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Summary The development of Bayesian robustness has been growing in the last decade. The theory has extensively dealt with the univariate parameter case. Among the vast amount of proposals in the literature, only a few of them have a straightforward extension to the multivariate case. In this paper we consider the multidimensional version of the class of ε-contaminated prior distributions, with unimodal contaminations. In the multivariate case there is not a unique definition of unimodality and one's choice must be based on statistical ground. Here we propose the use of the block unimodal distributions, which proved to be very suitable for modelling situations where the coordinates of the parameter ϑ are deemed, a priori, weakly correlated.  相似文献   
The two distinct concepts of inference and criterion robustness are illustrated with a simple example based on the one-parameter exponential model. The study of inference and criterion robustness of point and interval estimators of the population mean under a more general exponential power model involves simple but fascinating distribution theory. This example could be usefully exploited in elementary mathematical statistics courses, where the topic of robustness is often neglected.  相似文献   
Much of what we teach in statistics is seldom used in practice. Much of what students need we do not teach.  相似文献   
The covariance of the number of renewals in a fixed time N t and the ensuing excess life time Y t is derived using matrix-analytic methods for the stationary PH-renewal process. Specific results for the Erlang and hyperexponential processes are provided to illustrate the ease of computation. Properties concerning the sign and the behavior of the covariance as t→∞ are provided throughout. Parameter estimation for renewal processes which cannot be fully observed serves as the motivation for our derivations. These statistical applications as well as links to estimation for service time distributions in queues shed light on the type of problems for which the covariance is useful.  相似文献   
In this paper we consider conditional inference procedures for the Pareto and power function distributions. We develop procedures for obtaining confidence intervals for the location and scale parameters as well as upper and lower n probability tolerance intervals for a proportion g, given a Type-II right censored sample from the corresponding distribution. The intervals are exact, and are obtained by conditioning on the observed values of the ancillary statistics. Since, for each distribution, the procedures assume that a shape parameter x is known, a sensitivity analysis is also carried out to see how the procedures are affected by changes in x.  相似文献   
Measuring the accuracy of diagnostic tests is crucial in many application areas including medicine and health care. Good methods for determining diagnostic accuracy provide useful guidance on selection of patient treatment, and the ability to compare different diagnostic tests has a direct impact on quality of care. In this paper Nonparametric Predictive Inference (NPI) methods for accuracy of diagnostic tests with continuous test results are presented and discussed. For such tests, Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves have become popular tools for describing the performance of diagnostic tests. We present the NPI approach to ROC curves, and some important summaries of these curves. As NPI does not aim at inference for an entire population but instead explicitly considers a future observation, this provides an attractive alternative to standard methods. We show how NPI can be used to compare two continuous diagnostic tests.  相似文献   

In applications using a simple regression model with a balanced two-fold nested error structure, interest focuses on inferences concerning the regression coefficient. This article derives exact and approximate confidence intervals on the regression coefficient in the simple regression model with a balanced two-fold nested error structure. Eleven methods are considered for constructing the confidence intervals on the regression coefficient. Computer simulation is performed to compare the proposed confidence intervals. Recommendations are suggested for selecting an appropriate method.  相似文献   
This paper provides some simple methods of interpreting the coefficients in multinomial logit and ordered logit models. These methods are summarized in Propositions concerning the magnitudes, signs, and patterns of partial derivatives of the outcome probabilities with respect to the exogenousvariables. The paper also provides an empirical example illustrating the use of these Propositions.  相似文献   

A number of tests have been proposed for assessing the location-scale assumption that is often invoked by practitioners. Existing approaches include Kolmogorov–Smirnov and Cramer–von Mises statistics that each involve measures of divergence between unknown joint distribution functions and products of marginal distributions. In practice, the unknown distribution functions embedded in these statistics are typically approximated using nonsmooth empirical distribution functions (EDFs). In a recent article, Li, Li, and Racine establish the benefits of smoothing the EDF for inference, though their theoretical results are limited to the case where the covariates are observed and the distributions unobserved, while in the current setting some covariates and their distributions are unobserved (i.e., the test relies on population error terms from a location-scale model) which necessarily involves a separate theoretical approach. We demonstrate how replacing the nonsmooth distributions of unobservables with their kernel-smoothed sample counterparts can lead to substantial power improvements, and extend existing approaches to the smooth multivariate and mixed continuous and discrete data setting in the presence of unobservables. Theoretical underpinnings are provided, Monte Carlo simulations are undertaken to assess finite-sample performance, and illustrative applications are provided.  相似文献   
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