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首先着重从技术创新的动力机制、激励机制、运行机制三方面对长庆油田技术创新机制进行了分析;其次,对其现状及存在的问题进行了分析;最后,针对长庆油田技术创新机制现存问题,提出了若干建议。  相似文献   
利用自主开发NiCrBSiCu合金粉研制了YQ4堆焊焊条,采用氧乙炔堆焊工艺制作了堆焊试样,利用剪切实验测试了堆焊层强度,冲击磨料磨损实验测试了试样的耐磨性,利用扫描电子显微镜观察了断口显微组织特征。实验结果表明:YQ4硬质合金堆焊层中过渡层组织细小,耐磨层中脆性硬质合金相上均匀分布了韧性微孔结构低熔点合金,硬质合金分布致密、均匀、多层堆垛,基体与过渡层以及硬质合金之间结合良好,平均剪切强度600MPa,高于牙轮钻头工作要求,抗冲击磨料磨损能力提高近2倍,在组织与性能上都满足牙轮钻头齿面强化要求  相似文献   
通过对HFC广播有线电视信道中的16QAM信号的研究,分析了噪声及信道特性对QAM信号的影响,提出了用自适应均衡器来提高QAM信号的传输质量,并用复杂可编程逻辑器件(CPLD)实现该均衡器。采用CPLD技术可大大增加均衡器的可靠性、灵活性,同时也缩短了设计周期。该均衡器可运用于实际的有线通信系统,从而为复信号的均衡提供了一个技术方案。  相似文献   
新疆生产建设兵团是稳定新疆的核心力量。1981年底邓小平果断决策重新组建一度被取消的新疆生产建设兵团。实践证明,邓小平这一战略决策对于实现新疆发展与稳定,保持边疆长治久安产生深远影响,对于当前维护好祖国统一和民族团结,反对民族分裂,建设幸福美好新疆具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   
入世贸组织以来,会计在国民经济中发挥的核算和监督作用明显增强。经济越发展,会计越重要。但目前我国会计人员的会计意识淡漠,会计知识结构失衡、储备不足,与经济时代的发展要求很不适应。文章针对我国会计人员在会计知识上存在的这些问题,提出了相应的解决对策。  相似文献   
Increased cell proliferation increases the opportunity for transformations of normal cells to malignant cells via intermediate cells. Nongenotoxic cytotoxic carcinogens that increase cell proliferation rates to replace necrotic cells are likely to have a threshold dose for cytotoxicity below which necrosis and hence, carcinogenesis do not occur. Thus, low dose cancer risk estimates based upon nonthreshold, linear extrapolation are inappropriate for this situation. However, a threshold dose is questionable if a nongenotoxic carcinogen acts via a cell receptor. Also, a nongenotoxic carcinogen that increases the cell proliferation rate, via the cell division rate and/or cell removal rate by apoptosis, by augmenting an existing endogenous mechanism is not likely to have a threshold dose. Whether or not a threshold dose exists for nongenotoxic carcinogens, it is of interest to study the relationship between lifetime tumor incidence and the cell proliferation rate. The Moolgavkar–Venzon–Knudson biologically based stochastic two-stage clonal expansion model is used to describe a carcinogenic process. Because the variability in cell proliferation rates among animals often makes it impossible to detect changes of less than 20% in the rate, it is shown that small changes in the cell proliferation rate, that may be obscured by the background noise in rates, can produce large changes in the lifetime tumor incidence as calculated from the Moolgavkar–Venzon–Knudson model. That is, dose response curves for cell proliferation and tumor incidence do not necessarily mimic each other. This makes the use of no observed effect levels (NOELs) for cell proliferation rates often inadmissible for establishing acceptable daily intakes (ADIs) of nongenotoxic carcinogens. In those cases where low dose linearity is not likely, a potential alternative to a NOEL is a benchmark dose corresponding to a small increase in the cell proliferation rate, e. g., 1%, to which appropriate safety (uncertainty) factors can be applied to arrive at an ADI.  相似文献   
<牡丹亭>剧作共有"集唐"诗近三百句,涉及唐代诗人一百二十多人.徐朔方先生最新笺校本对"集唐"诗句未逐条校对,不注明引诗出处,个别标注还有错误.由此,特将读本中下场诗"集唐"句逐条查对,订正补校,标注出处,列出原诗,为"汤学"研究者和唐诗爱好者提供一份原始资料.  相似文献   
对朱熹"理从天出"说的确切内涵作辨析,指出这一命题的意义在于,第一次明确地把物质之天作为人性的直接来源,从实证的角度阐明了天理转化为性理的具体细节,从而为理学心性论提供了新的更为完备的本体化论证.  相似文献   
按照上海市确立的"一城九镇"开发计划,在被列为重点开发城镇后,朱家角镇获得了人口合理再分布和城镇化再推进的发展契机,同时也显露出存在的人口分布疏密不均、城镇化滞后于非农化、中心镇辐射能力弱以及进城农民利益调整和人口再分布中的社会重构等问题,就这些问题进行探讨,并提出建议,应对解决城镇开发中的类似问题有一定的借鉴作用.  相似文献   
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