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Anrudh K. Jain 《Demography》1969,6(1):75-90
Estimates of fecundability (monthly probability of conception) in the absence of contraception are derived from the frequency distribution of conceptive delays immediately following marriage, reported by 2,443 married women aged 20 to 39 included in the Taichung (Taiwan) Intensive Fertility Survey of 1962. Average fecundability of women is positively associated with their socio-economic status. These differentials are not accounted for by differences among socio-economic groups with respect to memory and truncation biases (associated with the marriage duration), wife’s age at marriage, or unreported premarital conceptions. A Multiple Classification Analysis suggests that among the socio-economic characteristics, husband’s education, rural background, and modern family type are the more important predictors of fecundability. The importance of genetic factors as opposed to cultural factors in producing these socio-economic differences in fecundability can not be evaluated systematically. Moreover, the relation of a couple’s privacy, their attitude toward family building, and patterns of mate selection to their socioeconomic status would have to be taken into account before the differences in fecundability could be attributed to factors such as nutrition, health, or infections which might directly influence their physiological ability to conceive. 相似文献
S. K. Jain 《Journal of Population Research》1992,9(1):1-23
The paper examines the post-1971 reduction in Australian mortality in light of data on causes of death. Multiple-decrement life tables for eleven leading causes of death by sex are calculated and the incidence of each cause of death is presented in terms of the values of the life table functions. The study found that in the overall decline in mortality over the last 20 years significant changes occurred in the contribution of the various causes to total mortality. Among the three leading causes of death, heart disease, malignant neoplasms (cancer), and cerebrovascular disease (stroke), mortality rates due to neoplasms increased and those of the other two causes decreased. The sex-age-cause-specific incidence of mortality changed and the median age at death increased for all causes except for deaths due to motor-vehicle accidents for both sexes and suicide for males. The paper also deciphers the gains in the expectation of life at birth over various time periods and the sex-differentials in the expectation of life at birth at a point in time in terms of the contributions made by the various sex-age-cause-specific mortality rates. 相似文献
Image models are useful in quantitatively specifying natural constraints and general assumptions about the physical world and the imaging process. This review paper explains how Gibbs and Markov random field models provide a unifying theme for many contemporary problems in image analysis. Random field models permit the introduction of spatial context into pixel labeling problems, such as segmentation and restoration. Random field models also describe textured images and lead to algorithms for generating textured images, classifying textures, and segmenting textured images. In spite of some impressive model-based image restoration and texture segmentation results reported in the literature, a number of fundamental issues remain unexplored, such as the specification of MRF models, modeling noise processes, performance evaluation, parameter estimation, the phase transition phenomenon, and the comparative analysis of alternative procedures. The literature of random field models is filled with great promise, but a better mathematical understanding of these issues is needed as well as efficient algorithms for applications. These issues need to be resolved before random field models will be widely accepted as general tools in the image processing community. 相似文献
Abstract A probability model, building on the work of Perrin and Sheps, is presented and applied. The model makes it possible to follow a cohort of women from a pregnancy outcome to next conception. Principal simplifying assumptions are homogeneity among women and constant fecundity. Cases treated include no contraception; a single contraceptive method practised; and a second contraceptive method practised following a first one. Expected durations to next conception may be calculated in relation to the following factors: outcome of previous pregnancy, length of anovulation, natural fecundability, time first contraceptive method is initiated, characteristics of first contraceptive (effectiveness and continuation rate), characteristics of second contraceptive, and gap between termination of first and commencing second contraceptive. By suitably pairing runs of the model, one can construct experiments in which the only differentiating factor is use and non-use of a specified contraceptive, and, by differencing the corresponding mean durations to next conception, compute the net delay of next conception produced by that contraceptive. 相似文献
Kajri Jain 《Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power》2016,23(3):327-344
India’s post-liberalisation landscape has unexpectedly been populated by monumental iconic statues. These statues, co-emergent with an automobile and construction boom and an attendant resignification and revaluing of land, are a productive site for rethinking the role of spectacle in neoliberal globalisation from the locus of post-liberalisation India. Against theories that characterise spectacle as primarily virtual and deterritorialised, they illuminate how spectacle is enmeshed in the imaginaries, spatial politics, material processes and heterogeneous temporalities of uneven development. Their religious aspect also calls for a re-examination of Benjamin’s distinction between cult value and exhibition value. 相似文献
