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Gholamhossein Mehralian;Hossein Heidarian Ghaleh;Peng Wang;Mohammad Moradi; 《英国管理杂志》2024,35(3):1247-1261
Prioritizing human resource (HR) practices has been found to improve innovation outcomes in organizations. However, most previous studies have concentrated on internal mechanisms, leaving a gap in our understanding of how HR practices facilitate organizations in adapting external knowledge and technology to drive innovation. To bridge this research gap, we study the mediating role of employees’ innovative work behaviour (IWB) and an organization's capacity for learning and transformation (CLT) in the relationship between HR practices that strengthen intellectual capital (IC) and product innovation. The hypotheses were tested using a time-lagged design and survey data from the healthcare industry collected over three waves. The findings indicate that employees' IWB mediates the relationship between IC-enhancing HR practices and the organization's CLT. IC-enhancing HR practices are also associated with product innovation through the serial mediation effects of IWB and CLT. The study also highlights the moderating role of transformational leadership in the indirect relationship between IC-enhancing HR practices and the organization's CLT via IWB. This research demonstrates that HR systems, although internally designed, can capture external transformations. Moreover, it emphasizes the importance of the combined impact of well-designed HR systems and leadership for driving innovation. 相似文献
We consider a firm's production and sales decisions for an age-based product whose value increases with ageing (e.g., whisky, wine, and cheese). The firm has been selling a younger-aged product but is considering introducing a new product by setting some of its production aside to age longer (in the “maturation” process). With a fixed production capacity dictated by the “distilling” process that takes place before the maturation process, the firm needs to decide if and when to sell different aged products as partial substitutes. Specifically, the firm must decide, period by period, how much, if any, of its younger-aged product to set aside for additional ageing. Because the younger product has been selling for some time, the firm knows its market size. For the new product, we consider two scenarios in which the market size is either: (1) known (deterministic) or (2) not yet fully known (stochastic). For the deterministic market size scenario, we provide an analytic solution to the infinite horizon problem and show that the optimal fraction of production reserved for additional ageing increases and converges to a steady-state solution with a closed-form expression. Though our model is dynamic, we show that a static policy, which is easy to compute and is intuitively appealing, performs quite well. For the stochastic market size scenario, we show that a “certainty equivalence” policy is optimal under reasonable conditions, and near-optimal when these conditions do not hold. Hence the stochastic problem is effectively equivalent to the deterministic market size case. We also examine the case when the production process is subject to a deterministic yield loss and obtain similar structural results. 相似文献
Mehdi Nakhodaeezadeh Mohammad Asghari Jafarabadi Hossein Matlabi Fatemeh Raeesi Dehkordi 《Journal of Housing for the Elderly》2017,31(3):272-285
In this cross-sectional study, we tested the relationship between sociophysical environment, quality of life (QOL), and perceived social support among elderly in Iran. The sample includes 128 participants recruited in the city of Shahrekord, Iran. We measured Evaluation of Older People Living Environment (EVOLVE); Control, Autonomy, Self-realization and Pleasure scale (CASP-19) and Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) tools respectively, through home-based observation and interview. A significant relationship was found between several domains of home environment, QOL, and perceived social support. The interaction effect of the home environment and gender in relation to QOL and perceived social support was statistically significant. Our results support that the home physical environment may not be considered a strong predictor of QOL among the Iranian elderly. 相似文献
AbstractSince 11 September 2001 Muslim Diasporas have emerged as objects of anxiety in Western societies. Underlying this (in)security-driven problematisation is the question of whether Muslims living in the West have the capacity to become fully active citizens while maintaining their religious beliefs, rituals and practices. This apprehension has prompted reactionary government programmes, particularly targeting young Muslims. Such responses fail to recognise the societal capacities that practising Muslims possess, including those informed by the ethical precepts of Islamic faith. This paper argues that it is timely to explore expressions of Islamic religiosity as they are grounded in everyday multicultural environments. The paper draws on survey data and interviews conducted with Muslims living in Melbourne, Australia. We take into consideration key variables of age and generation to highlight how young, practising Muslims enact citizenship through Islamic rituals and faith-based practices and traditions. The paper will draw from key findings to argue that these performances provide a foundation for exploring ways of ‘living’ together in a manner that privileges ethics central to Islamic faith traditions. 相似文献
Hossein Nadeb 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2020,49(17):4333-4346
AbstractThe transmuted-G model is a useful technique to construct some new distributions by adding a parameter. This paper considers stochastic comparisons in the transmuted-G family with different parameters and different baseline distributions in the sense of the usual stochastic, shifted stochastic, proportional stochastic and shifted proportional stochastic orders. Also, we present a necessary and sufficient condition for existence of the moments of the transmuted-G model and then we obtain some bounds for the survival and aging intensity functions of the transmuted-G model conditioned on its parameter and its baseline distribution. 相似文献
