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In this paper, we analytically derive the exact formula for the mean squared error (MSE) of two weighted average (WA) estimators for each individual regression coefficient. Further, we execute numerical evaluations to investigate small sample properties of the WA estimators, and compare the MSE performance of the WA estimators with the other shrinkage estimators and the usual OLS estimator. Our numerical results show that (1) the WA estimators have smaller MSE than the other shrinkage estimators and the OLS estimator over a wide region of parameter space; (2) the range where the relative MSE of the WA estimator is smaller than that of the OLS estimator gets narrower as the number of explanatory variables k increases.  相似文献   
Lifetime Data Analysis - This work was motivated by observational studies in pregnancy with spontaneous abortion (SAB) as outcome. Clearly some women experience the SAB event but the rest do not....  相似文献   
During imminent threat crises, such as natural disasters, publics have minutes to decide how to respond after receiving a warning. This study advances understanding of publics’ crisis communicative and noncommunicative behaviors in the context of tornadoes through combining and extending two theories: the social-mediated crisis communication (SMCC) model and the situational theory of problem solving (STOPS). Findings from a survey of Southeast U.S. residents (n = 1,585) indicate that STOPS is internally consistent and accurate at measuring its intended outcomes of communicative action in problem solving. However, the STOPS measures do not have a significant relationship with the desirable outcome for imminent threat crisis communication: individuals following government’s protective action guidance about tornadoes. In comparison, the expanded SMCC model predicts individuals’ self-reported compliance. Finally, variables from the SMCC model and tornado-specific variables were integrated into the STOPS model to explain individuals’ communicative engagement. Implications for theory and public relations practice are discussed.  相似文献   
胥建华 《城市》2019,(4):43-53
笔者以推动煤炭资源型城市产业转型为目标,以河南省平顶山为例,通过对其产业转型面临的问题及发展潜力进行分析,跳出从产业角度分析产业结构优化的常规思路,提出从全域规划的研究视角寻求新的解决对策。笔者通过研究发现,在经济新常态时代背景和自身发展诉求下,平顶山等煤炭资源型城市要加快产业转型,应从全域空间考虑,加强多规融合,推进全要素城乡融合。从全域规划视角推动煤炭资源型城市产业转型的主要对策包括多规融合多目标协调下明确经济产业发展目标,全要素统筹下推进经济产业发展路径转变,全域空间统筹下采用底线思维明晰产业发展空间,强化产业资源的统筹及特色强化。  相似文献   
探究明朝中期王阳明心学思想的成因,是宋明理学研究的重要议题。阳明心学之源既有远承孟子和陆九渊的心学因素,也有同时代周边学者的商讨切磋之功。而作为王阳明的座主,程敏政以"道具于心"的"道一"思想,曾深刻地影响了王阳明学术的致思趋向,为心学的兴起导引先路,提供了契机。可以说,程敏政"道一"论是阳明心学形成的源头之一。  相似文献   
公众科学知识素养的缺乏,社会功能的分工及科技民主价值观念的形成,决定了专家参与危机管理的必要性。中国危机管理面临着突出的专家信任失灵问题。公众对专家知识期望的理想化、专家自身知识的价值偏向、专家参与机制有效性无法保证、信息公开透明度不够等,从知识论层面与现实层面构成了信任失灵的根源。构建专家信息库、提高言论被“收买”的风险成本、完善良好的沟通机制是重获专家信任权威的有效策略。  相似文献   
古今中外的作家都会在自己的作品中表达个人的立场与观点。翻译文学作品时,应十分重视原作者的立场观点。而原作者往往通过间接的方法将其立场观点隐含在作品深层,这就给翻译带来困难。汉译英时,汉语中有些文化背景的内容涉及到原作者的立场,译者要认真考虑原文的深层意义,也要考虑译文读者的接受状况。译者务必透过词语表层发掘作品的深层含义,使译文读者得到与原文读者大致相同的感受,达到译文与原文功能对等之目的  相似文献   
由于国际格局的变化,印度洋成为世界海权的"心脏",由此中、美、印三国的安全战略在印度洋上聚焦。尽管中美印三国的印度洋战略目标和手段各不相同,但三国在印度洋上的博弈呈现出一种"非敌非盟"的态势,"弹性均势"为此提供了理论解释。印度洋上的"弹性均势"在一段时期内难以打破,并呈现出不平衡态势。印度洋上的力量格局变化也为中国提供了进一步拓展利益的空间。  相似文献   
加强校外实习基地建设 促进实践教学质量提高   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
校外实习在职业技术院校教学中具有重要的地位和作用。分别从校外实习基地建设的必要性,进行校外实习就业基地建设的几个原则,如何加强与校外实习就业基地的沟通和联系,校外实习基地发展展望4个方面对校外实习基地建设进行了理性思考。对高职院校校外实习基地的建设和开发有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
北宋词人黄裳认为,诗词同源,词也是诗,都应遵循儒家诗教所规定的创作原则和表现手法,肯定柳永词反映太平盛世的写实意义。黄氏所存词取材涉及咏物、写景、闲适、节序、咏怀等十类,但无艳情、闺情作品。由于黄氏虽尊奉儒教,又兼好老、释,故其词风清雅、坚劲。在北宋中后期,黄裳是一位颇具特色的词论家和词作者。  相似文献   
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