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M-quantile models with application to poverty mapping   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the last decade there has been growing demand for estimates of population characteristics at small area level. Unfortunately, cost constraints in the design of sample surveys lead to small sample sizes within these areas and as a result direct estimation, using only the survey data, is inappropriate since it yields estimates with unacceptable levels of precision. Small area models are designed to tackle the small sample size problem. The most popular class of models for small area estimation is random effects models that include random area effects to account for between area variations. However, such models also depend on strong distributional assumptions, require a formal specification of the random part of the model and do not easily allow for outlier robust inference. An alternative approach to small area estimation that is based on the use of M-quantile models was recently proposed by Chambers and Tzavidis (Biometrika 93(2):255–268, 2006) and Tzavidis and Chambers (Robust prediction of small area means and distributions. Working paper, 2007). Unlike traditional random effects models, M-quantile models do not depend on strong distributional assumption and automatically provide outlier robust inference. In this paper we illustrate for the first time how M-quantile models can be practically employed for deriving small area estimates of poverty and inequality. The methodology we propose improves the traditional poverty mapping methods in the following ways: (a) it enables the estimation of the distribution function of the study variable within the small area of interest both under an M-quantile and a random effects model, (b) it provides analytical, instead of empirical, estimation of the mean squared error of the M-quantile small area mean estimates and (c) it employs a robust to outliers estimation method. The methodology is applied to data from the 2002 Living Standards Measurement Survey (LSMS) in Albania for estimating (a) district level estimates of the incidence of poverty in Albania, (b) district level inequality measures and (c) the distribution function of household per-capita consumption expenditure in each district. Small area estimates of poverty and inequality show that the poorest Albanian districts are in the mountainous regions (north and north east) with the wealthiest districts, which are also linked with high levels of inequality, in the coastal (south west) and southern part of country. We discuss the practical advantages of our methodology and note the consistency of our results with results from previous studies. We further demonstrate the usefulness of the M-quantile estimation framework through design-based simulations based on two realistic survey data sets containing small area information and show that the M-quantile approach may be preferable when the aim is to estimate the small area distribution function.  相似文献   
中央组建各级直属调查队是国务院加强统计工作的一项重大举措,其主要目的是增强国家统计的权威,提高统计的可信性,提高统计数据质量,提高统计工作抗干扰的能力。因为,在实际工作中,对统计的干扰是客观存在的。统计工作只对统计数据的真实性负责,而不能对项目的合法性和合理性负责。为了减少这种干扰,国务院决定把各地的三支国家调查队彻底独立升格,组建垂直国家管理的国家直属调查队,这是我国统计管理体制的重大改革,意义深远。随着时间推移,其作用和影响将会充分体现。一、正确认识局队的任务与职责国家统计局各级调查队既是国家统计局直属…  相似文献   
这里有点像电影《凤凰琴》中的学校,3个教室,5个老师,62个学生分成三个年级(隔年一招生),铁炉子放在每个教室的中间,尽量让它的热量均匀地散发给每一个孩子。校园中除了教室的那排小白房,有三个较高的“建筑物”,一个被风雨侵蚀得裂纹纵  相似文献   
他们身骑战马呼啸而来,一路厮杀,占据了东北亚地区的中心地带,开创了东晋十六国前燕、后燕和北燕近一个世纪的辉煌。  相似文献   
Let mathbbF(2n+d)q2mathbb{F}^{(2nu+delta)}_{q^{2}} be a (2ν+δ)-dimensional unitary space of mathbbFq2mathbb{F}_{q^{2}} , where δ=0 or 1. In this paper we construct a family of inclusion matrices associated with subspaces of mathbbF(2n+d)q2mathbb{F}^{(2nu+delta)}_{q^{2}} , and exhibit its disjunct property. Moreover, we compare the ratio efficiency of this construction with others, and find it smaller under some conditions.  相似文献   
数字娱乐信息产业的特点使其市场运营模式有别于传统娱乐产业.中国数字娱乐信息产业拥有巨大的市场潜力,探索适宜的发展途径是其当务之急.数字娱乐信息产业的高风险性,致使企业往往因营销策略失败而退出市场.缺乏激励的环境和高企的市场集中度是我国产业前进的障碍.网络游戏产业作为数字娱乐信息产业代表,通过对中韩两国数据比较,对目前并存的多种市场运营模式进行实证研究,推导符合中国国情的市场运营模式,从而推动产业发展.  相似文献   
实施党支部"星级"建设、"梯级"管理,一要标准分级、管理分类,创新基层党建模式;二要方法求新、机制求实,增强星级创建活力;三要党政共建、相融共进,促进堡垒作用发挥。  相似文献   
<俄藏黑水城文献>第6册第300页收录有一件编号为иHB.N0.2208的西夏时期汉文文书图版,该书后附的<附录·叙录>有此件文书的介绍,并拟题为<乾祜十四年(1183)安推官文书>,称:西夏写本.西夏文刻本经摺装<大般若波罗蜜多经>卷第一封套裱纸.未染麻纸.高24,宽29-3.多层纸粘叠.共6行.行楷,墨色浓匀.前3行小字,第1行被裁去一半.  相似文献   
新教改与公共教育资源配置:问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由教育资源配置不当导致的教育不公平已经成为制约社会经济发展的亟待解决的问题之一.教育资源配置失当的根源在于转型期效率和管理至上的教育行政化、官僚化的管理体制.新教改的当务之急,是切实转变政府职能,废除教育领域的行政化、官僚化,赋予各级学校办学的自主权;同时还要改革公共财政对教育的投入机制,在高等教育与基础教育领域实行分层分类的办学模式,不断优化教育资源配置.其具体措施包括:名牌学校主要采取自主招考、自主收费等市场化的方式筹资办学,鼓励和促进民间办学;而国家财政则重点投向一般性大中小学、边远贫困地区的学校.至于高等职业教育,则可以采行政府、市场与社会多元投资,以培养适应社会经济发展需要的实用型专业人才.  相似文献   
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