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本文解读了<党和国家民族政策宣传教育提纲>颁布的对象、目的、意义及基本内容,指出了<提纲>是我党在全国各族广大干部群众中进行马克思主义民族观教育的重要举措,是在民族工作中贯彻落实科学发展观的具体表现,新世纪新阶段民族政策宣传教育的指南. 相似文献
以制度和法治保护少数民族权利——中国民族区域自治的路径与经验 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
对少数人权利的保护,包括两个基本的面向:其一是主权国家依照宪法和相关法律对国内那些因人口、宗教或民族身份处于少数地位的群体从经济、政治、文化诸方面在平等、非歧视的原则基础上给予保障和保护;其二是主权国家依照国际法,通过加入相关的国际公约和条约在促进和实现少数人权利方面进行国际合作,并保证对侵犯少数人权利的行为加以防止和惩治。中国关于少数人权利的保护更多地强调制度和法治的途径,通过依法赋予少数民族特殊的优惠政策的方式凸显和确保少数民族的权利。 相似文献
凌纯声先生1930年的赫哲族田野调查是中国民族学和人类学界一次科学的实地调查,具有开创性意义.本文从现代中国提倡和注重实地调查研究的学术背景来审视这次田野调查.上世纪20年代后,中国人文社会科学逐渐从吸收传播"西学"向研究中国历史、社会、民族文化转变,朝着"本土化"的方向努力,从而形成了提倡实地调查研究的学术风气,而且中国学者进行了多次学术实践.这次田野调查与那个时代的学术背景密切相关,并且体现出其学术背景.本文还论述了蔡元培先生与这次田野调查的密切关系. 相似文献
浅析中华民族多元一体格局中的民族认同 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
本文通过对民族和族群在概念及使用上的辨析,对中华民族多元一体格局中不同层次的认同进行了梳理,以明晰认同从个体到族群再到中华民族的汇聚过程,进而推导出不同层次的认同对巩固和发展中华民族多元一体格局的重要性。 相似文献
多维互动是族际政治整合的一种重要机制,政府、社会组织、族员三者互动的结构、特点、方式、内容构成了这种机制的基本框架。其具有认知、理解、信任、包容等功能,这些功能促进了各族员由民族认同到国家认同的转向。因此,建构族际政治整合多维互动机制是实现各族员和谐共处、共同发展的政治保障。 相似文献
关于高等医学院校人文素质教育的思考 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
陈利平 《山西高等学校社会科学学报》2006,18(8):149-150
培养高素质的医学人才,人文素质教育是关键。目前的高等医学教育中,人文素质教育存在种种不足和缺陷,必须进一步更新教育理念,构建教育平台,加强师资队伍建设,把人文素质教育渗透到医学教育的各个环节,不断提高医学生的人文素养。 相似文献
研究了在在线旅游服务提供商(OTA)参与的市场上,航空公司对于在线直销与分销渠道的选择和最优定价问题.一方面,依据旅客是否通过公司直销的购买行为,将其分为“忠诚”旅客和“不忠诚”旅客;另一方面,各个航空公司通过设定不同的直销定价及分销提成来最大化利润,而OTA平台也会根据旅客需求和航空公司决策来设定分销价格.研究发现,相对于OTA平台,航空公司的旅客需求对价格的变动更为敏感;旅客忠诚度水平越高,竞争者数量越多,航空公司越不愿意加入OTA平台;当平台上竞争者达到一定数量的情况下,没有航空公司有动机加入或退出OTA,航空市场达到均衡状态.算例结果支持了模型的解析结论. 相似文献
Y. H. Gu M. Goh Q. L. Chen R. D. Souza G. C. Tang 《Journal of Combinatorial Optimization》2013,25(1):135-163
If resources and facilities from different partners need to be engaged for a large-scale project with a huge number of tasks, any of which is indivisible, decision on the number of tasks assigned to any collaborating partner often requires a certain amount of coordination and bargaining among these partners so that the ultimate task allocation can be accepted by any partner in a business union for the project. In the current global financial crisis, such cases may appear frequently. In this paper, we first investigate the behavior of such a discrete bargaining model often faced by service-based organizations. In particular, we address the general situation of two partners, where the finite Pareto efficient (profit allocation) set does not possess any convenient assumption for deriving a bargaining solution, namely a final profit allocation (corresponding to a task assignment) acceptable to both partners. We show that it is not appropriate for our discrete bargaining model to offer the union only one profit allocation. Modifying the original optimization problem used to derive the Nash Bargaining Solution (NBS), we develop a bargaining mechanism and define a related bargaining solution set to fulfil one type of needs on balance between profit-earning efficiency and profit-earning fairness. We then show that our mechanism can also suit both Nash’s original concave bargaining model and its continuous extension without the concavity of Pareto efficient frontier on profit allocation. 相似文献
Xin Chen 《Journal of Combinatorial Optimization》2013,25(3):339-351
The problem of sorting unsigned permutations by double-cut-and-joins (SBD) arises when we perform the double-cut-and-join (DCJ) operations on pairs of unichromosomal genomes without the gene strandedness information. In this paper we show it is a NP-hard problem by reduction to an equivalent previously-known problem, called breakpoint graph decomposition (BGD), which calls for a largest collection of edge-disjoint alternating cycles in a breakpoint graph. To obtain a better approximation algorithm for the SBD problem, we made a suitable modification to Lin and Jiang’s algorithm which was initially proposed to approximate the BGD problem, and then carried out a rigorous performance analysis via fractional linear programming. The approximation ratio thus achieved for the SBD problem is $\frac{17}{12}+\epsilon \approx 1.4167 +\epsilon$ , for any positive ε. 相似文献
A graph G is said to be equitably k-colorable if there exists a proper k-coloring of G such that the sizes of any two color classes differ by at most one. Let Δ(G) denote the maximum degree of a vertex in G. Two Brooks-type conjectures on equitable Δ(G)-colorability have been proposed in Chen and Yen (Discrete Math., 2011) and Kierstead and Kostochka (Combinatorica 30:201–216, 2010) independently. We prove the equivalence of these conjectures. 相似文献