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中国地级城市投资环境评价研究 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
外商直接投资在我国不同城市的分布极不平衡,投资环境差异是造成该现象的主要原因。为此提出了城市投资环境评价的指标体系,通过对全国167个城市的数据进行因子分析,研究和评价了各城市的投资环境,并从实证的角度,验证了投资环境与FD I以及GDP的结构关系。 相似文献
基于集成供应的RS契约协调模型研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
在由供应商和制造商组成的两级供应链中引入集成商,研究了需求不确定且价格敏感条件下基于集成供应的3级供应链的协调问题,建立了满足渠道协调条件和集成供应条件的RS契约协调模型,给出了模型中RS契约参数的取值范围和取值过程,并用实例加以说明。利用模型不仅可以确定产品的生产量和销售价格,而且还可以通过RS契约参数实现供应链利润的分配。 相似文献
家族企业在全世界经济中占有重要地位。从各个不同角度研究家族企业可持续发展的理论问题,介绍家族企业可持续发展路径选择的SHEMP理论,并且探讨了此种路径选择与环境的关系:从宏观的角度进行家族企业可持续发展的PEST分析,进而提出在现有融资环境、诚信环境和职业经理人市场条件下,我国家族企业的选择路径。 相似文献
Reliability is a very important issue in Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANETs). Shortest paths are usually used to route packets
in MANETs. However, a shortest path may fail quickly, because some of the wireless links along a shortest path may be broken
shortly after the path is established due to mobility of mobile nodes. Rediscovering routes may result in substantial data
loss and message exchange overhead. In this paper, we study reliable ad hoc routing in the urban environment. Specifically,
we formulate and study two optimization problems. In the minimum Cost Duration-bounded Path (CDP) routing problem, we seek
a minimum cost source to destination path with duration no less than a given threshold. In the maximum Duration Cost-bounded
Path (DCP) routing problem, we seek a maximum duration source to destination path with cost no greater than a given threshold.
We use a waypoint graph to model the working area of a MANET and present an offline algorithm to compute a duration prediction
table for the given waypoint graph. An entry in the duration prediction table contains the guaranteed worst-case duration
of the corresponding wireless link. We then present an efficient algorithm which computes a minimum cost duration-bounded
path, using the information provided in the duration prediction table. We also present a heuristic algorithm for the DCP routing
problem. In addition, we show that the proposed prediction and routing schemes can be easily applied for designing reliable
ad hoc routing protocols. Simulation results show that our mobility prediction based routing algorithms lead to higher network
throughput and longer average path duration, compared with the shortest path routing.
This research was supported in part by ARO grant W911NF-04-1-0385 and NSF grant CCF-0431167. The information reported here
does not reflect the position or the policy of the federal government. 相似文献
Energy conservation in mobile ad hoc networks is of paramount importance because most mobile nodes usually have very limited
energy supply. Previous research on this issue focused on the design at the network or MAC or physical layer. In this paper,
we study this problem from the new perspective of node mobility, i.e., analyzing the impact of node movement on energy conservation.
In particular, armed with the inherent resource heterogeneity in mobile ad hoc networks, we propose a novel resource-aware
movement strategy to make better use of some powerful nodes to achieve energy conservation. We also formulate the resource-aware
movement as a NP-complete distance-constrained least-cost (DCLC) routing problem and propose an efficient heuristic solution.
Extensive simulations have been used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed schemes. 相似文献
The Web proxy location problem in general networks is an NP-hard problem. In this paper, we study the problem in networks showing a general tree of rings topology. We improve the results of the tree case in literature and get an exact algorithm with time complexity O(nhk), where n is the number of nodes in the tree, h is the height of the tree (the server is in the root of the tree), and k is the number of web proxies to be placed in the net. For the case of networks with a general tree of rings topology we present an exact algorithm with O(kn
2) time complexity.This research has been supported by NSF of China (No. 10371028) and the Educational Department grant of Zhejiang Province (No. 20030622). 相似文献
组织文化度量:本土模型的构建与实证研究 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
本文旨在构建本土化的组织文化度量模型,并检验模型的有效性.作者在质性研究的基础上,从"组织对利益相关者的价值判断"与"组织对管理行为的价值判断"两个角度来构建我国组织文化度量模型.前者由组织对股东、客户、员工、社会大众等组织利益相关者价值判断维度构成,后者由组织文化动力特征、效率特征、秩序特征与和谐特征四个子模块构成.在验证性因子分析中,假设模型得到了很好的验证.本文最后比较了本土化模型与国外已有的重要模型在研究逻辑和方法上的差异,并对我国企业文化建设实践提出了若干建议. 相似文献
民营上市公司集团治理与终极控制人侵占效应分析 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
本文以民营上市公司为样本,采用2002-2004年的面板数据,针对民营上市公司中普遍存在的集团治理现象,理论分析并实证检验了集团治理的各因素对终极控制人行为的综合影响.研究发现,在集团治理条件下,随着控制权和现金流权偏离程度的增加,终极控制人采取具有侵占效应的行为的激励越强.而上市公司的治理结构能够对这一影响起到调节作用,其中,股权结构中的内部股东集团比例增加会强化侵占效应的激励;董事会结构中外部董事比例的增加会抑制终极控制人的侵占效应行为.本文的经验证据表明,在对民营上市公司集团治理结构加强监管的同时,正确认识外部董事的作用、强化董事会的独立性并完善内部机制能够取到良好的治理效果. 相似文献
上市公司总经理更换、高管团队重组与企业绩效改进 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
本文针对以往总经理更换理论研究存在的关键问题,特别是对高管团队重组现象的忽视,构建了新的理论假设,并利用中国上市公司数据进行了检验.研究发现,总经理被迫离职时企业绩效呈现改进之面貌,但常规离职时无此效应;国有控股阻碍了企业绩效改进而内部董事则反之,且在总经理被迫离职情况下,前者负效应减弱而后者正效应增强;总经理是否为竞争者继任对企业绩效改进无显著影响,而选择外部继任对其有显著负面效应;总经理更换后的高管团队重组总体上不利于企业绩效改进,但受到继任类型的调节作用,在外部继任情形下消极影响尤为明显,而对竞争者继任则具有积极作用. 相似文献