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Synthetic likelihood is an attractive approach to likelihood-free inference when an approximately Gaussian summary statistic for the data, informative for inference about the parameters, is available. The synthetic likelihood method derives an approximate likelihood function from a plug-in normal density estimate for the summary statistic, with plug-in mean and covariance matrix obtained by Monte Carlo simulation from the model. In this article, we develop alternatives to Markov chain Monte Carlo implementations of Bayesian synthetic likelihoods with reduced computational overheads. Our approach uses stochastic gradient variational inference methods for posterior approximation in the synthetic likelihood context, employing unbiased estimates of the log likelihood. We compare the new method with a related likelihood-free variational inference technique in the literature, while at the same time improving the implementation of that approach in a number of ways. These new algorithms are feasible to implement in situations which are challenging for conventional approximate Bayesian computation methods, in terms of the dimensionality of the parameter and summary statistic.  相似文献   
This paper develops a space‐time statistical model for local forecasting of surface‐level wind fields in a coastal region with complex topography. The statistical model makes use of output from deterministic numerical weather prediction models which are able to produce forecasts of surface wind fields on a spatial grid. When predicting surface winds at observing stations , errors can arise due to sub‐grid scale processes not adequately captured by the numerical weather prediction model , and the statistical model attempts to correct for these influences. In particular , it uses information from observing stations within the study region as well as topographic information to account for local bias. Bayesian methods for inference are used in the model , with computations carried out using Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms. Empirical performance of the model is described , illustrating that a structured Bayesian approach to complicated space‐time models of the type considered in this paper can be readily implemented and can lead to improvements in forecasting over traditional methods.  相似文献   
We develop a fast variational approximation scheme for Gaussian process (GP) regression, where the spectrum of the covariance function is subjected to a sparse approximation. Our approach enables uncertainty in covariance function hyperparameters to be treated without using Monte Carlo methods and is robust to overfitting. Our article makes three contributions. First, we present a variational Bayes algorithm for fitting sparse spectrum GP regression models that uses nonconjugate variational message passing to derive fast and efficient updates. Second, we propose a novel adaptive neighbourhood technique for obtaining predictive inference that is effective in dealing with nonstationarity. Regression is performed locally at each point to be predicted and the neighbourhood is determined using a measure defined based on lengthscales estimated from an initial fit. Weighting dimensions according to lengthscales, this downweights variables of little relevance, leading to automatic variable selection and improved prediction. Third, we introduce a technique for accelerating convergence in nonconjugate variational message passing by adapting step sizes in the direction of the natural gradient of the lower bound. Our adaptive strategy can be easily implemented and empirical results indicate significant speedups.  相似文献   
In parametric regression models the sign of a coefficient often plays an important role in its interpretation. One possible approach to model selection in these situations is to consider a loss function that formulates prediction of the sign of a coefficient as a decision problem. Taking a Bayesian approach, we extend this idea of a sign based loss for selection to more complex situations. In generalized additive models we consider prediction of the sign of the derivative of an additive term at a set of predictors. Being able to predict the sign of the derivative at some point (that is, whether a term is increasing or decreasing) is one approach to selection of terms in additive modelling when interpretation is the main goal. For models with interactions, prediction of the sign of a higher order derivative can be used similarly. There are many advantages to our sign-based strategy for selection: one can work in a full or encompassing model without the need to specify priors on a model space and without needing to specify priors on parameters in submodels. Also, avoiding a search over a large model space can simplify computation. We consider shrinkage prior specifications on smoothing parameters that allow for good predictive performance in models with large numbers of terms without the need for selection, and a frequentist calibration of the parameter in our sign-based loss function when it is desired to control a false selection rate for interpretation.  相似文献   
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