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We consider the online scheduling of equal length jobs on unbounded parallel batch processing machines to minimize makespan with limited restart. In the problem \(m\) identical unbounded parallel batch processing machines are available to process the equal length jobs arriving over time. The processing batches are allowed limited restart. Here, “restart” means that a running task may be interrupted, losing all the work done on it, and the jobs in the interrupted task are then released and become independently unscheduled jobs, called restarted jobs. “Limited restart” means that only a running batch that contains no restarted jobs can be restarted. For this problem, we present a best possible online algorithm. 相似文献
The usefulness of logistic regression depends to a great extent on the correct specification of the relation between a binary response and characteristics of the unit on which the response is recoded. Currently used methods for testing for misspecification (lack of fit) of a proposed logistic regression model do not perform well when a data set contains almost as many distinct covariate vectors as experimental units, a condition referred to as sparsity. A new algorithm for grouping sparse data to create pseudo replicates and using them to test for lack of fit is developed. A simulation study illustrates settings in which the new test is superior to existing ones. Analysis of a dataset consisting of the ages of menarche of Warsaw girls is also used to compare the new and existing lack of fit tests. 相似文献
The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is one of the most commonly used methods to compare the diagnostic performance of two or more laboratory or diagnostic tests. In this paper, we propose semi-empirical likelihood based confidence intervals for ROC curves of two populations, where one population is parametric and the other one is non-parametric and both have missing data. After imputing missing values, we derive the semi-empirical likelihood ratio statistic and the corresponding likelihood equations. It is shown that the log-semi-empirical likelihood ratio statistic is asymptotically scaled chi-squared. The estimating equations are solved simultaneously to obtain the estimated lower and upper bounds of semi-empirical likelihood confidence intervals. We conduct extensive simulation studies to evaluate the finite sample performance of the proposed empirical likelihood confidence intervals with various sample sizes and different missing probabilities. 相似文献
自新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,快递业为应急救援物资和人民群众日常基本生活物资运输和寄递服务、畅通经济循环、满足民生需要等方面做出了重要贡献,为疫情防控提供了强有力的支撑;但同时也暴露出了一些问题,集中体现在末端配送体系不健全、末端收投不畅等方面。在对电子商务和快递业发展现状进行分析的基础上,对快递末端配送的主要模式和发展趋势进行了论述,结合重庆市的实际情况,分析了其末端配送存在的不足,并从公共服务平台搭建、智能化无接触式配送构建、乡村快递服务网络完善、快递员队伍建设等方面提出了对策建议,以助推重庆经济社会高质量发展。 相似文献
试验采用野生菌株F.97、F.DT和常规菌株F.12进行以棉籽壳、木屑、玉米芯为主料的3个配方的对比试验。结果表明:F.97、F.DT的子实体产量和品质与对照无显著差异;但不同配方间的产量差异显著,商业栽培金针菇不宜大量添加杂木屑或玉米芯。 相似文献
建立在静电相互作用原理基础上的自组装法是一新型制备聚合物纳米复合超薄膜的方法。文章比较了自组装法(self—assembly,SA)与Langmuir—Blodgett技术(LB)及其它方法在制备有机复合膜时的优劣。SA法由于操作简单、适用范围广、膜的结构稳定性较高,因此较LB技术等具有更大的实用价值。利用SA法,可以制备各种有机聚电解质与其带相反电荷的有机聚电解质、粘土类片状化合物及无机纳米颗粒、生物大分子等组成的聚合物纳米复合膜,为实现复合膜的功能化创造了条件。 相似文献
大庆市金融学会,一行8人前往深圳进行了学习考察,深圳金融改革与创新的经验很值得借鉴。 一、深圳金融业的改革创新 由于深圳一开始就确定了外向型经济模式,各种形式的中外合资、合作、外商独资企业占企业总数的比例,所创产值占全市产值的比重,均达到65%以上。这种模式也呼唤着深圳的金融体制不断深化改革。 深圳原有的金融机构按新型市场金融的指导思路恢复、重建并引入竞争机制,打破条块分割,业务全面交叉;金融机构租业务创新开始起步。 相似文献
大庆市中小企业融资难的原因分析及对策建议 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
中小企业作为同民经济的重要组成部分,是推动我同经济发展的一支重要力量。改革开放以来,我国中小企业取得了长足的发展,已成为国民经济发展的重要支撑力量之一,有力地支持了国民经济持续、快速、健康发展,在缓解就业压力、保持社会稳定、扩大出口、增加地方财政收入等方面也都发挥着十分重要的作用。一、大庆市中小企业的现状截止到2004年年末,全市中小企业总数达到11.9万户,注册资本金125.4亿元,创造就业机会近40万次。2002年、2003年及2004年三 相似文献
完善人民陪审员制度的理性思考 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
作为我国的一项基本诉讼制度,人民陪审员制度正逐渐步入法治化轨道。为进一步完善人民陪审员制度,发挥其应有的作用,须对该制度进行理性思考,正确处理好诸多关系,使人民陪审员制度在司法实践上达到司法民主与审判职业化、人民陪审员权利与义务、立法上的原则性与实践上的可操作性、无知的美德与提高执业素质的四个统一。 相似文献