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Social Indicators Research - There is a burgeoning literature on wealth in the rich world. It mainly focuses on the top. This paper shows that assets can also matter for the analysis of poverty and...  相似文献   
In this paper, we provide a lower bound estimate of the labor market costs of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. The conflict is quantified by the number of overseas foreign workers in the Israeli labor market and the frequency of temporary closures of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. IV estimates, which exploit a source of exogenous variation in the number of overseas foreign workers, yield significant negative effects of the conflict on Palestinian employment rates in Israel and monthly earnings. Our cost-of-conflict estimates are also relevant for the literature on the economics of immigration.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to study the roles of trust and contracts in technology-intensive Born-Global firms (BGs). By definition these firms compete in the area of knowledge and cutting-edge innovation, use external resources, and internationalize at inception or soon thereafter. For entering global markets successfully, these firms typically need partners. However, attracting them requires disclosing critical knowledge, and thus BGs encounter the risk of losing their potential competitive advantage. Their global business environment is very competitive and dynamic, therefore traditional ways of operating may be too time-consuming to manage these risks. Consequently, we argue that for technology-based BGs, the role of trust and contracts are closely intertwined. The paper puts forward three propositions that highlight the roles of trust and contracting for technology-intensive BGs.  相似文献   

The purposes of this article are to provide a brief overview of the research on international manufacturing networks (IMNs), identify corresponding gaps and provide background for the papers published in this special issue. First, this article shows the importance of addressing the management of IMNs, especially in times of global turbulence as a result of new economic, political and technological trends. Second, it highlights research into the management of IMNs as a missing link in the Operations Management (OM) discipline, as most of the current OM research neglects the fact that the internal structures and relationships of multi-plant organizations inside firms play a critical role in how a supply chain/network operates and relies mostly on scholars in other fields for insights into high-level and strategic issues in the management of global operations. Finally, this article argues there is still a lot to do in order to develop new theories towards the total management of global networks that can holistically analyze different global (intra- and inter-firm multi-functional) networks and address the complex interdependencies between them.  相似文献   
Remes  Sami 《Social indicators research》2022,162(3):1281-1312

This paper investigates the middle-class decline in Finland from 1995 to 2012. The purpose is to examine how changes in the probabilities of belonging to the middle class in different socioeconomic groups have contributed to the middle-class decline while taking into account changes in the relative sizes of the groups. A decomposition analysis indicates that most of the decline has been due to the probability effect, especially among the least-educated population. Changes in age demographics and educational structure have contributed to the decline. The results of the decomposition are supported by mobility results, which indicate that individuals with a tertiary (no secondary) degree have been subject to upward (downward) mobility over the observed time period. In conclusion, the middle-class decline and polarization in Finland are asymmetrically reflected in different education groups. The highly educated have climbed up the income distribution, while the least educated have fallen.

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