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从用户使用视角出发,基于用户技术接受模型,以深圳市政府数据开放平台为例,设计14个观察指标,研究政府开放数据的有用性和易用性。深圳市政府数据开放平台具有开放有序、回应及时和激励正向三大特色,同时存在创设数据场景不丰富、获取数据资源途径单一、利用成果数量少及质量不高、平台用户评价不积极及参与度低等不足。据此,提出以用户需求为导向、提升用户数字素养、构建政府部门的激励约束机制和跨部门跨层级的协同机制等政策建议。  相似文献   
大学生是实现"中国梦"的重要后备力量,大学生对"中国梦"的认同状况将深刻影响中华民族伟大复兴的进程。对781名大学生的实证调查发现:"中国梦"得到大学生的广泛认同,但仍有少部分大学生持不赞同态度,高校"中国梦"教育有待加强。大学生对"中国梦"认同指数正影响最大的是命运自我掌控感和亲社会倾向,而负影响最大的是命运受掌控感和个体化程度,因此,加强正向引导非常重要。  相似文献   
The often paradoxical relationship between investment in information technology and gains in productivity has recently been attributed to a lack of user acceptance of information technology innovations. Diverse streams of research have attempted to explain and predict user acceptance of new information technologies. A common theme underlying these various research streams is the inclusion of the perceived characteristics of an innovation as key independent variables. Furthermore, prior research has utilized different outcomes to represent user acceptance behavior. In this paper we focus on individual's perceptions about the characteristics of the target technology as explanatory and predictive variables for acceptance behavior, and present an empirical study examining the effects of these perceptions on two frequently used outcomes in the context of the innovation represented by the World Wide Web. The two outcomes examined are initial use of an innovation and intentions to continue such use in the future, that is, to routinize technology use. Two research questions motivated and guided the study. First, are the perceptions that predict initial use the same as those that predict future use intentions? Our results confirm, as hypothesized by prior research, that innovation characteristics do explain acceptance behavior. The results further reveal that the specific characteristics that are relevant for each acceptance outcome are different. The second research question asks if perceived voluntariness plays a role in technology acceptance. Results show that external pressure has an impact on adopters' acceptance behavior. Theoretical and practical implications that follow are presented.  相似文献   
近年来,收容遣送一直受到批评和置疑,随着今年“孙志刚事件”的披露,该制度更是成了众矢之的,受到来自学界、舆论界和普通公民的猛烈抨击。2003年6月22日国务院自行废止了实行了21年的《收容遣送办法》,代之以更人性化的《救助办法》。收容遣送的废除,似乎是该案最好的注解。但是,在《收容遣送办法》废除,《救助办法》实施后一系列问题的出现,又使得必须对此做出重新思考。本文试就相关问题做一探讨。  相似文献   
作为数字经济的新兴业态,直播电商已成为助力经济社会发展的新动能。如何更好地捕捉公众需求、认知用户行为、提升发展质量、推动行业升级成为直播电商领域的重点研究内容。本文以技术接受与使用整合理论为基础框架,结合感知风险与路径依赖理论,建立直播电商用户使用影响因素模型,研究绩效期望、努力期望、社会影响、便利条件对用户行为意愿和使用行为的影响作用,以及感知风险、路径依赖与上述因素之间的相关关系,并对加快推进直播电商发展提出对策建议。  相似文献   
魏晋南北朝时期,史学发展成为一门独立的学科。这一时期史学传播,主要通过了学校中的历史教学以及社会上各种形式的历史知识普及。史书的阅读和接受成为了普遍的社会现象,以历代正史为主的史书被广泛的阅读。这一时期的史学接受,体现出广泛性、多样性和复杂性等特征。接受的效果在专业研究领域,日常生活领域以及国家政治活动中均有所反映。  相似文献   
In this paper, we propose a sampling policy considering Bayesian risks. Various definitions of producer's risk and consumer's risk have been made. Bayesian risks for both producer and consumer are proven to give better information to decision-makers than classical definitions of the risks. So considering the Bayesian risk constraints, we seek to find optimal acceptance sampling policy by minimizing total cost, including the cost of rejecting the batch, the cost of inspection, and the cost of defective items detected during the operation. Proper distributions to construct the objective function of the model are specified. In order to demonstrate the application of the proposed model, we illustrate a numerical example. Furthermore, the results of the sensitivity analysis show that lot size, the cost of inspection, and the cost of one defective item are key factors in sampling policies. The acceptable quality level, the lot tolerance proportion defective, and Bayesian risks also affect the sampling policy, but variations of acceptable quality level and producer Bayesian risks, for values more than a specified value, cause no changes in sampling policy.  相似文献   
The problem of testing the equality of the noncentrality parameters of two noncentral t-distributions with identical degrees of freedom is considered, which arises from the comparison of two signal-to-noise ratios for simple linear regression models. A test procedure is derived that is guaranteed to maintain Type I error while having only minimal amounts of conservativeness, and comparisons are made with several other approaches to this problem based on variance stabilizing transformations. The new procedure derived in this article is shown to have good properties and will be useful for practitioners.  相似文献   
The relatively high failure rates, with important consequences in many cases, suggest that the implicitly acceptable risk levels corresponding to temporary civil engineering structures and activities might exceed the bounds of normally acceptable levels associated with different societal activities. Among other reasons, this may be attributed to the lack of a rational approach for the assessment of risks associated with the different technologies supporting these activities in general, and for structures in particular. There is a need for establishing appropriate target reliability levels for structures under temporary use taking into account specific circumstances such as reduced risk exposure times. This issue is being addressed in this article. Acceptance criteria for building-structure-related risks to persons obtained in prior studies are adapted to the special circumstances of nonpermanent risk exposure. Thereby, the general principle followed is to maintain the same risk levels per time unit as for permanently occupied buildings. The adaptation is based on the statistical annual fatality rate, a life safety risk metric that allows for a consistent comparison of risks across different societal activities and technologies. It is shown that the target reliability indices taking account of the temporary use of buildings might be significantly higher than the values suggested for permanently used structures.  相似文献   
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