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Most of the initial work on perishable asset revenue management (PARM) situations assumed no possibility of customer diversion from one product class to another when the former is made unavailable. In this paper, an evaluation is made of the few published decision rules that incorporate the realistic and common behavior of customer diversion (or sell-up). We present a new heuristic approach that incorporates diversion and could be used by airlines and other relevant industries to achieve improvements in expected contribution of 0.25 to 2.5% over the approach currently used. The sensitivity of the difference in expected contribution between these rules is tested relative to changes in the input parameters, and managerial insights are presented.  相似文献   
交叉上市对一国国内市场和国内公司的发展有重要的影响.本文通过实证考察我国公司以A H方式交叉上市对A股市场的影响,揭示了我国交叉上市的溢出效应.研究结果显示,A H交叉上市对A股市场的影响主要表现在资金分流效应(市场扩容)的负面影响上,分散风险效应等正面影响尚未有效发挥作用.因此,监管层在推出海外上市公司回国交叉上市的鼓励政策时,至少在短期内必须考虑内地市场对扩容的承受能力.  相似文献   
南水北调工程是一项前所未有的宏大治水工程,她的通水实现了中国人民企盼已久的南水北借的愿望,使中国的水资源在平衡和合理利用上达到了一个新的水平。从中外水利工程史上看,重大的水利工程都会有一个恰如其分的名字,以代表时代精神、体现工程意义、寄托人们愿望。目前东线已经竣工通水,中线即将竣工通水。"南水北调东线工程"、"南水北调中线工程"、包括"南水北调西线工程",如何起一个精炼、响亮而有深邃内涵的名字,成了一个社会各界有关人士十分关注的问题。南水北调工程的名谓应当是精当、凝练、雅俗共赏、顺天应地、易于传播、名垂史册。  相似文献   
关于南水北调工程建立被征地移民社会保障的问题思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贾永飞 《西北人口》2009,30(4):27-32
目前,党的十七大报告中明确提出“要实现社会就业更加充分,覆盖城乡居民的社会保障体系基本建立,人人享有基本生活保障”的大背景下,抓紧制定南水北调被征地移民社会保障相关的政策制度具有重大意义,本文从对南水北调的被征地移民的特点出发,分析了南水北调的征地补偿和移民安置办法,论述了南水北调工程被征地移民的建立社保政策依据以及必要性,针对实施被征地移民社会保障出现的问题提出了建议和对策。  相似文献   
目前南水北调移民安置监测评估充分引入独立第三方作为主要评估主体,且逐步建立了规范的评估流程,这说明管理方重视了对评估结果的运用。但是由于监测评估的总体法律体系尚不够完善,第三方发育不成熟,因而导致实践中存在着监测评估的科学性、公正性可能缺失等问题。面对这些困境,我们认为需要通过健全国家公共政策评估的法律体系和建立严格的行业监管,特别是发展多元评估体系,完善移民安置监测评估等方式来进一步完善。  相似文献   
南水北调工程是优化中国水资源配置的生命线,事关中华民族兴旺发达的长远利益,对提高人民群众的生活水平和生活质量,增强我国的综合国力,具有十分重大的意义。移民征迁安置工作是确保工程顺利推进的重要前提,是维护群众切身利益的重要举措。现阶段,我国移民在权利保障机制、补偿机制及后期安置等方面存在一定不足。河南省焦作市在征迁实践中,发挥主动性、创造性,基于和谐征迁、以人为本理念的指导,走制度化、公开化、公平、可持续的道路。既发挥了政府的主导作用,又调动了移民的积极性,建立起移民可持续发展的机制,保障移民征迁安置工作和谐推进。  相似文献   
Drug users and dealers frequently cycle through the criminal justice system in what is sometimes referred to as a “revolving door.” Arrest, incarceration and prosecution have not deterred this recidivism. Seattle’s Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) program was established to divert these individuals to case management and supportive services instead of jail and prosecution. A nonrandomized controlled evaluation was conducted to examine LEAD effects on criminal recidivism (i.e., arrests, criminal charges). The sample included 318 people suspected of low-level drug and prostitution activity in downtown Seattle: 203 received LEAD, and 115 experienced the system-as-usual control condition. Analyses were conducted using logistic generalized estimating equation models over both the shorter term (i.e., six months prior and subsequent to evaluation entry) and longer term (i.e., two years prior to the LEAD start date through July 2014). Compared to controls, LEAD participants had 60% lower odds of arrest during the six months subsequent to evaluation entry; and both a 58% lower odds of arrest and 39% lower odds of being charged with a felony over the longer term. These statistically significant differences in arrests and felony charges for LEAD versus control participants indicated positive effects of the LEAD program on recidivism.  相似文献   
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