We know that when currencies are perfect substitutes, exchange rates could become indeterminate. We show that even when currencies are less than perfect substitutes exchange rates could display volatility unrelated to economic fundamentals. With increases in currency substitution: (1) the exchange rate becomes more sensitive to changes in economic fundamentals, increasing its volatility; (2) the exchange rate could become indeterminate, and it is more likely to become so if governments pursue similar monetary policies; (3) currencies with high nominal interest rates would decline significantly and the exchange rate becomes more sensitive to changes in the supply of those currencies. 相似文献
Seyed Hossein Mohaqeqi Kamal Mehdi Basakha Gholamreza Ghaedamini Harouni 《Social indicators research》2018,137(3):1061-1072
This paper employs a multidimensional index for assessing women’s well-being in Iranian provinces using demographic and health survey macro data. Besides economic status as a traditional dimension for objective well-being, other factors such as health, education, risk, and technology as well as self-reported life satisfaction and happiness (psychological well-being) have been included as non-material well-being dimensions. We found that the values of women’s well-being are distributed unequally across the provinces. Southern provinces demonstrate the worst performances and central provinces have the best. Generally, Iranian women are in poor condition in terms of economic variables (e.g. income and participation in the job market), psychological well-being (life satisfaction), HIV literacy, use of the internet, and access to mass media. On the other hand, in recent years, they have made significant progress in education (such as the rate of literacy, high school degree), and health (safe pregnancy care and nutritional supplements). 相似文献
While there has been considerable research on the analysis of extreme values and outliers by using heavy-tailed distributions, little is known about the semi-heavy-tailed behaviors of data when there are a few suspicious outliers. To address the situation where data are skewed possessing semi-heavy tails, we introduce two new skewed distribution families of the hyperbolic secant with exciting properties. We extend the semi-heavy-tailedness property of data to a linear regression model. In particular, we investigate the asymptotic properties of the ML estimators of the regression parameters when the error term has a semi-heavy-tailed distribution. We conduct simulation studies comparing the ML estimators of the regression parameters under various assumptions for the distribution of the error term. We also provide three real examples to show the priority of the semi-heavy-tailedness of the error term comparing to heavy-tailedness. Online supplementary materials for this article are available. All the new proposed models in this work are implemented by the shs R package, which can be found on the GitHub webpage. 相似文献
Hossein Boojari Majid Jafari Khaledi Firoozeh Rivaz 《Statistical Methods and Applications》2016,25(1):55-73
In spatial statistics, models are often constructed based on some common, but possible restrictive assumptions for the underlying spatial process, including Gaussianity as well as stationarity and isotropy. However, these assumptions are frequently violated in applied problems. In order to simultaneously handle skewness and non-homogeneity (i.e., non-stationarity and anisotropy), we develop the fixed rank kriging model through the use of skew-normal distribution for its non-spatial latent variables. Our approach to spatial modeling is easy to implement and also provides a great flexibility in adjusting to skewed and large datasets with heterogeneous correlation structures. We adopt a Bayesian framework for our analysis, and describe a simple MCMC algorithm for sampling from the posterior distribution of the model parameters and performing spatial prediction. Through a simulation study, we demonstrate that the proposed model could detect departures from normality and, for illustration, we analyze a synthetic dataset of CO\(_2\) measurements. Finally, to deal with multivariate spatial data showing some degree of skewness, a multivariate extension of the model is also provided. 相似文献
Nagesh N. Murthy Haikady N. Nagaraja Hossein Rikhtehgar Berenji 《Production and Operations Management》2023,32(3):951-971
Aggressive overlapping of stochastic activities during phases of vaccine development has been critical to making effective vaccines for COVID-19 available to the public, at “pandemic” speed. In cyclical projects wherein activities can be overlapped, downstream tasks may need rework on account of having commenced prior to receiving requisite information that is only available upon completion of upstream task(s). We provide a framework to understand the interplay between stochastic overlap duration and rework due to overlap, and its impact on minimizing expected completion time for a cyclical project. We motivate the problem using the new paradigm for planning vaccine development projects. It best exemplifies features and scenarios in our model that were not considered and are also not apparent in the examples for cyclical development projects in the literature focused on engineered and manufactured products. We find that planning overlapping in scenarios that may be deemed ineffective with an assumption of deterministic tasks, can actually be beneficial when analyzed using stochastic task duration. We determine optimal planned start times for stochastic tasks as a function of a parameter that proxies for the extent of net gain/loss from overlap to minimize expected completion time for the project. We show that in situations with a net gain from overlap it is optimal to start the downstream task concurrently unless the downstream task does not stochastically dominate the upstream task and the net gain from overlap is not low enough. However, in situations with a net loss from overlap it is always optimal to have some degree of overlap in a stochastic task environment. We find that project rescheduling flexibility is always beneficial in a scenario with net loss from overlap and only beneficial in a scenario with net gain from overlap when the downstream task does not stochastically dominate the upstream task and the net gain from overlap is high enough. Our results on overlapping in 1-to-1, 1-to-n, and n-to-1 stochastic task configurations guide the development of an effective heuristic. Our heuristic offers good solution quality and is scalable to large networks as its computational complexity is linear in the number of tasks. 相似文献