Many service environments such as outpatient departments comprise repeated episodes of finite duration wherein customers arriving during an episode must be served before the end of that episode. Scheduling resources and customer arrivals in such settings involves trading off customer wait against resources’ time and effort. We hypothesize that this trade‐off leads to a “slow first, fast later” pattern of system speed, which allows build‐up of inventory earlier for more efficient utilization of faster system speed later. As a natural corollary, we also hypothesize that greater anticipated workload, which causes faster inventory build‐up, leads to a larger increase in system speed earlier in the service episode than later. We empirically validate these hypotheses using operational data from a high volume tertiary care outpatient department. Our estimation results suggest that due to hypothesized system speed pattern, patients arriving around the middle (later) part of the episode experience 20% (63%) shorter length of stay compared to those arriving at the beginning. Further, additional anticipated workload of 1 patient per hour leads to 14%, 4%, and negligible reduction in the average length of stay during the earlier, middle, and later part of the service episode, respectively. Counterfactual simulations based on our model estimates show that “slow first, fast later” system speed pattern yields faster completion of work as compared to an equivalent constant system speed pattern. 相似文献
We model a supply chain consisting of a supplier and multiple retailers facing deterministic demand. We denote some retailers as strategic in the sense that given the supplier inventory information, they will implement the optimal stocking policy by incorporating such information. On the other hand, some retailers are denoted as naïve in the sense that they ignore supply information and resort to a simplistic ordering policy. Naïve retailers learn the optimal policy over time and adjust their orders accordingly. We study the dynamics of this game and investigate the impact of such strategic and naïve retailers on the cost, ordering pattern and stocking policies of all parties. We analyze the supply chain under two scenarios: the centralized supply chain where the objective is to minimize the total supply chain cost, and the decentralized supply chain where each self‐interested player minimizes its own cost in a Stackelberg game setting. We fully characterize the optimal policies under both centralized and decentralized scenarios and show that, surprisingly, the supply chain might be better off by virtue of naïve retailers. The result is driven by the fact that strategic and naïve players’ decisions shift the positioning of inventory in the supply chain with its final impact being determined by the relative costs of different retailer‐types. Our results also offer managerial insights into how access to supply information can improve supply chain performance. 相似文献
Recently, there have been several reports from different parts of the World on the declining populations of the House Sparrow (Passer domesticus). In order to assess the population of this species in the National Capital Territory of Delhi-India, this study was conducted during June– August in 2007. Twenty-eight Fixed-Radius Point Count stations were established in five habitat types viz. High-density Urban Area, Medium-density Urban Area, Low-density Urban Area, Agriculture Area, and Forested Area, within the study area. The results show that the House Sparrow is still a dominant species in the agriculture area. However, its density is very low in the urban areas as compared to the other co-occurring common bird species viz. Rock Pigeon (Columba livia domestica), House Crow (Corvus splendens) and Common Myna (Acridotheres tristis). As, this study was conducted only over one season, the data is not sufficient to provide a clear picture of the population trend of the House Sparrow. Further studies are therefore required to investigate the relationship of the House Sparrow with other co-occurring common species, and to analyse the data on the type and quality of greenspaces and their relation with the House Sparrow in the study area. A long-term monitoring and conservation programme involving local people may be a good approach for maintaining the population of House Sparrow in the study area. 相似文献
Avinash Panwar Rakesh Jain Ajay Pal Singh Rathore Bimal Nepal A.C. Lyons 《生产规划与管理》2018,29(2):158-169
In deciding to adopt lean manufacturing, it is imperative to investigate where and how lean practices are most needed to influence manufacturing and business performance. Such an investigation becomes indispensable when lean thinking is to be considered in a production arrangement different to the conventional, repetitive, high-volume, stable-demand and discrete-manufacturing environment. This study provides explanations of how performance is improved through the adoption of lean practices in process industries. This is a relatively under-researched area compared to the performance effects associated with the introduction and implementation of lean principles in traditional, discrete manufacturing. Based on a survey of Indian process industries, this study attempts to develop an empirical relationship between lean practices and performance improvement through the use of multivariate statistical analysis. The findings have led to the conclusion that lean practices are positively associated with timely deliveries, productivity, first-pass yield, elimination of waste, reduction in inventory, reduction in costs, reduction in defects and improved demand management. However, within a process-industry context, lean practices related to pull production were found to have a marginal impact on performance improvement. A detailed discussion of the findings along with their theoretical and managerial implications is provided in the paper. 相似文献
S. Jain 《Statistical Papers》1991,32(1):167-174
This paper compares the width of confidence intervals for the traffic intensity inM/E k/1 queueing systems with three methods-Lilliefors' method, a second method based on the number of arrivals during the service period, and a third method using censored observations, in which only those service periods with no arrivals are observed. It is shown that the width of confidence intervals, based on the number of arrivals during the service period, is narrower than for other methods. 相似文献