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The aim of this article is to discuss the relationship between the gendering of leadership positions and sector‐specific structures within politics, business and the civil service in Denmark in the context of differences between the Nordic countries and other western countries. The analysis is based on data from a survey of top male and female leaders within the three sectors. The theoretical point of departure of this article is constructivist. It looks at gender as constituted by actions in social space, orchestrated by structural processes and a symbolic order of gender. This constitutes a cultural discourse on gender reflected in gender conventions in society and in a range of possibilities of gender positioning. Expressions of this are discussed in the analysis of the patterns of difference in structural conditions for women and men in leadership positions to be found within the three sectors. The structural conditions encompass access conditions and conditions for gendered positioning and are analysed on the basis of data on social background, education, career course, family, children and distribution of housework. The analysis shows that there is a correlation between gender composition of leadership and possibilities of gendered positioning within a sector. The results are finally discussed as possible expressions of an egalitarian culture.  相似文献   
基于差序格局理论,将CEO来源按关系亲疏分为本人、亲人、熟人和外人CEO,以2007—2019年民营上市公司为样本,实证研究了CEO差序来源对企业创新产出的直接作用、中介作用和调节作用。结果表明:CEO差序来源对民营上市公司创新产出的影响显著为负,即CEO差序来源越疏远,民营上市公司创新产出越少;创新投入在CEO差序来源对企业创新产出的影响中起到了中介作用;企业的盈利能力和现金持有水平调节了CEO差序来源对企业创新产出的影响。据此,建议民营上市公司在聘请CEO时,优先选择亲人CEO和熟人CEO,在亲人CEO资源缺乏的情况下,可聘用熟人CEO,这样,更能提升企业的创新产出;同时,企业应提高自身盈利能力和现金持有水平,为企业创新活动奠定基础。  相似文献   
如何有效约束大股东掏空行为是公司治理学术界与实践界共同关注的焦点问题。传统的委托代理框架遵循母子公司“自上而下”的单向治理逻辑,忽视了子公司的自主性及其“自下而上”的制衡能力,难以从根本上解决子公司及其中小股东利益保护问题。尽管单向治理范式已经受到学者的质疑,但子公司通过何种方式对母公司产生制衡亟需进一步探索。文章基于前景理论的核心观点,运用2012—2017年中国上市子公司的平衡面板数据,采用多元回归方法验证了子公司管理者异质性对大股东掏空行为的影响,阐释了子公司“自下而上”制衡作用的实现路径、弱化因素及其作用边界。研究结果表明:上市子公司拥有能力较强的管理团队能够显著抑制大股东掏空行为。一方面,能力较强的管理者可以为大股东带来更多的控制权共享收益,限制了其控制权私有收益的获取,另一方面,也能够更加有效地识别与监督大股东的掏空行为,进而起到对大股东“自下而上”的制衡作用。作为具有双重效应的情境变量,CEO声誉及CEO与母公司关联度在中国情境下的负面效应更为凸显,二者均会弱化管理者能力对大股东掏空行为的制衡作用,即在子公司CEO声誉水平较高、子公司CEO与母公司关联度较强的情境下,子公...  相似文献   
以社会情感财富理论与合法性视角为出发点,选择2008—2018年中国沪深两市A股上市家族企业为研究样本,考察家族涉入及继任CEO来源对企业财务报告质量的影响。研究发现:家族的所有权涉入及管理权涉入均对企业财务报告质量具有显著的负向影响。相比一代创始人CEO,家族二代继任CEO与职业经理人继任CEO均会提升家族企业的财务报告质量。此研究丰富了家族企业研究方面的文献,拓展了家族企业财务报告质量前沿问题的研究视野,同时为我国后一代时期的家族企业如何提升财务报告质量提供了参考。  相似文献   
We study the impact of appointing women to top executive positions from an investor perspective. We analyze whether shareholders value announcement of appointment of women to top positions differently than they do appointment of men. This study uses an international sample of 100 announcements of top executive appointments of women who replace men and investigates how shareholders respond to such appointments. This research combines an event study with a matched pair analysis to compare the response from investors regarding appointment of female versus male CEOs and CFOs. We establish that investors do not seem to value appointment of women significantly differently from that of men. This finding suggests that, from the investor perspective, there appears to be no business case for a particular gender when it comes to appointing a CEO or CFO.  相似文献   
