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阐述了通用试题库管理系统的总体结构 ,该系统由题库、试卷生成、打印、试卷维护、评估分析、帮助和退出等 7个主控模块组成 .对各子模块功能及主要算法作了详细描述 .采用Foxpro5.0forwindows专业版作为开发环境 ,该系统已在PC机上得以实现  相似文献   
高校如何开展课余体育活动、加强健康体育教育是在职教师关心的课题 .运用文献资料对体育俱乐部的地位、功能以及校园文化和体育文化进行了分析 ,提出了建立高校体育俱乐部的目标、任务及管理方式 .重点阐述了建立体育俱乐部是高校课余体育训练和课余体育锻炼的最好方式 ,在未来的高校体育活动中 ,体育俱乐部将占主导地位 ,从而带动校园文化发展 .  相似文献   
本文从哲学的角度论述了把为人民服务作为我国公民道德建设核心的四大依据,指出了实践为人民服务的思想道德的方法.  相似文献   
如何提高科技论文的审稿质量   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
审稿是对论文稿件质量的全面审查和评价 ,目的是对论文稿件作出公正、准确的评价 ,给编辑部门提供文稿取舍的依据 .审稿过程是一个反复复杂的编辑决策过程 ,审稿质量直接影响科技期刊的学术质量 .从选取审稿人和设计审稿意见书两个方面探讨如何提高审稿质量  相似文献   
儒家有重视教育、尊重知识的优良传统,可以为科技创新提供积累知识的必要的文化土壤.儒家"自强不息"、"变化日新"的精神与当代科技创新不矛盾,并且将在科技创新中表现得更加充分.科技创新将推动儒家文化的现代转换.  相似文献   
We develop a mathematical optimization model at the intersection of homeland security and immigration, that chooses various immigration enforcement decision variables to minimize the probability that a terrorist can successfully enter the United States across the U.S.-Mexico border. Included are a discrete choice model for the probability that a potential alien crosser will attempt to cross the U.S.-Mexico border in terms of the likelihood of success and the U.S. wage for illegal workers, a spatial model that calculates the apprehension probability as a function of the number of crossers, the number of border patrol agents, and the amount of surveillance technology on the border, a queueing model that determines the probability that an apprehended alien will be detained and removed as a function of the number of detention beds, and an equilibrium model for the illegal wage that balances the supply and demand for work and incorporates the impact of worksite enforcement. Our main result is that detention beds are the current system bottleneck (even after the large reduction in detention residence times recently achieved by expedited removal), and increases in border patrol staffing or surveillance technology would not provide any improvements without a large increase in detention capacity. Our model also predicts that surveillance technology is more cost effective than border patrol agents, which in turn are more cost effective than worksite inspectors, but these results are not robust due to the difficulty of predicting human behavior from existing data. Overall, the probability that a terrorist can successfully enter the United States is very high, and it would be extremely costly and difficult to significantly reduce it. We also investigate the alternative objective function of minimizing the flow of illegal aliens across the U.S.-Mexico border, and obtain qualitatively similar results.  相似文献   
本文从发展历程、特色类型、经营方式、政府扶持与规制办法四个方面研究了成都特色乡村旅游的发展模式,分析了成都特色乡村旅游带来的政治、经济、社会、文化效益。指出应加强成都特色乡村旅游的文化内涵,促进其良性发展,优化成都社会主义新农村的建设平台。  相似文献   
汉代画像石 (砖 )有大量的表现汉代妇女生活的画像 ,主要有神话传说中的妇女形象、贵族妇女形象、劳动妇女形象、历史故事中的妇女形象、侍女形象、乐舞百戏中的艺伎形象六种类型 ,在不同程度上反映了汉代妇女在社会生活、生产中的地位。  相似文献   
人工冻结冻施工技术是岩土工程尤其是特殊地质和工程条件下地下工程施工的重要方法之一,但冻胀现象制约了该方法的推广应用。从人工冻土冻胀的影响因素、物理模拟概况、数值模拟现状及冻胀抑制等方面总结归纳了国内外在冻胀及其抑制上的研究成果。  相似文献   
讨论了利用废锌渣制备氯化锌的理论依据、工艺流程、影响因素及控制方法  相似文献   
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