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从"3R"原则出发,建立了生态工业园区评价指标体系,以减量化、再使用、再循环为准则,具体设计了18个评价指标,并使用AHP层次分析法,通过专家打分,建立了两两比较判断矩阵,通过一致性检验得到各指标要素权重,为生态工业园区的评价建立了指标体系。研究表明:减量化是实现生态工业园区"3R"循环经济的首要条件,在较少的资源投入下最大实现效益,通过消耗更少资源,实现可持续发展,从而推动经济、环境、社会的协调发展。 相似文献
Nina Toren 《Gender Issues》2009,26(2):152-166
Ethnicity, gender and class are the major factors of social inequality and have been studied extensively leading to a large
literature pertaining to each one of them. The issue of the intersection of ethnicity, gender and class has been introduced
into the social sciences by feminist critical theory. Intersection theory postulates that minority groups are discriminated
against on the basis of more than one characteristic which are “inextricably tied” leading to complex forms of inequality
in various social domains. This study examines the intertwined effects of these factors as they are experienced and narrated
by Mizrachi women (19) who are employed in universities and colleges. Although the intersection approach is generally supported
by the data it was found that under certain conditions ethnicity, gender and class may be separated. One type of decomposition
is when one identity encroaches upon another or others; the second is the separation of diverse identities assigning them
to different life areas. These change processes do not support stereotypical dichotomies between Ashkenazi and Mizrachi, women
and men and so on, and enable the creation of new hybrid identities.
Nina Toren is professor of sociology in the School of Business Administration, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She holds a B.A. and M.A. from the Hebrew University, and a Ph.D. degree from Columbia University in New York. She is the author of Social Work: The Case of a Semi-Profession, Science in Cultural Context: Soviet Scientists in Comparatrive Perspective, Hurdles in the Halls of Science: The Israeli Case, and articles on immigrant scientists, professionals in organizations and women in nontraditional occupations. She was Chair of the Committee of Women’s Representation in the Civil Service, and the Committee for the Advancement of Women in Academia. 相似文献
Nina TorenEmail: |
Nina Toren is professor of sociology in the School of Business Administration, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She holds a B.A. and M.A. from the Hebrew University, and a Ph.D. degree from Columbia University in New York. She is the author of Social Work: The Case of a Semi-Profession, Science in Cultural Context: Soviet Scientists in Comparatrive Perspective, Hurdles in the Halls of Science: The Israeli Case, and articles on immigrant scientists, professionals in organizations and women in nontraditional occupations. She was Chair of the Committee of Women’s Representation in the Civil Service, and the Committee for the Advancement of Women in Academia. 相似文献
针对CCD图或红外热像图人脸识别方法的局限性,本文从多传感器图像融合技术出发。采用基于CCD图与红外热像图决策级融合的人脸识别方法,并建立了一个800幅的人脸图像库,进行人脸识别实验。实验表明:基于决策融合的人脸识别方法比单纯的CCD图或红外热像图人脸识别方法,具有更高的识别率。 相似文献
吴白音那 《内蒙古农业大学学报(社会科学版)》2011,13(1):160-161
定语是英蒙语句子的重要组成部分.而英语定语的习得亦是蒙古族英语学习者和英蒙翻译者的难点之一。本文对英蒙双语的定语从成分、位置、语序等方面来进行比较,以期找出英蒙两种语言的定语成分的异同.使蒙古族英语学习者对英蒙定语表达的异同有较全面的认识和理解,从而更好地促进英语定语的习得,有效提高蒙古族英语学习者的英语学习效率。 相似文献
吴靖 《常州工学院学报(社会科学版)》2011,29(3)
提出了成语广告的新内涵;全面系统地归纳了成语广告有三大类七小类表现形式;指出并简要分析了成语广告运用了九种修辞格;从修辞心理的角度分析了成语广告吸引公众眼球、凸显广告意图的深层原因;指出并剖析了谐音成语广告的修辞影响。 相似文献
在毕业设计中应用计算机是经济社会发展对工程教育的必然要求.文章阐述了土木工程专业学生在毕业设计中对计算机的应用,分析了目前在毕业设计中应用计算机存在的问题,提出了在毕业设计中合理利用计算机的一些对策和措施. 相似文献
基于危机管理理论的高校安全管理模式研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
随着中国高等教育的发展,高校办学规模急剧扩大,高校安全管理工作的重要性日益凸显。将危机管理的理论与高校安全管理工作的实践相结合,在整体防范的基础上,通过制度化的手段,将完备的预防机制、高效的协调机制和广泛的参与机制进行有效整合,从而构建校园安全管理的长效机制,是消除和减少高校中潜在和已爆发危机的不良影响、为高校师生打造和谐平安的校园的重要途径。 相似文献
30多年的改革进程在推动中国经济繁荣的同时,也生产出了规模庞大的底层社会,这客观上要求一种从底层出发观察中国社会的新视角。在针对当前我国社会结构的主流讨论中,学者们普遍承认底层存在的事实,并以贫困的农民、进城农民工及下岗失业工人为其构成主体,表现底层的结构主体性。当面对自身利益遭受侵害的困境,底层群体也会奋起反抗,通过一系列维权策略的建构和行动资源的调用展现出极强的主体性行动力量。社会整体必须对底层进行积极的回应,要通过制度改革和社会建设消减底层,制度化底层的利益表达通道,并将底层有效地组织起来。 相似文献
现阶段农地使用制度创新的发展趋势主要有制度创新方式的诱致性与强制性相结合,创新模式的多元化,创新手段的有效性,制度供需均衡性等。农地使用制度创新需要一些配套制度与宏观环境的保障,主要有工业化、城镇化的发展,农地租赁市场的完善,建立农村社会保障体系,破解城乡分割的二元社会体制等一系列相互关联的系统工程。 相似文献
江莹 《南京理工大学学报(社会科学版)》2006,19(4):47-50
绿色社区是指具备了一定的符合环保要求的硬件设施、建立了较完善的环境管理体系和公众参与机制的社区,其目的是通过政府与民间组织、公众的合作,把环境管理纳入社区管理,建立社区层面的公众参与机制。本文从政府主导、公众参与、宣传教育等角度分析了绿色社区的作用特点,从政府引导、利益追求、责任分担等视角阐述了绿色社区建设的动力机制。 相似文献