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A substantial degree of uncertainty exists surrounding the reconstruction of events based on memory recall. This form of measurement error affects the performance of structured interviews such as the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI), an important tool to assess mental health in the community. Measurement error probably explains the discrepancy in estimates between longitudinal studies with repeated assessments (the gold-standard), yielding approximately constant rates of depression, versus cross-sectional studies which often find increasing rates closer in time to the interview. Repeated assessments of current status (or recent history) are more reliable than reconstruction of a person's psychiatric history based on a single interview. In this paper, we demonstrate a method of estimating a time-varying measurement error distribution in the age of onset of an initial depressive episode, as diagnosed by the CIDI, based on an assumption regarding age-specific incidence rates. High-dimensional non-parametric estimation is achieved by the EM-algorithm with smoothing. The method is applied to data from a Norwegian mental health survey in 2000. The measurement error distribution changes dramatically from 1980 to 2000, with increasing variance and greater bias further away in time from the interview. Some influence of the measurement error on already published results is found.  相似文献   
We present particle-based algorithms for sequential filtering and parameter learning in state-space autoregressive (AR) models with structured priors. Non-conjugate priors are specified on the AR coefficients at the system level by imposing uniform or truncated normal priors on the moduli and wavelengths of the reciprocal roots of the AR characteristic polynomial. Sequential Monte Carlo algorithms are considered and implemented for on-line filtering and parameter learning within this modeling framework. More specifically, three SMC approaches are considered and compared by applying them to data simulated from different state-space AR models. An analysis of a human electroencephalogram signal is also presented to illustrate the use of the structured state-space AR models in describing biomedical signals.  相似文献   
DIMITROV, RACHEV and YAKOVLEV ( 1985 ) have obtained the isotonic maximum likelihood estimator for the bimodal failure rate function. The authors considered only the complete failure time data. The generalization of this estimator for the case of censored and tied observations is now proposed.  相似文献   
We propose an algorithm to estimate the unknown constants in a multiple linear regression model under the minimum sum of weighted absolute errors (MSWAE). The proposed algorithm, a generalization of an earlier algorithm, is compared to a bounded variable algorithm. Some somputational experience is reported.  相似文献   
We consider a number of estimators of regression coefficients, all of generalized ridge, or 'shrinkage' type. Results of a simulation study indicate that with respect to two commonly used mean square error criteria, two ordinary ridge estimators, one proposed by Hoerl, Kennard and Baldwin, and the other introduced here, perform substantially better than both least squares and the other estimators discussed here  相似文献   
Let S be a set of tm distinct real numbers and R a random t × m matrix of these tm numbers with rows {ri} and columns (ci}. Define b = Max Min x. l≤i≤t x?ri. Let c be the event Max Min x = Min Max x. l≤i≤t x?ri l≤i≤m x?ci. This paper derives the probability distribution of the rank of b in S, as well as the same distribution conditional on c.  相似文献   
In this paper we present a generalized functional form estimator, recently developed by jeffrey Wooldridge; and then we compare it empirically to the popular Box-Cox (BC) estimator using three data sets. We begin by briefly reviewing the drawbacks of the BC estimator. We Then introduce the nonlinear lest squares (NLS) alternative of Wooldridge which retains the desirable qualities of the BC estimator without the associated theoretical problems. We continue by applying both the BC and the NLS models to data from three classic hedonic regression studies and then compare the estimation resuts-point estimates, inferences and fitted values. The estimations include a wage rate equation, and two computer hedonic regression equations, one using data from a classic study by Gregory Chow and the other using an IBM data set that formed the basis of the new official BLS computer price index.  相似文献   
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