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基于内生经济增长理论框架,将能源消费、环境污染引入生产函数,把环境质量引入消费函数,建立城镇化发展与经济增长之间的联系,构建一个在城镇化发展过程中讨论能源消费结构优化与环境污染治理的内生增长模型,以此探讨分析实现绿色城市化发展的路径。在此基础上,利用中国内地30个省份2005—2014年的面板数据构建计量模型分析了城镇化发展与物质资本、人力资本、能源消费、环境污染以及能源消费结构的相互作用关系。基于上述分析,认为:加大新能源、环境治理人力资本创新研发投入,促进生产技术革新、生产方式绿色化,是绿色城镇化的必由之路;鼓励多元参与,构建多中心治理体系,培育居民节能环保生活方式,是绿色城镇化的必要条件。  相似文献   
In this paper we present analogues of Balakrishnan's (1989) relations that relate the triple and quadruple moments of order statistics from independent and nonidentically distributed (I.NI.D.) random variables from a symmetric distribution to those of the folded distribution. We then apply these results, along with the corresponding recurrence relations for the exponential distribution derived recently by Childs (2003), to study the robustness of the Winsorized variance.  相似文献   
城市三维地层信息系统的提出与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据城市建设的实际情况,阐述了建立三维地层信息系统的意义,并针对当前地理信息系统发展的状况,提出了建立城市三维地层信息系统的思路.  相似文献   
欠发达地区经济增长由于受到市场化程度、资源配置效率、工业发展基础等影响,技术进步转化生产力方面并不高,经济增长效应不佳。通过用甘肃省经济数据拟合广义柯布-道格拉斯函数,计算出广义技术进步以及资本、劳动和技术进步对经济增长的贡献,得出甘肃省经济发展还处于高资本、劳动投入推动经济增长阶段,经济发展处于粗放型模式,科技进步转化效果并不明显。  相似文献   
D.H.劳伦斯希望通过恢复男女两性关系的自然性来拯救危机四伏的西方社会,在他的作品里充满了对生命力的赞美。他这一思想与西方传统的“人文主义”思想很相似,却并非完全相同,这一思想可称为变异的“人文主义”思想,他的这种思想集中表现在《查泰莱夫人的情人》中。  相似文献   
中国的劳伦斯研究从20世纪30年代开始起步,自80年代起走向繁荣。在80年代,劳伦斯笔下的性描写是学者关注的中心,也鼓舞和启发了中国作家对人性的深入探索。90年代之后,中国学者对劳伦斯研究的范围不断扩大,对其创作中的工业文明与大自然的冲突主题、两性关系主题、死亡与再生主题,非理性心理描写、原始主义等问题都进行了深入探究,也对其作品中的象征隐喻手法进行了全面的分析。精神分析、生态批评、比较文学,以及原型批评、解构主义批评、叙事学、伦理学批评等研究方法,都应用于劳伦斯研究,取得了可观的成绩。另一方面,中国的劳伦斯作品翻译良莠不齐,研究的低水平重复、缺乏学术规范现象也十分严重。  相似文献   
《宠儿》是美国黑人女作家托尼·莫里森1993年诺贝尔奖获奖作品。作品塑造了女主人公赛丝的丈夫黑尔和情人保罗·D,他们分别代表着奴隶制取消前后的黑人男性。在奴隶制重压之下,黑尔需付出巨大的代价才能保护母亲,完全丧失夫权,不能尽到丈夫和父亲的职责。保罗·D历经种种磨难幸存下来并在奴隶制废除之后直面过去的苦难,乐观向上,帮助女主人公塞丝走出阴霾。托尼·莫里森通过保罗·D的形象,寄托了对黑人男性的信心。  相似文献   
介绍了快速原型制造技术的原理和常用方法及其在工科院校开设本项训练内容的必要性,针对SAMM ZIPPYI型快速成型系统,介绍了成型系统的工作原理,并总结归纳了在计算机造型系统中生成工件的三维实体模型,再转化为快速成型系统可接受的STL文件,直至在成型机上加工出实体的方法,为在工科院校中开设快速成型系统的工程训练项目作理论上的准备.  相似文献   
We use data from the well-being module of the American Time-Use Survey (ATUS) 2010–2013 to reexamine the relationship between unemployment and emotional well-being. We replicate two previous studies (Krueger & Mueller, 2012; Dolan, Kudrna, & Stone, 2017) which have produced differing findings on this relationship, and analyze what factors cause the differences in their outcomes. We find that the results critically depend on the definition of employment statuses and the choice of well-being measure. The unemployed appear sadder and more in pain than the employed, but no other emotion queried in the ATUS has worse values for the unemployed than for the employed. Aggregate emotional well-being measures suggest that unemployment is not negatively related to emotional well-being. Applying a wider instead of narrow definition of unemployment tends to result in better emotional well-being scores for the unemployed, mainly because job leavers and new or re-entrants into the labor market report better emotions than the group of people who are unemployed due to an involuntary job loss.  相似文献   
We use a large non-student sample to test how distinct measures of risk-attitudes relate to each other, to demographic characteristics and to real-life risk taking in the financial domain. These measures, namely the Bomb Risk Elicitation Task (BRET), self-reported willingness to take risks in general, the choice in a hypothetical lottery, the score in the Domain Specific Risk-Taking (DOSPERT) scale, appear to be positively correlated and exhibit a certain degree of consistency. Furthermore, a subset of these measures is driven by similar demographic characteristics as such that males are more risk seeking and risk-aversion increases with age. Using extensive data on the retirement portfolios of the participants during the years 2008–2014, we find that all of these measures are positively correlated with the riskiness of individual portfolios. The self-reported willingness to take risks in general appears to be the most relevant measure in predicting actual risk-taking behavior.  相似文献   
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