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Health researchers have investigated the association between racial segregation and racial health disparities with multilevel approaches. This study systematically reviews these multilevel studies and identifies broad trends and potential directions for future research on racial segregation and health disparities in the US. After searching databases including CINAHL and MEDLINE, we systematically reviewed 66 articles published between 2003 and 2019 and found four major gaps in racial/ethnic segregation and health disparities: (a) the concept of segregation was rarely operationalized at the neighborhood level, (b) except for the evenness and exposure dimension, other dimensions of segregation are overlooked, (c) little attention was paid to the segregation between whites and non‐black minorities, particularly Hispanics and Asians, and (d) mental health outcomes were largely absent. Future directions and opportunities include: First, other segregation dimensions should be explored. Second, the spatial scales for segregation measures should be clarified. Third, the theoretical frameworks for black and non‐black minorities should be tested. Fourth, mental health, substance use, and the use of mental health care should be examined. Fifth, the long‐term health effect of segregation has to be investigated, and finally, other competing explanations for why segregation matters at the neighborhood level should be answered. 相似文献
This study introduces the referent network, the set of relations defined by knowing others reward levels, and makes initial predictions about how the structure of that network shapes perceptions of income fairness. Previous research recognizes that justice assessments are driven by social comparisons; yet there is a paucity of research on how the structure of interpersonal contacts shapes justice assessments. Using a social networks perspective, the arguments here suggest that the referent network affects social comparisons, which in turn affect justice assessments of rewards. This reasoning is also integrated with the notion that people make both local and referential comparisons when determining their just rewards. An experiment evaluates these arguments. Results show support for the argument linking network structures to justice assessments and partial support for the extension to local and referential comparisons. Supplemental analyses show how reward levels qualify the arguments. Implications and directions for future research are discussed. 相似文献
Seong-Hoon Cho Dayton M. Lambert Hyun Jae Kim Seung Gyu Kim 《Journal of Family and Economic Issues》2009,30(2):126-136
The relationship between academic achievement and being overweight among South Korean high school students was examined. Data
used in the regression were from the Korean Education and Employment Panel Survey. The theoretical framework that poor school
performance increases the risk of adolescents’ being overweight, which, in turn, causes poor school performance, was supported.
With no other direct or indirect association between weight and achievement, an overweight high school student’s poor performance
in school was assumed to be a function of the psychosocial well-being variables and self-concern about weight. A simultaneous-equation
regression model that endogenized the likelihood an individual is classified as overweight (a binary variable) and the performance
of that individual on the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) incorporates the unobserved psychosocial well-being correlated
with both school grades and being overweight.
Seong-Hoon Cho has been employed as Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville since July 2004. Dr. Cho received his Ph.D. in Resource and Environmental Economics from Oregon State University. He has developed research in the area of natural resource and environmental management focusing on the application of spatial econometrics to the issues of urban-rural fringe and policy options. Dayton M. Lambert is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics, the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Dr. Lambert’s research focuses on the development of models to understand the dynamics of spatial economies, trends in demographic migration, industry clustering, and business location decisions as they pertain to rural economic development. He teaches an undergraduate class in rural economic development. Hyun Jae Kim is a Senior Researcher in Korea Energy Economics Institute. He received his Ph.D. in Economics from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Seung Gyu Kim is a Ph.D. student in Natural Resources with concentration in Natural Resource Economics at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. His areas of interest lie in the area of natural resource and environmental economics, land economics, and spatial econometrics. 相似文献
Seung Gyu KimEmail: |
Seong-Hoon Cho has been employed as Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville since July 2004. Dr. Cho received his Ph.D. in Resource and Environmental Economics from Oregon State University. He has developed research in the area of natural resource and environmental management focusing on the application of spatial econometrics to the issues of urban-rural fringe and policy options. Dayton M. Lambert is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics, the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Dr. Lambert’s research focuses on the development of models to understand the dynamics of spatial economies, trends in demographic migration, industry clustering, and business location decisions as they pertain to rural economic development. He teaches an undergraduate class in rural economic development. Hyun Jae Kim is a Senior Researcher in Korea Energy Economics Institute. He received his Ph.D. in Economics from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Seung Gyu Kim is a Ph.D. student in Natural Resources with concentration in Natural Resource Economics at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. His areas of interest lie in the area of natural resource and environmental economics, land economics, and spatial econometrics. 相似文献
