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The aim of the present study was to replicate the efficacy of the Prevention and Relationship Education Program (PREP) training on marital satisfaction and dyadic adjustment among a group of Iranian newlyweds. One hundred and sixty heterosexual couples (N = 320 participants) were randomly assigned to an experimental or a wait list control group. Data from one hundred and forty‐eight couples were analyzed. Participants completed the ENRICH Marital Satisfaction Scale (The Family Journal, 1, 1993, 196–207) and Dyadic Adjustment Scale (The Journal of Sex Research, 39, 1976, 190–196) at pretest, posttest, 1‐year follow‐up, and 2‐year follow‐up. Results indicated that mean marital satisfaction and dyadic adjustment scores between the experimental and control groups were significantly different at posttest. Therefore, PREP training improved marital satisfaction and dyadic adjustment of couples at posttest. The data suggests that PREP training program can be introduced as an effective relationship education program for Iranian newlyweds.  相似文献   
Dans la littérature existante, les conclusions sur l'effet de l'appartenance à une minorité ethnique sur le salaire en Chine urbaine sont contrastées. Pour en savoir plus, les auteurs décident d'examiner la situation en tenant compte plus précisément du groupe d'appartenance, exploitant pour ce faire une volumineuse série de données sur les minorités chinoises. Après contrôle de l'effet de différentes variables, ils font apparaître une pénalité salariale importante aux dépens de groupes «en marge» (tibétains et turciques notamment), mais pas par rapport aux minorités considérées dans leur ensemble. Les résultats, robustes à différentes spécifications, sont riches d'enseignements sur le plan théorique comme pour l'action publique.  相似文献   
This paper evaluates the economic benefits of self‐employment in Canada for 12 groups of ethno‐racial immigrants. It tests whether or not their self‐employment earnings are higher or lower than similar groups in wage and salary employment, whether ethnic minorities earn more or less from self‐employment compared to White immigrants, and whether self‐employment earnings of immigrant groups vary by their industrial sectors of employment. Using the Canadian Census 2006, I show that self‐employed ethno‐racial immigrants earn less than White immigrants. I also show that the economic benefits of self‐employment depend on the ethno‐racial groups and the industrial mix of their self‐employment. Cet article évalue les avantages économiques du travail indépendant au Canada pour 12 groupes d'immigrés ethnoraciaux. Il teste si les revenus du travail indépendant sont supérieurs ou inférieurs aux groupes similaires au sujet de salaire et de travail avec le salaire annuel, si les minorités ethniques gagnent plus ou moins de travail indépendant par rapport aux immigrés blancs, et si les revenus du travail indépendant des groupes immigrés varient par leurs secteurs industriels de travail. En utilisant le Recensement du Canada de 2006, je montre que les immigrés ethnoraciaux qui sont indépendants gagnent moins que les immigrés blancs. Je montre aussi que les avantages économiques dépendent des groupes ethnoraciaux et du mélange industriel de leur travail indépendant.  相似文献   
The article focuses on inter-firm relations, primarily seen as protective devises crafted for keeping at an arm's length various kinds of uncertainties involved in boundary transactions. Taking a holistic view, it proposes the notion of relational habitat, which refers to the relatively durable constellation of relations that connect a given firm to its main business partners. Performing a double-edged protective function, this constellation both stabilizes and simplifies the immediate operational domain of the firm and, thereby, diminishes to manageable levels the complexity of the relevant parts of the environment. By expanding the control of the firm beyond its organizational borders, relational habitat reduces the constraining impact of boundary uncertainty and enhances the action capacity of the firm – facilitating the materialization of its chosen line of action and its desired objectives. The article specifies this notion in detail and highlights some of its implications, both for the theoretical development of economic sociology and for its relation to economics.  相似文献   
This article aims to transform the current approach to management consultancy so as to be in tune with the needs of business and societies of our time. Such transformation is necessary so that consultancies are enabled to integrate technological, economic and social innovation as opposed to the conventional form of business and technology alignment. It would then act as enabler for such social innovation, with a view to building a healthy, sustainable enterprise, able to meaningfully engage with the most burning social issues of the society in which it is involved. Social innovation, however, requires co-creation between the consultancy, enterprises, business schools and communities. Such a consultancy, so the core argument of this article goes, is indeed ideally positioned to reconnect these diverse parties. Hence, the evolution of management consultancy towards an integrating force; such an approach is called “Integral Consulting”. For Integral Consulting to happen, four core gaps need to be closed. The article describes these four gaps, and illustrates, in theory and in practice, how these gaps can be bridged. In what follows, the case of Integral Consulting is featured, emerging within Deutsche Telekom’s consulting affiliate, Detecon International, in co-creation with TRANS4M, a Geneva based laboratory for social innovation.  相似文献   
Using a general equilibrium model of a developing narcotics‐producing and ‐exporting economy, we analyze the economic effects of policies designed to restrict the production and trade of narcotics: foreign aid tied to anti‐narcotics law enforcement activities, demand reduction policies, and alternative development policies. We characterize the problem as one of serious factor market distortions introduced by illicit production and enforcement. While aid to enforcement generally reduces the production and export of narcotics, it is less effective for economies with market power, and under plausible conditions may raise narcotics output and have negative welfare implications for the recipient. (JEL F1)  相似文献   
Gray markets, also known as parallel imports, have created fierce competition for manufacturers in many industries. We analyze the impact of parallel importation on a price‐setting manufacturer that serves two markets with uncertain demand, and characterize her policy against parallel importation. We show that ignoring demand uncertainty can take a significant toll on the manufacturer's profit, highlighting the value of making price and quantity decisions jointly. We find that adjusting prices is more effective in controlling gray market activity than reducing product availability, and that parallel importation forces the manufacturer to reduce her price gap while demand uncertainty forces her to lower prices. Furthermore, we explore the impact of market conditions (such as market base, price sensitivity, and demand uncertainty) and product characteristics (“fashion” vs. “commodity”) on the manufacturer's policy towards parallel importation. We also provide managerial insights about the value of strategic decision‐making by comparing the optimal policy to the uniform pricing policy that has been adopted by some companies to eliminate gray markets entirely. The comparison indicates that the value of making price and quantity decisions strategically is highest for moderately different market conditions and non‐commodity products.  相似文献   
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