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马克思主义中国化是过程与结果的统一,过程产生结果,结果来自过程.立足过程本身,多维透视马克思主义中国化过程,探索其中文化选择、思想斗争、实践运用、理论创新、问题解决等不同方面的历史运动过程,无疑有助于深入认识马克思主义中国化的理论本质和实践逻辑.  相似文献   
基于Simulink的模糊PID参数自整定控制器的设计与仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对PID控制器参数整定问题,介绍了一种运用模糊推理实现对PID参数自整定的控制方法,并运用S imu link进行仿真分析,仿真结果表明:模糊PID参数自整定控制较常规PID控制具有较小的超调量和较短的调节时间,以及较好的动态响应特性和稳态特性。  相似文献   
国外农户经济研究理论述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从五个方面评述了国外农户经济理论:农户经济理论的经典研究;道义小农与理性小农的争论及其综合;把风险和家庭时间纳入分析框架的风险规避理论和农场户理论;海外中国研究中的农户经济理论和工农业关系中的农户经济理论。不同理论流派都有其视野局限,在运用国外农户经济理论分析中国农户经济问题时必须坚持建设性反思批判精神。  相似文献   
Based on the interpersonal model of depression, disrupted social relationships can lead to depression and childhood hyperactivity can disrupt those crucial relationships. Hyperactivity and the interactions between hyperactivity and interpersonal relations/social support in predicting depression are investigated based on data collected from 100 youth aged 8–14 and their parents. Hierarchical multiple regression indicated main effects for children’s report of hyperactivity and classmate support and an interaction between hyperactivity and classmate support in predicting children’s report of depression. Using parent’s report of child hyperactivity, there was a main effect for classmate support and an interaction between hyperactivity and parent report of family cohesion in predicting depressive symptoms. Results are consistent with past research, suggesting hyperactivity may compromise family and peer relationships, leading to depressive symptoms.  相似文献   
Queer Questions     

As rights claims on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity occupy an increasingly prominent place in international politics, it seems clear that the long-running Woman Question has been supplemented by a set of variously articulated “queer questions.” Drawing on postcolonial, feminist and queer theory, and readings of queer literary and cinematic texts from India and Iran, this article explores moments of resonance, intersection and tension between the Woman Question and queer questions. It argues, first, that contemporary queer questions echo the preoccupations of the Woman Question even as they are uncannily prefigured by it; second, that these questions have been mutually disruptive of one another, so that queer questions are not simply a rerun of the Woman Question; and third, that differences between these questions are problematically flattened out in projections of shared futurity articulated in the abstract universality of “human rights.” Navigating the shared pasts, fraught presents and imagined futures of Woman and queer questions, the article brings queer critiques of temporality to bear on the concerns of postcolonial queer activism. It elucidates opportunities and challenges for alliance between the subjectivities interpellated by these various questions. In addition, it asks how the proliferation of new subjectivities under the sign of “queer” troubles notions of universal human rights.  相似文献   
The current study investigated whether risk aversion or regret aversion could be related to a lower intention to gamble, and whether the type of gambling was a moderator of this relationship. The study took place in Macau, often called “the Las Vegas of East Asia.” A total of 373 Macau residents completed a questionnaire survey dealing with thirteen types of gambling. The results showed that risk perception and anticipated regret had a significant negative effect on the intention to gamble. This negative effect was domain-specific, varying with the type of gambling. Our findings indicated that neither risk aversion nor regret aversion can uniquely explain an individual’s risk-taking tendency consistently. Instead, which factor plays a greater role in lowering the intention to gamble—regret aversion, risk aversion, or both—is itself dependent on the type of gambling involved. The finding that not all gambles are created equal could be useful in gambling prevention and advertising appeal by providing a basis for understanding the role that cognitive and emotional factors play in different types of gambling.  相似文献   
Children whose parents experience adverse social, economic, or health-related living conditions are more likely to face similar types of disadvantage in their adult life. However, a limitation of many earlier studies is that they do not account for the multidimensionality of the concept of living conditions, and that the child generation’s life courses are targeted as static and independent from the societal context in which they are imbedded. The current investigation addressed these aspects by focusing on the complexity, duration, and timing of disadvantage with regard to how adverse circumstances in the family of origin are associated with trajectories of social, economic, and health-related living conditions across adulthood. We also examined the role of educational attainment for these associations. Analyses were based a Swedish cohort born in 1953 (n = 14,294). We first conducted sequence analysis, followed by hierarchical cluster analysis, to generate ‘outcome profiles’, i.e. trajectories of adult disadvantage. Second, several indicators of adverse circumstances in childhood were analysed by means of multinominal regression analysis, showing the odds of ending up in the different trajectories. The results indicated that individuals who grew up under adverse conditions were more likely to experience disadvantaged social, economic, and health-related trajectories. This was particularly the case for trajectories characterised by a high degree of complexity, i.e. coexisting disadvantages, and—among men only—by a longer duration of disadvantage. Educational attainment was identified as a powerful mediator, suggesting that efforts to increase equal educational opportunity may be a way of reducing the intergenerational transmission of disadvantage.  相似文献   
Missing observations due to non‐response are commonly encountered in data collected from sample surveys. The focus of this article is on item non‐response which is often handled by filling in (or imputing) missing values using the observed responses (donors). Random imputation (single or fractional) is used within homogeneous imputation classes that are formed on the basis of categorical auxiliary variables observed on all the sampled units. A uniform response rate within classes is assumed, but that rate is allowed to vary across classes. We construct confidence intervals (CIs) for a population parameter that is defined as the solution to a smooth estimating equation with data collected using stratified simple random sampling. The imputation classes are assumed to be formed across strata. Fractional imputation with a fixed number of random draws is used to obtain an imputed estimating function. An empirical likelihood inference method under the fractional imputation is proposed and its asymptotic properties are derived. Two asymptotically correct bootstrap methods are developed for constructing the desired CIs. In a simulation study, the proposed bootstrap methods are shown to outperform traditional bootstrap methods and some non‐bootstrap competitors under various simulation settings. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 47: 281–301; 2019 © 2019 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   
Recently Jammalamadaka and Mangalam [2003. Non-parametric estimation for middle censored data. J. Nonparametric Statist. 15, 253–265] introduced a general censoring scheme called the “middle-censoring” scheme in non-parametric set up. In this paper we consider this middle-censoring scheme when the lifetime distribution of the items is exponentially distributed and the censoring mechanism is independent and non-informative. In this set up, we derive the maximum likelihood estimator and study its consistency and asymptotic normality properties. We also derive the Bayes estimate of the exponential parameter under a gamma prior. Since a theoretical construction of the credible interval becomes quite difficult, we propose and implement Gibbs sampling technique to construct the credible intervals. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to evaluate the small sample behavior of the techniques proposed. A real data set is analyzed to illustrate the practical application of the proposed methods.  相似文献   
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