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提出了一种基于PXI总线的虚拟数字存储示波器实现方法。介绍了示波器数据采集板原理和底层驱动程序开发过程。结合设计的虚拟示波器面板,阐述在各种用户控制命令和状态下,数据的采集、处理以及波形和测量结果的显示等示波器功能的实现。  相似文献   
中国养老金制度经过近30多年来的深刻变革,从自我封闭的单位保障制走向开放式的社会保险制、从少数人的专利发展成为全体老年人的共同福祉、从单一责任主体走向多方分担责任、从单一层次走向多层次化,成为惠及所有老年人的社会保障制度,符合全球养老金制度发展的潮流与客观规律。但目前存在的理论认识误区、制度不统一、政策参数僵化、补充层次缺失及其导致的筹资失衡、待遇不公、预期紊乱、可持续性弱化和社会风险累积等问题正在日益显性化。这表明其仍是质量不高的制度安排。因此,中国养老金制度亟待走出逻辑混乱的思维定势与传统的路径依赖,通过明确公平建制理念、加快制度统一步伐、调适筹资责任分担机制、赋予相关参数弹性空间、理性推动多层次化等举措来为参与主体各方提供清晰稳定的预期,实现制度定型和高质量发展。  相似文献   
Leadership is a key predictor of employee, team, and organizational creativity and innovation. Research in this area holds great promise for the development of intriguing theory and impactful policy implications, but only if empirical studies are conducted rigorously. In the current paper, we report a comprehensive review of a large number of empirical studies (N?=?195) exploring leadership and workplace creativity and innovation. Using this article cache, we conducted a number of systematic analyses and built narrative arguments documenting observed trends in five areas. First, we review and offer improved definitions of creativity and innovation. Second, we conduct a systematic review of the main effects of leadership upon creativity and innovation and the variables assumed to moderate these effects. Third, we conduct a systematic review of mediating variables. Fourth, we examine whether the study designs commonly employed are suitable to estimate the causal models central to the field. Fifth, we conduct a critical review of the creativity and innovation measures used, noting that most are sub-optimal. Within these sections, we present a number of taxonomies that organize extant research, highlight understudied areas, and serve as a guide for future variable selection. We conclude by highlighting key suggestions for future research that we hope will reorient the field and improve the rigour of future research such that we can build more reliable and useful theories and policy recommendations.  相似文献   
Using a sample of 42,329 respondents nested within 4254 Canadian urban neighborhoods, this study demonstrates the conceptual and empirical importance of making a distinction between neighborhood racial diversity and minority concentration, and examines how each is uniquely associated with trust. Our analysis shows that at a given level of racial minority concentration, Whites are more trusting when their minority neighbors are more evenly distributed across racial minority groups. Meanwhile, Whites are less trusting as the neighborhood share of racial minorities increases. Overall, the effect of racial minority concentration tends to prevail over that of racial diversity.  相似文献   
牧民作为牧区城镇化的参与主体,在向牧区城镇以及城镇周边转移的过程中,其迁移意愿将直接影响到牧区城镇化的进度和效果。本文采用LOGIT模型对阿拉善左旗牧民的城镇化意愿进行了实证分析,并结合调研情况对实证结果进行了解释。在研究假设上,对牧户的家庭特征变量、牧民的个体特征变量、所在牧区的特征变量分别进行了假设。实证结果表明,阿拉善左旗牧民迁移意愿的影响因素存在着特殊性。通过实地调研分析,我们认为牧民的迁移意愿是由牧区的特殊区情、个体的成本收益分析以及草地畜牧业的产业特点决定的。  相似文献   
"环境如何进入伦理"之追问,是环境伦理的基本问题,它敞开了异常显明的哲学改变.在自我意识维度,它激起了作为意识现象的道德世界观之转变,将我们遭遇到的日益紧迫的环境问题或自然生态问题看作人类之命运、文化之命运和道德之命运,并拓展出将自然与道德联结在一起的环境伦理之论域.在承认方式上,它激起了作为伦理普遍性的伦理世界观之转变,代表了人之类型的转变、文明的演进和伦理发展的基本方向.该问题涉及环境伦理学史的基本论争,是从根本上处理哲学问题和文明问题的尝试,指向了文明之演进、哲学之转变、实践哲学与哲学实践之突破、人之类型的转变以及建立在生态基础上的实践方式之确立.  相似文献   
中国近代思想史学科建设的几个理论问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国近代思想史的研究对象是人们围绕民族独立和社会进步两大任务提出了哪些思想、观念和主张,这些思想、观念和主张通过什么样的途径对社会产生过哪些影响,并总结其经验和教训,从中找出规律性的东西.中国近代思想史的逻辑起点是嘉道年间而非1840年鸦片战争,因为嘉道年间复兴的经世思潮使中国传统思想具备了向近代转型的可能性,而发生于此时的鸦片战争,又给经世思潮注入了新的内容,从而使这种可能性成为了现实性.中国传统社会和传统思想向近代转变,是由来自传统社会、传统思想的内部因素和来自西方文明冲击的外部因素所形成的合力共同推动的.  相似文献   
郑维宽 《兰州学刊》2009,(4):223-226
唐后期,为了控驭广西西南部的非汉民族,在广西境内首次设立高层政区岭南西道,道治位于邕州,但历时短暂。从北宋到明代,在以民族因素为主导的地缘政治背景下,广西的政治中心长期位于桂林。清代中前期,民族因素对广西地缘政治的影响削弱,桂林作为省会只是历史惯性的作用。清后期爆发的边疆危机,成为广西地缘政治变动的新因素,广西省会由桂林迁往南宁成为历史发展的妊然趋势。  相似文献   
我国统一基本养老保险制度建立时点研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
众所周知,与城乡二元的社会经济结构相对应,几十年来,我国的城市和乡村实行的是两套相对独立、待遇迥异的"二元"养老保障体系[1].随着社会主义市场经济的发展、城市化率的提高、城乡融合的推进,二元的城乡养老保障体系与社会发展要求不相适应的矛盾日益显现,因此,如何统筹城乡养老保障,最终建立城乡统一的社会养老保障体系的问题,引起了政府、学者和社会各界的高度关注.  相似文献   
In many diagnostic studies, multiple diagnostic tests are performed on each subject or multiple disease markers are available. Commonly, the information should be combined to improve the diagnostic accuracy. We consider the problem of comparing the discriminatory abilities between two groups of biomarkers. Specifically, this article focuses on confidence interval estimation of the difference between paired AUCs based on optimally combined markers under the assumption of multivariate normality. Simulation studies demonstrate that the proposed generalized variable approach provides confidence intervals with satisfying coverage probabilities at finite sample sizes. The proposed method can also easily provide P-values for hypothesis testing. Application to analysis of a subset of data from a study on coronary heart disease illustrates the utility of the method in practice.  相似文献   
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