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科学探索和正确回答“什么是马克思主义、怎样对待马克思主义”这一基本问题,是中国共产党进行理论创新、推动实践发展的前提。毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民对这一基本问题都曾做出过创造性的探索和回答。胡锦涛的贡献主要有:对马克思主义的精神实质进一步做出了“求真务实”的高度概括;赋予“解放思想”以新的时代内涵和更高的思想地位;重提“马克思主义中国化”,明确了在当代中国推进马克思主义中国化的基本途径和方向;提出了马克思主义及其创新理论的大众化等。胡锦涛的探索和回答大大深化了我们党对马克思主义在当代中国发展创新规律的认识。  相似文献   
Combating social exclusion has become a priority target for many governments and was a key factor in the establishment of the Legal Services Commission (LSC) and the Community Legal Service (CLS) in England and Wales in April 2000. This study aims to assess whether socially excluded groups within the general population are more likely to suffer justiciable problems (problems for which there is a potential legal remedy) and whether such groups differ in their problem resolution strategies and advice‐seeking behaviour. We draw upon a large‐scale survey of 5,611 people representative of the population of England and Wales, and a further survey of 197 people in temporary accommodation. Five vulnerable groups are extracted: survey respondents with a long‐term illness or disability, young and elderly respondents, low‐income respondents and those living in temporary accommodation. We identify how some of these vulnerable groups have a high likelihood of experiencing justiciable problems. We also examine advice‐seeking strategies among our vulnerable groups and, where contact was made, which advisers were typically contacted. The findings demonstrate the potentially crucial role of access to justice and advice and legal services in tackling social exclusion.  相似文献   
社会经济快速发展的同时,资源与环境方面的矛盾不断突出,煤电企业作为资源密集型产业,在建设和生产营运中需要占用和消费大量资源,包括土地、环境容量、煤炭等,同时需要向环境排放总量比较大的污染物。因此,煤电企业要贯彻落实科学发展观,在竞争中立于不败之地,就必须转变现有管理模式,实行绿色管理。文章分析了煤电企业实行绿色管理的可行性,并在此基础上提出几点对策建议。  相似文献   
文学作品是由语码符号组成的 ,但并非是一个平面的图式 ,而是包含着不同的层面 ,最深层面的符码往往规范着文学作品的意蕴和美学风格。徐言于小说最深层面的符码即为徐言于立足于宗教文化对人生与世界的独特理解 ,它极大程度上抟塑了小说中追寻救赎的生命意蕴和史诗美学。本文试图从这个途径来把握徐言于小说 ,力图还之以更深入、本真的徐言于。使人们重新认识徐言于小说的思想、美学价值 ,为重写文学史做点扎实的工作。  相似文献   
“西学中源”与“礼失求野”是明清之际兴起于中国学者之中的两种对待西学的态度,前者指出西学来源于中学,而后者不涉及两种文化的源流,只表明向西学学习的积极态度.梅文鼎是清初历算大家,对中学和西学都有很深刻的认识,他学术生涯的大部分时间在论及“礼失求野”的思想,只是在晚年受到康熙皇帝召见后,错将政治权威当做学术权威,才开始大力宣扬“西学中源”的思想.  相似文献   
We propose a new stochastic actor-oriented model for the co-evolution of two-mode and one-mode networks. The model posits that activities of a set of actors, represented in the two-mode network, co-evolve with exchanges and interactions between the actors, as represented in the one-mode network. The model assumes that the actors, not the activities, have agency.  相似文献   
实事求是思想路线既是一个认识论范畴,也是一个社会历史学范畴.党90年的历史经验和启示告诉我们:彻底坚持和实践党的实事求是思想路线,不仅要求有主观认知能力作保障,更要求有独立自主的组织保障、解放思想的主观认知保障、民主的制度保障和无私无畏的道德保障.  相似文献   
"反本""复性"的哲学道路充分体现了中国哲学的特色。这一道路虽由道家所开创,却为儒道两家所共循。反本复性的前提是本静和性善,二者后来又融为一体。其工夫既包括复返原初本根以实现哲学目的,又重在对情欲、气质造成的本性缺失进行修复。人性有失故"未成",故需要去偏、复全以成性。反本复性有"归根"、"求放心"、"灭情"、"善反"和"良知自觉"等多种方式,但又都以回到清静纯粹的先天本性为哲学的目的。哲学的价值就体现在对反本复性的不懈追求之中。  相似文献   
In this study we develop a model to explain the dynamics of advice seeking after an acquisition. We build on a theory of advice seeking that draws from prospect theory and expectancy theory. We theorize that immediately after an acquisition there is uncertainty about who knows what, but over time individuals become more aware of the expertise within the organization and they change their advice networks based upon this increased awareness. Our model examines four micro-processes of advice seeking: reciprocity, preferential attachment, transitivity, and legacy-firm tie preferences. To test our hypotheses we use post-acquisition data over four time periods in a recruitment consulting firm. Our longitudinal analysis uses a stochastic actor-orientated model and our results indicate that immediately after the acquisition individuals have a tendency to seek advice based upon reciprocity and preferential attachment. However, over time these tendencies diminish. Surprisingly, transitivity does not play a significant role, which suggests that other micro-processes such as reciprocity are dominant. In addition, individuals in the acquired firm have a tendency to make more ties and there is a preference for same firm ties in both legacy firms, with the tendency being higher in the acquired firm. Our findings add to theories on the process of advice seeking under conditions of uncertainty, on knowledge transfer processes in mergers and acquisitions, and the knowledge based view of the firm.  相似文献   
四川省凉山彝族自治州处于旅游业发展的起步阶段,研究其在旅游资源开发与环境保护中凸显的法律问题更具有现实借鉴意义。本文在实地考察、多方调研的基础上,对当地旅游资源开发利用与环境保护的现状作出描述、分析和评价,并提出相应的法律对策和建议。  相似文献   
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