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本文讨论向量位函数的H~p空间的几何性质,包括凸性、光滑性、范数可微性、可补性及对偶性,得到了一系列重要结果。  相似文献   
人格的复杂性与多样性的实质在于人格在多个向度上的两极性:遗传与环境;决定论与自由意志;稳定性与可塑性;普遍性与特殊性;理性与非理性;应然与实然。这种两极作用也使得人的现代化或者说人的现代化具有了一定的双面性与复杂性,这样,目前人的现代化过程中所表露出来的现代与传统的单向关系、现代性的单面性以及全球化背景下人的多样性与主体性的存在等问题就值得进行反思。  相似文献   
We consider estimation and test problems for some semiparametric two-sample density ratio models. The profile empirical likelihood (EL) poses an irregularity problem under the null hypothesis that the laws of the two samples are equal. We show that a dual form of the profile EL is well defined even under the null hypothesis. A statistical test, based on the dual form of the EL ratio statistic (ELRS), is then proposed. We give an interpretation for the dual form of the ELRS through φφ-divergences and duality techniques. The asymptotic properties of the test statistic are presented both under the null and the alternative hypotheses, and approximation of the power function of the test is deduced.  相似文献   
In this paper, we analyze Markov modulated fluid flow processes with one-sided ph-type jumps using the completed graph and also through the limits of coupled queueing processes to be constructed. For the models, we derive various results on time-dependent distributions and distributions of first passage times, and present the Riccati equations that transform matrices of the first return times to 0 satisfy. The Riccati equations enable us to compute the transform matrices using Newton’s method which is known very fast and stable. Finally, we present some duality results between the model with ph-type downward jumps and the model with ph-type upward jumps. This paper contains extended results of Ahn (2009) and probabilistic interpretations given by the completed graphs.  相似文献   
伴随着高校的扩招,引发收费的大幅上调,已日益引起人们的广泛关注。在我国当前的社会状况下,高校收费大幅上调会拉大城乡教育水平的差距,使农民受教育程度较低的状态难以得到改善,这将不利于我国农村经济的发展和农村剩余劳动力问题的解决。为此,对上述问题进行了分析,指出高校收费大幅上涨会使我国城乡二元结构矛盾进一步突出,并由此提出相应的建议和看法。  相似文献   
宁夏城乡差距及二元结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
统筹城乡经济社会发展,构建新型工农城乡关系,消除二元经济结构和二元社会结构,是建设新农村的重要内容。宁夏的二元结构是自然过渡性二元结构和制度约束性二元结构的混合体。在这两类二元结构的推动下,宁夏城乡差距自改革开放以来呈逐步扩大的趋势。目前宁夏城乡居民收入差距已经进入高度不平等状态,引起了各级政府和社会各界的高度关注。本文以城乡收入差距为主来研究二元结构问题,首次测算出宁夏居民收入分配总体差距系数,并非常关注城乡在人文等诸方面的问题。  相似文献   
元朝是第一个由少数民族——蒙古族建立的统一国家政权。元朝统治时期,中原传统的儒家法律思想受到以草原游牧文化为背景的蒙古法律文化的冲击和影响。蒙、汉两种法律文化相互激荡、融合,形成了元朝独具特色的二元法律制度。  相似文献   
吉登斯的结构二重性学说是在对经典社会理论中的基本问题 ,即个体与社会、人与结构、主体和客体之关系所持的二元论的正统共识进行批判性解构的基础上提出来的。结构化理论旨在瓦解对上述关系作抽象对立的理论立场 ,确认人 (行动者 )的主体能动性和社会结构的客观制约性之间的内在关联 ,其创新之处在于确立了阐释社会现象的实践活动向度。因此 ,基于实践基础上的使动性和制约性便成为理解结构二重性学说的关键。吉登斯的结构二重性学说与马克思的社会实践本体论有着十分密切的理论渊源。  相似文献   
要保持金融安全稳健发展,必须充分认识到最后贷款人制度的价值。鉴于国民经济和金融体系的需要,最后贷款人制度获得了其存在合理性,且在金融发展实践中证明了其制度的优越性和有效性。最后贷款人制度的价值内容,可以分为内在的客观功用价值和外在的主观评判价值,前者包括维护金融稳定功能、救助和处置金融机构功能、保护投资者(存款人)权益功能,后者包括安全、秩序、效益价值等要素。  相似文献   
An evolutionary perspective on CEO-board relations suggests that CEO objectives and interests change over time, and that board roles should shift accordingly, from CEO leadership development during the early stages of CEO time in office toward monitoring during the latest stages. This study examines how two board characteristics, board leadership structure and board diversity, shape innovation investment among Italian firms. Empirical results support the hypothesized effects, suggesting that the board’s effects are contingent upon CEO time in office.  相似文献   
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