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Majority-in-unit (MIU) and method of majority decision (MMD) voting rules are investigated to determine their impact on the outcome of union elections. A theoretical foundation is established to explain why voters may rationally choose not to vote in these settings. Numerical simulations are employed to compute the probability that the population majority wins the election. The results for these two methods are compared to see which one is most likely to award the election to the true population majority.  相似文献   
Lifetime cancer potency of alfatoxin was assessed based on the Yeh et al. study from China in which both aflatoxin exposure and hepatitis B prevalence were measured. This study provides the best available information for estimating the carcinogenic risk posed by aflatoxin to the U.S. population. Cancer potency of aflatoxin was estimated using a biologically motivated risk assessment model. The best estimate of aflatoxin potency was 9 (mg/kg/day)−1 for individuals negative for hepatitis B and 230 (mg/kg/day)−1 for individuals positive for hepatitis B.  相似文献   
Selon les auteurs de cette communication, les données tirées d'entrevues avec les décideurs et de l'observation participante au processus d'élaboration des politiques militent en faveur d'une interprétation de la politique canadienne de l'immigration qui s'articule autour du rǒle de l'État. Pour eux, l'État est une entitéà double visage, à la fois puissante et vulnérable, et c'est ce caractère double qui conditionne les tendances actuelles en matière de politique de l'immigration. En élaborant sa politique, l'État cherche activement à accroǐtre sa propre légitimité en adoptant des mesures susceptibles de protéger une économie en difficulté, d'éviter les critiques sur la place publique et d'atténuer les conflits sociaux. L'état vise à assurer son hégémonie, en partie grǎce à un dialogue proactif destiné d'une part à recueillir de l'information et à mesurer les appuis et les oppositions, et d'autre part à contrǒler les divers groupes d'intérět. Ainsi, l'État est maǐtre du champ de l'élaboration des politiques, mais c'est un maǐtre qui se méfie des forces politiques qui pourraient miner sa légitimité. D'après les recherches des auteurs, les nouveaux intervenants, dont les groupes ethniques, les organisations humanitaires et les provinces, jouent un rǒle de plus en plus important dans un domaine dominé par 1'État fédéral. Deux intervenants traditionnels, le mouvement ouvrier et le patronat, en sont Venus à des positions considérablement moins polarisées. Le terrain politique est donc mouvant et plutǒt instable en cette époque où les principaux intervenants, y compris l'État, tentent de se réorienter dans un contexte international en pleine mutation. Data from interviews with policy actors and from participant observation of recent policy process support a particular state-centred interpretation of Canadian immigration policy. The state has a Janus-faced character - both powerful and vulnerable - and it is this ‘both-and’ feature which underlies current trends in immigration policy. Findings in this paper indicate that, in developing immigration policy, the state actively seeks to garner support for its own legitimacy by pursuing measures which will shore up the economy, avoid public criticism and mediate social conflict. The state is engaged in a hegemonic project involving a pro-active dialogue to gather information, to monitor support and opposition, and to attempt to control diverse interest groups. In sum, the state is both in control of the policy field and yet wary of political forces which potentially threaten its legitimacy. Our research shows that new social actors -ethnic groups, humanitarian organizations, the provinces - have come to play a more prominent role, within a field dominated by the federal state. Two traditional actors, labour and capital, have moved to less polarized views. The policy arena is shifting and prone to be unstable, as the key actors involved, including the state, struggle to come to terms with a changing global context.  相似文献   
This paper describes an illegal feminist abortion collective [the Service] through whose efforts 11,000 abortions were performed between 1969 and 1973 when abortion was legalized. An analysis of interviews from 32 members of this lay group indicates how and why the collective was so effective in providing what is usually a physician-controlled medical procedure. After describing the structure of the organization and the process by which women obtained the abortion, including pre-abortion counseling and post-abortion follow-up, two sets of reasons for the collective's effectiveness are presented. The first five reasons derive from the interview themselves; they deal with the organization's social and historical context, its illegality, its charismatic leaders, its member satisfaction and its financial self-sufficiency. The next nine reasons deal with factors that make The Service a relatively typical democratic collective organization. The most important of these factors is its lack of concern for organizational survival per se. This account supports the Rothschild-Whitt model for collective democratic organizations. It also suggests that counseling is important both for the providers and for the receivers of abortions.  相似文献   
This paper develops a novel framework to evaluate the integral performance of order picking systems with different combinations of storage and order picking policies. The warehousing literature on order picking mostly considers minimizing either elapsed time or distance as the sole objective, whereas warehouse managers in a supply chain have to look beyond single‐dimensional performance and consider trade‐offs among different criteria. Thus managers still need a unified and efficient framework to select a portfolio of appropriate order picking policies from a multi‐criteria and contextual perspective. Our framework—combining data envelopment analysis, ranking and selection, and multiple comparisons—provides an efficient methodology to simultaneously analyze several interrelated problems in order picking systems with multiple performance attributes, such as service levels and operational costs. We demonstrate our approach through comprehensive evaluations of order picking policies in three low‐level, picker‐to‐parts rectangular warehouses facing demand variations.  相似文献   
The replacement of an existing product with a new one presents many challenges. In particular, uncertainties in a new product introduction often lead to extreme cases of demand and supply mismatches. This paper addresses inventory planning decisions for product upgrades when there is no replenishment opportunity during the transition period. We allow product substitution: when a company runs out of the old product, a customer may be offered the new product as a substitute. We show that the optimal substitution decision is a time‐varying threshold policy and establish the optimal planning policy. Further, we determine the optimal delay in a new product introduction, given the initial inventory of the old product.  相似文献   
By engaging in corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities, companies can not only generate favorable stakeholder attitudes and better support behaviors (e.g. purchase, seeking employment, investing in the company), but also, over the long run, build corporate image, strengthen stakeholder–company relationships, and enhance stakeholders' advocacy behaviors. However, stakeholders' low awareness of and unfavorable attributions towards companies' CSR activities remain critical impediments in companies' attempts to maximize business benefits from their CSR activities, highlighting a need for companies to communicate CSR more effectively to stakeholders. In light of these challenges, a conceptual framework of CSR communication is presented and its different aspects are analyzed, from message content and communication channels to company- and stakeholder-specific factors that influence the effectiveness of CSR communication.  相似文献   
Many Americans do not have access to adequate medical care. Previous research on this problem focuses primarily on individual-level determinants of access such as income and insurance coverage. The role of community-level factors in helping or hindering individuals in obtaining needed medical care, however, has not received much attention. We address this gap in the literature by investigating the association between neighborhood residential instability and access to health care. Using individual-level data from the 2000 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey and block-group level data from the 2000 decennial census, we find that individuals who live in neighborhoods with high residential turnover have worse health care access than residents of other neighborhoods. This association persists even when the prevalence of poverty, the supply of health care, and a variety of individual characteristics are held constant. We offer explanations for these findings and suggest directions for future research.  相似文献   
This paper discusses measurement issues related to the evaluation of computer-tailored health behavior change programs. As the first generation of commercially available tailored products is utilized in health promotion programming, programmers and researchers are becoming aware of the unique challenges that the evaluation of these programs presents. A project is presented that used an online tailored health behavior assessment (HBA) in a worksite setting. Process and outcome evaluation methods are described and include the challenges faced, and strategies proposed and implemented, for meeting them. Implications for future research in tailored program development, implementation, and evaluation are also discussed.  相似文献   
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