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The market‐based adjustable contract for customized goods or services has emerged in outsourcing practices. Its objective is to minimize the operational risks inherent in today's volatile environment of operations. Our research reveals several important properties of this contract through a continuous‐time analytical approach. Specifically, we consider the determination of this contract between two risk‐averse firms through a Nash bargaining process. We derive the optimal adjusting mechanism analytically and extensively analyze the application boundary of the market‐based adjustable outsourcing contract. We conclude by discussing implications for practice and research.  相似文献   
经济转型时期,市场机制与政策机制呈现出共存性与互补性特征.本文以泛长三角地区农业龙头企业为样本,通过构建以动态能力为中介变量的理论模型,实证检验了市场导向、政策导向与农业企业绩效的关系.结果显示,(1)市场导向与企业绩效有显著正相关关系,这种关系可以是直接的也可以是间接的,政策导向与企业绩效有显著的直接正相关关系;(2)动态能力在市场导向与企业绩效关系之间起着部分中介作用,但在政策导向与企业绩效之间的中介作用不显著;(3)市场导向与政策导向对农业企业绩效的影响具有结构差异性,市场导向程度高的企业长期绩效较好,政策导向程度高的企业短期绩效较好,具备双重导向的企业长短期绩效均较好.  相似文献   
尽管转型经济下的中国企业战略管理日益成为国内外学者关注的前沿领域,但在这一领域国内外研究仍然缺乏有效的联系和沟通.对于国外学者已有的研究成果,我国战略研究学者至今还缺少全面认识和深入梳理.为了弥补这一缺憾,本文通过广泛搜集1978年至2008年30年间国际优秀期刊上发表的、研究转型经济下中国企业战略问题的英文文献,评价了其文献数量变化、期刊、学者和机构的贡献以及研究主题、研究理论基础、采用的研究方法及研究风格,提炼和分析了国外学者在中国企业战略研究中的成果和观点,最后对未来本土学者如何实现将研究与国际接轨、突出自身研究特色提出了相关看法和建议.  相似文献   
Prediction of natural disasters and their consequences is difficult due to the uncertainties and complexity of multiple related factors. This article explores the use of domain knowledge and spatial data to construct a Bayesian network (BN) that facilitates the integration of multiple factors and quantification of uncertainties within a consistent system for assessment of catastrophic risk. A BN is chosen due to its advantages such as merging multiple source data and domain knowledge in a consistent system, learning from the data set, inference with missing data, and support of decision making. A key advantage of our methodology is the combination of domain knowledge and learning from the data to construct a robust network. To improve the assessment, we employ spatial data analysis and data mining to extend the training data set, select risk factors, and fine‐tune the network. Another major advantage of our methodology is the integration of an optimal discretizer, informative feature selector, learners, search strategies for local topologies, and Bayesian model averaging. These techniques all contribute to a robust prediction of risk probability of natural disasters. In the flood disaster's study, our methodology achieved a better probability of detection of high risk, a better precision, and a better ROC area compared with other methods, using both cross‐validation and prediction of catastrophic risk based on historic data. Our results suggest that BN is a good alternative for risk assessment and as a decision tool in the management of catastrophic risk.  相似文献   
A two-agent scheduling problem on parallel machines is considered. Our objective is to minimize the makespan for agent A, subject to an upper bound on the makespan for agent B. When the number of machines, denoted by \(m\), is chosen arbitrarily, we provide an \(O(n)\) algorithm with performance ratio \(2-\frac{1}{m}\), i.e., the makespan for agent A given by the algorithm is no more than \(2-\frac{1}{m}\) times the optimal value, while the makespan for agent B is no more than \(2-\frac{1}{m}\) times the threshold value. This ratio is proved to be tight. Moreover, when \(m=2\), we present an \(O(nlogn)\) algorithm with performance ratio \(\frac{1+\sqrt{17}}{4}\approx 1.28\) which is smaller than \(\frac{3}{2}\). The ratio is weakly tight.  相似文献   
Of the 324 petroleum refineries operating in the U.S. in 1982, only 149 were still in the hands of their original owners in 2007. Using duration analysis, this paper explores why refineries change ownership or shut down. Plants are more likely to ‘survive’ with their original owners if they are older or larger, but less likely if the owner is a major integrated firm, or the refinery is a more technologically complex one. This latter result differs from existing research on the issue. This paper also presents a split population model to relax the general assumption of the duration model that all refiners will eventually close down; the empirical results show that the split population model converges on a standard hazard model; the log-logistic version fits best. Finally, a multinomial logit model is estimated to analyze the factors that influence the refinery plant's choices of staying open, closing, or changing ownership. Plant size, age and technology usage have positive impacts on the likelihood that a refinery will stay open, or change ownership (rather than close down).  相似文献   
给出了求解常系数线性齐次微分方程组和常系数线性齐次差分方程组的一个方法,指出了这两种方程组之间存在的一个有趣关系.  相似文献   
研究了平角涡虫(Planocerareticulata)脑神经节胆碱酯酶的组织化学定位.结果表明,胆碱酯酶阳性细胞分别分布于脑神经节的吻端腹侧面、前腹侧面、中央腹侧面和后背侧面的细胞层中,各阳性细胞在脑神经节中均为左右对称分布.前腹侧面阳性细胞的突起向背内侧延伸,经交叉后进入对侧纤维网中;中央腹侧面阳性细胞的突起向中线延伸形成联系;后背侧阳性细胞的突起向腹外侧延伸进入同侧纤维网中.神经节中央的神经纤维网中具有丰富的阳性纤维,前部反应较强,后端反应较弱.由脑神经节发出的各神经干均呈胆碱酯酶阳性反应.  相似文献   
和其他政党相比较,中国共产党具有不同于一般政党的独特样态,它们集中诠释着党的独特优势和优良品质。党的独特性蕴含在党的历史使命与行动价值之中,同时也通过具体的政党行为映现出来。党的独特性主要表现为具有彻底的自我革命性、博大的人类情怀、超越自我的牺牲精神、高度的政党纯洁性以及非凡的红色政党气质等。党的独特性的生成具有复杂性,是内在与外在因素、历史和时代环境以及国内和国际条件等共同作用的集合体。党的独特性源于无产阶级政党的特殊基因,是对党的百年政治实践的能动反映,是党持续拓展政党功能的集中显现,更是党有效应对百年复杂世界体系的结果。  相似文献   
开启全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程是新时代的战略安排,是中国共产党确立的伟大目标。构建科学合理的中国式现代化指数及其评估指标体系,对以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴意义重大。结合中国式现代化的内涵及其五大特征,按照党的二十大报告的总体框架构建中国式现代化指数评估指标体系,指标体系共囊括“经济现代化”“科教现代化”“政治现代化”“法治现代化”“文化现代化”“社会现代化”“生态现代化”“国家安全、国防与军队现代化”“和平发展现代化”和“党的建设现代化”等10个一级指标,以及41个二级指标,分别从主观、客观两个维度设置130个三级基本指标和特色指标,进而深入分析指标的基本构成及测算方法等。中国式现代化指数系统回答了什么是中国式现代化,应该以什么样的标准或指标对中国式现代化进行测量。在此基础上,从中国式现代化建设成效、党委政府业绩考核等多个维度探讨中国式现代化指数的应用前景。  相似文献   
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