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The goal of this study is to provide a cross-lagged examination of the relationships between engaging leadership, job resources and employee work engagement. We propose a mediation model and we postulate that engaging leadership can increase perceptions of three specific job resources (i.e. autonomy, support from colleagues and opportunities for learning and development) which theoretically correspond to the three facets of engaging leadership (i.e., inspiring, connecting and strengthening, respectively). Subsequently, in keeping with the extant body of Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) research, we link job resources to employee work engagement. Our hypotheses were tested on data collected at two time-points – T1 (N = 759) and T2 (N = 273) –from employees working for a hotel chain in the Netherlands. In line with our expectations, engaging leadership showed a significant cross-lagged relationship with autonomy and support from colleagues, but did not predict learning opportunities and work engagement across time. While we formulated specific hypotheses, we also tested reversed causation relationships. We found no direct effect from engaging leadership on employee work engagement, however, the reversed effect was significant; employee perceptions of engaging leadership were shaped by their own engagement experiences. Importantly, engaged employees at T1 reported more job resources at T2. By providing a cross-lagged examination of our model, we showed that engaging leaders as well as employees’ positive affective state of being engaged, are essential to shaping a resourceful work context. A comprehensive view on the triggers and outcomes of work engagement and engaging leadership is needed, as the traditional unidirectional cause-effect rationale fails to explain how these concepts relate to one another and to employee experiences of job resources.  相似文献   

Multiple regression techniques were used to explore the nature of the relationships between age, tenure and absence in 2417 British local government workers drawn from three work groups. The data were collected from organizational records and included measures of both non-certified absence and medically certified absence. Linear and curvilinear associations among age, tenure and absence were examined. The possible moderating or mediating role of tenure in the relationship between age and absence was subsequently analysed. The data revealed linear relationships between age and absence that were negative for non-certified absence and positive for certified absence. In contrast, curvilinear relationships were found between tenure and absence that were U-shaped for noncertified absence and inverse U-shaped for certified absence. Tenure was found to moderate but not to mediate the relationship between age and absence. The implications of the results are discussed in the context of the changing age and career paths of the workforce, and of methodological issues in absence research.  相似文献   

The organizational role of the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) is evaluated with particular respect to managerial and human resources policies and practices. Attention is given to models of the EAP, and an ideal-typical model is discussed. A synoptic view is taken covering the scope of the EAP, the sectors of application, the selection criteria for the EAP, as well as patterns of introduction-all within a contingency framework. A critical analysis is made of the roles of participants within the EAP process, as well as of problematic ethical and professional dimensions which the EAP introduces into organizational functioning. A final section treats the future forms of development which the EAP may follow to satisy both organizational and professional imperatives.  相似文献   
Summary.  The pattern of absenteeism in the downsizing process of companies is a topic in focus in economics and social science. A general question is whether employees who are frequently absent are more likely to be selected to be laid off or in contrast whether employees to be dismissed are more likely to be absent for the remaining time of their working contract. We pursue an empirical and microeconomic investigation of these theses. We analyse longitudinal data that were collected in a German company over several years. We fit a semiparametric transition model based on a mixture Poisson distribution for the days of absenteeism per month. Prediction intervals are considered and the primary focus is on the period of downsizing. The data reveal clear evidence for the hypothesis that employees who are to be laid off are more frequently absent before leaving the company. Interestingly, though, no clear evidence is seen that employees being selected to leave the company are those with a bad absenteeism profile.  相似文献   
随着我国现代化、工业化步伐的加快,数以亿计的农村剩余劳动力迁移到了城市,同时也带来了诸多社会问题.我们主要运用文化社会学等学科的理论原理,从更深的层面分析农民工在适应城市文化过程中所存在的生活方式、思维方式、人际交往、心理等方面的主要困境,认为城乡文化差距、文化堕距、文化震惊、认知差异等是形成这些困境的原因,应当整合政...  相似文献   
阅读任务投入量对二语词汇附带习得的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以Laufer&Hulstijn的"投入量假设"为理论基础,采用定量和定性相结合的研究方法,考察不同投入量的任务对英语词汇知识附带习得的成效,结果表明:阅读任务促成了较高的词汇习得和保持效果;投入量相同的任务的即时词记忆效果存在显著差异;任务完成时间能够影响目标词的习得效果:高投入量的写作任务耗时较高,优势被其投入的时间所抵消,而填空任务是"低投入高回报"经济高效的任务。  相似文献   
后危机时期,企业面临产业转型升级的压力,而劳动关系状况对促进企业顺利转型、摆脱劳动力低成本竞争具有重大意义。以往劳动关系影响因素的研究大多为单因素描述,缺少几个因素之间的作用程度的对比分析,也很少对不同企业分类条件下的劳动关系进行差异分析。基于后危机时期的企业劳动关系状况的调查,在研究中建立了企业劳动关系影响的因子模型,区分了企业劳动关系主要影响因素的作用程度,并通过对企业统计变量的单因素方差分析,检验和衡量了不同企业条件下各因素对企业劳动关系的影响程度。研究表明:后危机时期企业法定保障因素和基本福利制度对企业劳动关系至关重要;不同性质企业的劳动关系和谐度差异明显,而效益、地区等因素对劳动关系造成的差异不够显著。  相似文献   
试论我国行政事业单位人力资源管理的现状及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政事业单位的管理水平对整个国民经济的发展有着重要的作用。目前我国人力资源管理还存在种种缺陷,为改变现状,从宏观上应改革现有的行政事业单位管理体制;从微观上对基层工作人员引入竞争机制,对中上层干部,实行终身雇佣制,同时应建立公平的干部选拔机制和合理的分配体制。  相似文献   
针对当前我国社会经济转型时期所面临多方挑战和压力的背景下,公务员群体的心理健康状况不理想,缺乏有效的心理激励等问题,运用员工帮助计划(EAP)的相关理论,从适用性、模式、路径选择和保障措施等方面对完善我国公务员的激励机制进行了相关探讨。  相似文献   
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