In one of only a few crisis communication research studies taking a relational approach, examining the effects of a company's prior reputation in publics’ responses to a given crisis situation, Lyons and Cameron (2004) found that both reputation and response profoundly affected publics’ attitude and behavioral intentions toward an organization involved in a crisis situation, using hypothetical, fictitious organizations and crises. Using actual organizations and crises, our research team designed a 2 (reputation: good vs. bad) × 2 (crisis response: apologetic vs. defensive) × 2 (CEO visibility in immediate crisis response: visible vs. invisible) within-subjects experiment (N = 102) to examine the variances in stakeholders’ attitudes and behavioral intentions toward a company after being exposed to online video that delivered a corporate crisis response. Findings were counter-intuitive: a defensive response to a crisis is as acceptable to crisis stakeholders as an apologetic response if the CEO is visible (or audible) in the response and if the pre-crisis company-stakeholder reputation is positive. Good reputation, defensive crisis response and CEO visibility in immediate response to a crisis resulted in the best stakeholder attitudes and purchase intentions.  相似文献   
Porter and Kramer’s concept of creating shared value (CSV) has been welcomed as an approach to corporate social responsibility (CSR) among corporations that also provides a practical opportunity for dialogue in public relations, but it has been little examined from the general population’s (i.e., the public’s) perspective. Such scrutiny is important because its findings enable public relations to contribute to the debate and development of CSV from both the public’s and the organization’s viewpoints. Additionally, if public relations professionals understand how the public perceives CSV, they can give a strategic perspective to top management for maximizing moral capabilities of the business and formulate effective communication to promote CSV initiatives. This study investigates whether the public prefers corporations to practice CSV as opposed to intrinsic CSR as a separate pursuit from business interests. It also explores the role of leadership as an influential and ethical construct in implementing effective CSV as perceived by the public. The public’s preference for CSV over intrinsic CSR was revealed in a survey of 1784 participants in the United States (US), Germany, and China. Factor analysis results further suggested that effective CSV competencies of CEOs were construed as a unidimensional concept in the US, but German and Chinese participants viewed it as two-dimensional. The public perceived that leaders’ moral character played a more important, core role in effective CSV than did altruistic and behavioral attributes, across nations. Network analysis of the perceived effective CSV-characteristics provides further implications for CSV communication.  相似文献   
上市公司总经理更换、高管团队重组与企业绩效改进   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文针对以往总经理更换理论研究存在的关键问题,特别是对高管团队重组现象的忽视,构建了新的理论假设,并利用中国上市公司数据进行了检验.研究发现,总经理被迫离职时企业绩效呈现改进之面貌,但常规离职时无此效应;国有控股阻碍了企业绩效改进而内部董事则反之,且在总经理被迫离职情况下,前者负效应减弱而后者正效应增强;总经理是否为竞争者继任对企业绩效改进无显著影响,而选择外部继任对其有显著负面效应;总经理更换后的高管团队重组总体上不利于企业绩效改进,但受到继任类型的调节作用,在外部继任情形下消极影响尤为明显,而对竞争者继任则具有积极作用.  相似文献   
在探讨了CEO注意力、产品创新表现与企业绩效之间的关系的基础上,构建了有关理论模型,并通过问卷收集的方法对国有企业CEO进行了调研。研究结果表明,国有企业CEO对于外部的注意力普遍高于其对内部的注意力;外部注意力对于产品创新的技术表现和市场表现均有积极影响,内部注意力仅与产品创新的技术表现正向相关;产品创新的技术表现对于企业的财务绩效和非财务绩效均有积极影响,仅市场表现对企业非财务绩效有积极影响。  相似文献   
This study examines the influence on CEO paypractices of four corporate control perspectives:managerial control, class hegemony, external control,and efficient market. The results indicate the influence of both market and extra-market controls on thedetermination of CEO pay levels and criteria.Implications for the governance of firms and the studyof corporate control are drawn.  相似文献   
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