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A special class of supersaturated design, called marginally over saturated design (MOSD), in which the number of variables under investigation (k) is only slightly larger than the number of experimental runs (n), is presented. Several optimality criteria for supersaturated designs are discussed. It is shown that the resolution rank criterion is most appropriate for screening situations. The construction method builds on two major theorems which provide an efficient way to evaluate resolution rank. Examples are given for the cases n=8, 12, 16, and 20. Potential extensions for future work are discussed.  相似文献   
Various influence measures are discussed for sensitivity analysis in factor analysis. The internal norm is used to characterize the vector-valued influence curves in factor analysis. Influence curves for the chi-square goodness of fit test, and the determinants of the model covariance matrix and unique variance matrix are derived. They are found to have simple formulas which are easy to be interpreted and have nice distributions for calibration. The likelihood displacement is also applied to sensitivity analysis in maximum likelihood factor analysis.  相似文献   
Simultaneous estimation of means of several variables is considered for finite population in presence of non-response. Two types of nonresponses (partial and complete) are considered using the technique of sampling and subsampling with equal probabilities without replacement. The optimum sample size and the optimum value of subsampling fraction to be repeated from the nonresponding units of the sample have been obtained for fixed survey budget.  相似文献   
For the balanced variance component model when the intraclass correlation coefficient is of interest, Bayesian analysis is often appropriate. Berger and Bernardo’s (1992a) grouped ordering reference prior approach is used to analyze this model. The reference priors are developed and compared for the posterior inference with real and simulated data. We examine whether the reference priors satisfy the probability-matching criterion. Further, the reference prior is shown to be good in the sense of correct frequentist coverage probability of the posterior quantile.  相似文献   
In this article, a test for exponentiality against gamma DFR alternative based on a quadratic form of the logarithmic observations is proposed. The percentage points and the power of the test are computed through Monte-Carlo simulation. The test is seen to perform well as compared to a chi-square test proposed by Bain and Engelhardt(1975).  相似文献   
A reconciliation is offered for the diverse test results on Friedman's permanent income hypothesis. A large data sample of those receiving windfall income in the Bureau of Labor Statistics' 1972–1973 Consumer Expenditure Survey is divided according to the size of the windfall relative to estimated permanent income. A pattern of a declining marginal propensity to consume windfall income as the relative size of the windfall increases is apparent. These results support the permanent income hypothesis for relatively large windfalls.  相似文献   
Andrews and Phillips (1986) gave a simplified proof for the result that established the nonnegative definiteness of the difference of the Moore-Penrose inverses of two nonoegative definite matrices, a result originally due to Milliken and Akdeniz (1977), The purpose of this paper is to offer a simple proof for a generalization of this result,  相似文献   
In response surface designs, it is not usually easy to handle the moment matrix X'X, especially for higher orders. This paper presents a method in which the moment matrix of a response surface of any order can be standardized, i.e., X'X splits into a diagonal matrix consisting of sub-matrices of lower order. This eases the calculation of the determinant and the inverse of X'X. The method has been illustrated with applications to second, third and fourth order response surfaces.  相似文献   
In this paper we have proposed chain ratio type estimators for ratio of two population means using two auxiliary characters. The expressions for bias and mean square error of these estimators have been derived. A comparison of the proposed estimator with that of double sampling estimator has been made in terms of mean square error. An emperical study has also been made.  相似文献   
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