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This paper reports on the cross validation of the Gambling Problem Severity Subscale of the Canadian Adolescent Gambling Index (CAGI/GPSS). The CAGI/GPSS was included in a large school based drug use and health survey conducted in 2015. Data from students in grades 9–12 (ages 13–20 years) derived from the (N = 3369 students). The CAGI/GPSS produced an alpha of 0.789. A principle component analysis revealed two eigenvalues greater than one. An oblique rotation revealed these components to represent consequences and over involvement. The CAGI/GPSS indicated that 1% of the students fell into the “red” category indicating a severe problem and an additional 3.3% scored in the “yellow” category indicating low to moderate problems. The CAGI/GPSS was shown to be significantly correlated with gambling frequency (r = 0.36), largest expenditure (r = 0.37), sex (more likely to be male) (r = ?0.19), lower school marks (r = ?0.07), hazardous drinking, (r = 0.16), problem video game play (r = 0.16), as well as substance abuse. The CAGI/GPSS was cross validated using a shorted version of the short SOGS, r = 0.48. In addition the CAGI/GPSS and short SOGS produced very similar patterns of correlations results. The results support the validity and reliability of the CAGI/GPSS as a measure of gambling problems among adolescents.  相似文献   
The investigation of the interface between psychological constructs, compulsive consumption of alcohol and pathological gambling is an important avenue for development of future initiatives in social marketing or prevention programs. This cross-cultural study attempts to bridge the gap in literature by providing an evaluation of the predictive ability of psychological variables such as gambling urge, gambling-related erroneous cognitions and comorbid alcohol consumption on pathological gambling behaviour and its impact on overall quality of life indicators. Participants consist of 445 Macao and Australian young adults (Mean age = 23 years). Results indicate that probable pathological gamblers as compared with non-gamblers reported significantly lower quality of life in all domains—physical health, psychological well-being, social relationships and environment. Adults who drank more alcohol and have stronger erroneous cognitions evidenced higher pathological gambling behavior. Our research model fits both cohorts and interestingly, erroneous gambling-related cognitions serve as a full mediator for the predictive relationship between gambling urge and pathological gambling in the Macao sample, but serve as a partial mediator in the Australian sample. Targeting erroneous cognitions in future social marketing or preventive campaigns should demonstrate to be an important strategy in reducing the effects of urge to gamble among at-risk individuals. Further implications for the industry, marketing and governmental strategies are discussed.  相似文献   
本文分析北京控制人口增长和产业政策引发的经济影响,通过延伸的北京投入产出模型计算最终需求(产出、收入、税收和GDP)乘数和产出驱动(产出、收入、税收和GDP)乘数,测算北京人口控制和产业疏解引发的经济影响和土地开发限制引发的经济影响。分析结果显示,无论是人口控制、产业疏解,还是土地开发限制,对北京的经济影响都是相当显著的,计算的主要经济指标(分行业的产出、收入、税收和GDP)的绝对值和增长率都表明了这个结论。因此,北京在控制人口和疏解产业的同时,需要采取相应的措施来消除控制城市增长的人口和产业政策带来的税收、收入等负面影响。  相似文献   
石辰芳 《民族学刊》2021,12(8):54-61, 126
知行观是中国传统哲学中的基本内容之一。多民族谚语是知行观的重要载体,其中凝结了各民族对知与行以及二者关系的丰富思考。从各民族的谚语中审视知行观可以发现,各族人民在知行体验和知行理念上具有高度的一致性,知行体验的一致性主要表现在对“知行合一”“行重于知”的认同;知行理念的一致性则着重强调在“知”和“行”的过程中所具备的道德理念的认同,其中最为显著的内容是勤劳和勇敢的精神,这恰是中华民族精神的重要内涵。同时,多民族谚语中知行观认同的研究对铸牢中华民族共同体意识有着诸多启迪,多民族谚语中的知行观所蕴含的价值理念是中华民族精神共同体的有机组成,是铸牢中华民族共同体的无形纽带,剖析多民族谚语中知行观认同是明晰中华民族共同体意识的微观路径。  相似文献   
信息是当今社会最重要的资源之一,人们对信息的需求正呈现出多层次、多样化的形式。在新的信息环境下,高校图书馆应与时俱进地积极转变观念,拓展教学内容,规范相关要求,在信息素质教育中作出突出的贡献。  相似文献   
农民资金互助合作社是目前准新型农村金融机构在长三角地区的典型代表。基于对江苏省泰州市苏陈资金互助合作社的实地调研,重点考察社员对样本农民资金互助合作社运行的满意度及影响因素。研究发现:样本社社员对于农民资金互助合作社的整体运行情况基本持肯定态度;社员的家庭总收入、政府对农民资金互助合作社的支持力度以及社员在农民资金互助合作社借用的互助金额度,是影响社员对于农民资金互助合作社满意度的主要因素;农民资金互助合作社融资业务的开展,对于社员的农业和二三产业经营均具有正向促进作用;农民资金互助合作社的互助金投放的覆盖面与农村信用合作社等传统农村正规金融机构形成了互补关系。在此基础上,提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   
从体育课程设置、教学内容、教学组织形式、学生体育考核等方面对“三阶段式”体育教学改革进行分析,可以发现,“三阶段式”体育教学具有实效性,符合现阶段学生实际。由此也发现,体育教学方法、手段只有尽可能体现快乐健康教育的特点,才能取得好的教学效果。  相似文献   
立德树人居于学校教育发展全局的核心位置,需要将其落实到课程育人的生动实践中。但是,在课程育人的具体实践中,仍有部分教师将其简单化为“课程+育人”的生硬结合,导致课程育人容易陷入理论教条窠臼。为此,高校教师应充分认识到高校课程育人在目标要求、重点内容、转型路径上的人性化、时代化和数字化本真意蕴,从教师素养、课程建设、课堂教学三个方面开展育人实践。在此基础上,针对具体课程的育人效果而言,可以从目标设定、内容选择、方法实施、结果呈现等方面进行评价,从而进一步推动课程育人的生动实践。  相似文献   
旨在探讨《心经》中独特的女性形象以及张爱玲写此文的深层原因。生活在父权制社会下,男性凝望世界中的女性,渴望直接与男性对话,从而产生异样感情,特殊的母女关系经历了分裂到张扬再到重组的过程,表现出女性在与男性相抗衡的过程中的绝望与疯狂,也隐含作者内心深处的希望。  相似文献   
中国城市现代化过程中,必然产生的城市趋同化现象,造成城市资源巨额浪费、城市间恶性竞争、公共利益受到侵蚀,加之政治经济转型期的特殊社会背景、管理体制缺陷及特有的“失误放大效应”,使其负面效应不断加剧,引发社会矛盾加剧,威胁城市和谐健康发展。在正确认识城市趋同的正面意义与负面影响的基础上,立足于城市特色和比较优势,理顺城市管理中各方利益关系,以建立城市创新机制为核心,营造积极和谐的管理文化,建立科学的评估评价标准体系和城市管理体系,促使城市趋同的边际收益最大化,促进城市的良性发展。  相似文献   
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