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Asymptotic distributions of maximum likelihood estimators for the parameters in explosive growth curve models are derived. Limit distributions of prediction errors when the parameters are estimated are also obtained. The growth curve models are viewed as multivariate time-series models, and the usual time-series methods are used for prediction. Estimation constrained by a hypothesis of homogeneity of growth rates is also considered.  相似文献   
Composite samples are formed by physically mixing samples. Usually, composite samples are used to reduce the overall cost associated with analytical procedures that must be performed on each sample, but they can also be used to protect the privacy of individuals.

Composite sampling can reduce the cost of identifying individual cases that have a certain trait, such as those with a rare disease or those exceeding pollution-level standards. Not much is lost by applying this method as long as the trait is relatively rare.

Composite sampling can reduce the cost of estimating the mean of some process. When samples are composited, the ability to estimate the variance is lost. In spite of this, the potential savings are so great that composite samples have been used.

Much of this paper deasl with the variance of estimators based on composite sampling when the porportions of hte original samples comprising the composite sample are actually random. Taking repeated samples and measurements on several composite samples complicates the prodcedure, but allows the estimation of between and within variation as well as measurement error.  相似文献   
A procedure for estimating power in conjunction with the Hotelling-Lawley trace is developed. By approximating a non-central Wishart distribution with a central Wishart, and using McKeon's (1974) F-type approximation, a relatively simple procedure for obtaining power estimates is obtained. The accuracy of the approximation is investigated by comparing the approximate results with those for a wide range of conditions given in Olson's (1973) extensive Monte Carlo study. Siotani's (1971) asymptotic expansion is used to provide further comparative assessments. It is demonstrated that the approximation is of sufficient accuracy to be used in practical applications.  相似文献   
Given data from a weakly stationary stochastic process in discrete time, and any L-step ahead linear predictor estimated from that data, we will construct an approximately unbiased estimator of the resulting mean squared error of L-step ahead linear prediction. The motivation for the estimator is based on frequency domain cross-validation, and hence the range of validity and applicability of the resulting selection method is not limited by particular assumptions about the structure of the underlying stochastic process or the form of the fitted linear predictors. We also propose a new frequency domain predictor fitting method. The method provides a natural finite-past analog to the existing spectral factorization techniques, and it compares favorably with the existing techniques, both asymptotically and for finite samples. In a Monte Carlo study, we compare several predictor selection methods, at lead times one and five. The performance criterion used is the mean squared prediction error of the selected predictor. The new selection methods work well, and a comparison of results for the two different lead times underscores the need for tailoring the selection criterion to suit the lead time.  相似文献   
In this paper, the bootstrap method of Efron (1979) is given for a ranking and a slippage problem, where the ranking (or slippage) is with respect to the mean of the distributions. The method is also applied to obtain a confidence interval for the largest mean.  相似文献   
This paper considers procedures for the detection of heteroscedasticity when it occurs at unknown points. First the number of points is assumed known apriori and then this assumption is relaxed so that both the position and the number of possible aberrant observations is unknown. Monte Carlo evidence is provided on the performance of both tests and they are found to perform reasonably.  相似文献   
A simultaneous test for the location and scale parameters of the Cauchy distribution is considered based on selected order statistics.. It is shown that optimum spacings that maximise the Pitman ARE of the test coincide with that of the optimum spacings for the estimation problem.  相似文献   
In this paper, conditions for a set of points to form a rotatable design of order four have been worked out. These condi- tions form the basis for obtaining a set of rotatable designs of order four.  相似文献   
Marginal changes of interacted variables and interaction terms in random parameters ordered response models are calculated incorrectly in econometric softwares. We derive the correct formulas for calculating these marginal changes. In our empirical example, we observe significant changes not only in the magnitude of the marginal effects but also in their standard errors, suggesting that the incorrect estimation of the marginal effects of these variables as is commonly practiced can render biased inferences on the findings.  相似文献   
We extend the average derivatives estimator to the case of functionally dependent regressors. We show that the proposed estimator is consistent and has a limiting normal distribution. A consistent covariance matrix estimator for the proposed estimator is provided.  相似文献   
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