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金融作为现代经济发展的核心动力,可以有效地推动经济发展方式快速转变和经济发展结构的进一步优化。特别是对于当前正处于经济发展转型关键时期的中国经济,科学地选择金融在推动经济发展方式转变过程中的作用路径,对于我国有效地实现经济发展方式的转变有着十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
中亚具有独特的地缘政治地位,中亚蕴藏着丰富的能源,堪称世界的聚宝盆.中亚地区是多种文明的交汇地,因此发生冲突的可能性极大.美国为了自身的战略利益,依据形势的变化适时的调整对中亚的战略.美国的战略调整对中国也产生了重要影响.中国必须采取相应的措施改变不利的现状.  相似文献   
近二十年我国行政区划变更分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着改革开放的深入和经济社会的发展,1987年以来的二十年间我国行政区划工作在基本框架相对稳定的基础上调整变更频繁,并呈现出一定的时代特征。在有力促进区域社会经济的全面、协调、可持续发展的同时,也存在盲目调整、频繁调整等问题。行政区划事关社会的方方面面,行政区划的调整变更一定要十分慎重,要站在长远角度避免频繁调整,要站在全局角度避免争议和反复,必须经过实地调研、系统分析、科学论证,最后做出正确合理的决策。  相似文献   
传统个案社会工作往往在理论上运用个别治疗模式,社会工作实践中使用多个,未能充分发挥其作用。该个案综合分析案主问题,伊始确立多种治疗模式综合介入,协助案主分析自身问题,有次序有步骤地帮助案主克服困难,解决学习生活问题。通过心理疏导及学习实践,改善了原有精神面貌及学习生活状况,达到治疗效果。  相似文献   
我国大学生职业成熟度不高,这对他们今后的职业生涯相当不利,如何提高大学生的职业成熟度是社会、学校、家庭需要高度关注的一个重要课题。除了大学生要努力提高自身素质外,还要加强政府和社会的宏观调控作用,对大学生进行职业心理指导和培训,发挥家庭的导向作用。  相似文献   
介绍和分析了独联体成员国《示范互联网调整基准法》的基本原则和调整机制。在互联网管理立法中,我国应当对互联网的管理采取适度原则,尊重互联网建立和发展所依据的原则和规律,注重保障公民和法人使用互联网和获取互联网信息的自由;应当明确国家负有鼓励发展和使用互联网基础设施的义务,并承担保障所有使用者平等获得互联网服务的义务。对通过互联网实施的法律行为,应当按照行为实施时主体所在的地点和时间来确定,并采用地域管辖原则(属地管辖原则)。同时,域名登记机关可以涂销违反本国立法或者他国公共秩序的域名,或者由管理员用于从事本国立法所禁止活动的域名。  相似文献   
辽宁省育龄妇女数量和出生人口数量多年来一直呈减少趋势,生育水平已经进入超低状态,尽管面临新的生育高峰,但由于生育旺盛期育龄妇女人数的减少,也不会引起出生人口的较大反弹.因此,必须在适当的时候调整生育政策,将总和生育率提高到一定的水平,以维持合理的人口再生产.  相似文献   
《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(1-2):189-211
The experience of being a single mother with custody following divorce is influenced by many variables across several levels of interaction, such as age of mother and child, potential for remarriage, coping skills, social networks and income changes. Cross-sectional studies have examined additional variables such as time since divorce and level of family religiosity and subsequent impact on individual well-being. Whereas most studies took a cate- gorical approach to examining the experience of divorce, a few refreshing studies were based on an ecological systems model. As divorce also involves building a new life, longitudinal research pro- vides the best picture of how divorced women accomplish this task. Long-term research clearly points to the fact that divorce is an event whose impact is individual and very often life long. Researchers have provided valuable information to build meaningful programs of intervention for divorced mothers. Perhaps the biggest challenge is to design flexible programs which can grow and change with the needs of the divorced mother. Future research will be most beneficial when it addresses the divorced mother family as a healthy family unit.  相似文献   
Female and male adult children of divorce (ACDs) provided retrospective ratings of their relationships with their moth- ers and fathers prior to and after parental separation, and also eva- luated their current relationships with each parent. Pre-, post-separa- tion and current relationships with mothers were more positively evaluated than those with fathers. Post-separation ratings of relation- ships with each parent were lower than those obtained on pre-separa- tion scales, with some recovery evidenced on current relationship scales. The critical importance of parental cooperation, particularly for ACDs' relationships with their fathers, was especially indicated by the present findings. A positive relationship with one parent was also found to have contributed in a negative fashion to ACDs' posi- tive evaluations of their relationshiv with their other oarent follow- ing separation. Research utilizing 'a longitudinal apl;roach is sug- gested in order to further examine the differential qualities of ACDs' ongoing relationships with each of their parents.  相似文献   
赵楠 《统计研究》2016,33(2):68-74
劳动力流动对产业结构调整存在重要影响,但基于空间效应视角对这一问题的实证研究目前还较为缺乏。本文通过构建中国2002~2012年30个省级行政单位的空间面板数据模型,分析农村劳动力流动对产业结构调整的影响方向与力度,并探讨其实现机制。本文证实了中国各地区产业结构的动态变化与临近地区之间确实存在显著正向的空间相关关系;劳动力的跨区域流动也显著促进了中国各地区产业结构的优化升级;而其他影响产业结构变化的因素在不同地区的影响效果存在明显分化。  相似文献   
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