Marriage for same-sex couples was only permitted in a limited number of states prior to the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2015 decision in Obergefell v. Hodges. We exploit panel variation across states prior to the Supreme Court decision to investigate the effect of marriage laws on demand for mortgage credit. Identification relies on the fact that states permitted same-sex marriage at different points in time, often through court order whereby the outcome and timing of ruling was unknown. We estimate that states permitting same-sex marriage experienced a 6–16% increase in same-sex mortgage applications after the policy was implemented. Federal recognition of marriage is associated with a stronger effect than state same-sex marriage prior to the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, but the effect of state-recognized marriage is also stronger than anti-discrimination policies in housing. Our findings provide important insight not only to the housing choices of same-sex households but the impact of marriage on all households. 相似文献
Objective: To determine whether radical prostatetomy (RP) is suitable for prostate cancer patients with age ≥75 years in comparison to primary androgen deprivation therapy (PADT).Patients and methods: A cohort study was conducted in clinically localized prostate cancer patients with ≥75 years of age who underwent RP or PADT at six institutions from 2005 to 2013. Patients who had less than 12 months of follow-up, or received neoadjuvant or adjuvant therapy were excluded. We compared clinical characteristics, cancer-specific and overall survivals, and post-treatment complication rates between two groups.Results: We included 92 and 99 patients in the RP and PADT groups, respectively. In survival analyses, there were no significant differences in cancer-specific and overall survivals (p?=?.302 and .995, respectively). The incidence of serious adverse events (cardio- or cerebrovascular event, or bone fracture) was higher in the PADT group (p?=?.001). Multivariable analysis showed that PADT had a worse effect on the serious adverse events (OR 10.12, p?=?.038).Conclusions: In selected elderly patients, RP was safe and effective for treatment of localized prostate cancer, as compared to PADT. Surgical treatment options should be considered in elderly patients with respect to life expectancy, rather than chronological age. 相似文献
This study examined the effects of job stress and daily stress on depressive symptoms and the role of resilience as a moderator among low-wage workers in South Korea. Using purposive sampling, we analysed 254 low-wage workers of private-sector organisations in Seoul and Gyeong-gi province. Results indicated that age, self-rated health, job stress, and daily stress were significant predictors of depressive symptoms, and the moderating effect of resilience was significant only for the relationship between daily stress and depressive symptoms. Findings suggest the significance of using different approaches to manage job stress and daily stress, which in turn will affect low-wage workers’ mental health. 相似文献
Kristin Park 《Sociological inquiry》2005,75(3):372-402
There has been little in‐depth theoretical study in sociology of the motives of women and men who are childless by choice. This article begins to remedy this deficiency by analyzing the motives articulated by twenty‐three childless women and men using Weber's typology of social action and distinction between primary and end motives. In‐depth interview and focus group data reveal that, compared to men, women more often were affected by the parenting models of significant others, saw parenting as conflicting with career and leisured identities, and claimed the lack of a “maternal instinct” or disinterest in children as dominant influences. Men more explicitly than women rejected parenthood because of its perceived sacrifices, including financial expense. Both women and men were motivated by personality traits that they deemed incongruent with good parenting. Declared motives especially demonstrated instrumentally rational action in Weber's schema, although affectual and value‐rational actions also were present. Respondent motives are compared to those that they, and empirical studies, have attributed to parents. 相似文献
Statistics and Computing - We propose a method for inference on moderately high-dimensional, nonlinear, non-Gaussian, partially observed Markov process models for which the transition density is... 相似文献
This study is the first to evaluate the effect of sources of information on households’ consistency between their risk attitude when making savings and investment decisions and risk behavior displayed when they do save and invest. As the responsibility is being shifted to individuals to save for their own financial future, it is important that individuals and households save and invest in a manner that is consistent with their financial risk tolerance. Financial planners were found to provide significant value to households on the consistency of their financial risk attitude and behavior. The implications of this work are far-reaching in the financial planning arena. 相似文献