some major and Asian-Pacific cross rates against the U.S. dollar and find strong evidence supporting the existence of contagion effects and correlation drops during crises, closely in line with the stylized facts outlined in the contagion literature. A comparison of this model with its closest competitors, such as a time-varying parameter VAR, reveals that our model has a better predictive ability. Supplementary materials for this article are available online  相似文献   
This research investigates whether financial institutions that have gained a good reputation in relation to their CSR activities also engage in significant corporate support for the arts (CSA). Using a sample composed of the 42 largest listed European financial institutions, data from 2004 to 2013 (i.e., 420 firm-year observations) and manually collected CSA disclosure information, our findings indicate that entities rewarded for their CSR initiatives are also those that engage in significant CSA. We also find that CSA disclosure reported in the social reports of financial institutions is a predictor for the attainment of a CSR award, whereas that reported in annual reports is not. Our findings suggest that annual and social reports have a different informative relevance, at least in relation to CSR initiatives in the form of CSA, for the stakeholders of financial institutions. Thus, our results provide useful insights for companies’ communication strategies showing, for example, that social reports are the best channel to communicate about CSA.  相似文献   
This paper examines the role of the board of directors in influencing the value of Italian listed firms from 2003 to 2013. In particular, employing agency, stewardship and resource dependence theories, the study aims to compare board characteristics in family and non-family firms and define the theory that best applies to family firms. Empirical results show that the presence of CEO duality and busy directors has a positive effect on the value of family firms, while gender diversity has a negative impact on the value when a member of the family leads a family firm. Conversely, the size of the board positively affects the value of non-family firms. Our main findings suggest the prevalence, in family firms, of the benefits of the board structure argued by stewardship and resource dependence theories rather than the disadvantages expected from agency theory.  相似文献   
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