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This paper presents three small sample tests for testing the heteroscedasticity among regression disturbances. The power of these tests are compared with two of the leading tests for this hypothesis, one by Goldfeld and Quandt [5] and the other by Theil [17]. We also provide a heuristic method of selecting the number of middle observations to be deleted for the Goldfeld-Quandt type of tests. 相似文献
David D. Tung S. Rao Jammalamadaka 《Journal of statistical planning and inference》2012,142(3):673-684
In this paper, we investigate the asymptotic theory for U-statistics based on sample spacings, i.e. the gaps between successive observations. The usual asymptotic theory for U-statistics does not apply here because spacings are dependent variables. However, under the null hypothesis, the uniform spacings can be expressed as conditionally independent Exponential random variables. We exploit this idea to derive the relevant asymptotic theory both under the null hypothesis and under a sequence of close alternatives.The generalized Gini mean difference of the sample spacings is a prime example of a U-statistic of this type. We show that such a Gini spacings test is analogous to Rao's spacings test. We find the asymptotically locally most powerful test in this class, and it has the same efficacy as the Greenwood statistic. 相似文献
Small area estimation is studied under a nested error linear regression model with area level covariate subject to measurement error. Ghosh and Sinha (2007) obtained a pseudo-Bayes (PB) predictor of a small area mean and a corresponding pseudo-empirical Bayes (PEB) predictor, using the sample means of the observed covariate values to estimate the true covariate values. In this paper, we first derive an efficient PB predictor by using all the available data to estimate true covariate values. We then obtain a corresponding PEB predictor and show that it is asymptotically “optimal”. In addition, we employ a jackknife method to estimate the mean squared prediction error (MSPE) of the PEB predictor. Finally, we report the results of a simulation study on the performance of our PEB predictor and associated jackknife MSPE estimator. Our results show that the proposed PEB predictor can lead to significant gain in efficiency over the previously proposed PEB predictor. Area level models are also studied. 相似文献
Rahul Mukerjee T.J. Rao & K. Vijayan 《Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics》2000,42(2):245-245
In the estimators t 3 , t 4 , t 5 of Mukerjee, Rao & Vijayan (1987), b y x and b y z are partial regression coefficients of y on x and z , respectively, based on the smaller sample. With the above interpretation of b y x and b y z in t 3 , t 4 , t 5 , all the calculations in Mukerjee at al. (1987) are correct. In this connection, we also wish to make it explicit that b x z in t 5 is an ordinary and not a partial regression coefficient. The 'corrected' MSEs of t 3 , t 4 , t 5 , as given in Ahmed (1998 Section 3) are computed assuming that our b y x and b y z are ordinary and not partial regression coefficients. Indeed, we had no intention of giving estimators using the corresponding ordinary regression coefficients which would lead to estimators inferior to those given by Kiregyera (1984). We accept responsibility for any notational confusion created by us and express regret to readers who have been confused by our notation. Finally, in consideration of the above, it may be noted that Tripathi & Ahmed's (1995) estimator t 0 , quoted also in Ahmed (1998), is no better than t 5 of Mukerjee at al. (1987). 相似文献
经济转型时期“用工荒”现象及其成因的经济学分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
文章从技能型劳动者的分类界定入手,对不同类型劳动者所面临的"用工荒"现象及其成因机制进行微观视角的分类研究。结果发现,当前的"用工荒"现象包含了多种类型的劳动者短缺,其中非技能型劳动者短缺的主要原因是被扭曲的收入分配比例和无保障的弹性用工模式导致新生代农民工供给激励不足,随着企业转型升级进程加快,此类"用工荒"现象将得到有效缓解;而造成技能型劳动者短缺的原因,既包括经济转型发展使对技能型劳动者的需求结构性增长,也有基于历史和现实原因的劳动者供给数量不足。技能型劳动者培育过程中的劳资双方行为"协调失灵"、政府职能缺位、社会化培训体系建设滞后和劳动力市场的无序发展等因素都是导致技能型劳动者增长速度滞后于经济转型发展要求、进而导致技能型劳动者"用工荒"现象的主要原因。 相似文献
In this paper, we revisit the problem of testing of the hypothesis of circular symmetry of a bivariate distribution. We propose some nonparametric tests based on sector counts. These include tests based on chi-square goodness-of-fit test, the classical likelihood ratio, mean deviation, and the range. The proposed tests are easy to implement and the exact null distributions for small sample sizes of the test statistics are obtained. Two examples with small and large data sets are given to illustrate the application of the tests proposed. For small and moderate sample sizes, the performances of the proposed tests are evaluated using empirical powers (empirical sizes are also reported). Also, we evaluate the performance of these count-based tests with adaptations of several well-known tests such as the Kolmogorov–Smirnov-type tests, tests based on kernel density estimator, and the Wilcoxon-type tests. It is observed that among the count-based tests the likelihood ratio test performs better. 相似文献
The one-way random effects model with unequal variances and unequal sample sizes is considered. Estimation of the variances, variance of a single observation (total variance), and the standard error of the unweighted mean are considered. Precision of the Analysis of Variance and Unweighted Sums of Squares type of estimators and the Minimum Norm Quadratic Unbiased Estimators with a priori weights are examined. 相似文献
In this article, we present the effects of three hypothesized protective factors—social activities, school-related activities, and anti–substance use media messages—on adolescent tobacco and alcohol use. Data were drawn from the “Monitoring the Future” research project, which was conducted by the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan. The sample included 2,551 twelfth-grade students. The results of the structural equation model showed that exposure to media anti-drug messages had an indirect negative effect on tobacco and alcohol use through school-related activity and social activity. The results suggest that comprehensive ecological interventions encompassing media, family, and school can increase the preventive effects of adolescent's substance use. 相似文献
学生网民已经成为中国互联网最大的用户群体,新形势下如何做好学生网络道德教育工作是值得深思的重大课题。本文对学生网络道德教育的内容进行了创新设计,提出了TBK网络道德教育架构,并探究了增强学生网络道德教育实效性的途径。 相似文献