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The current study examines how an ethical organizational culture relates with employee advocacy behaviors through the mediating role of transparent communication and perceived relationship investment. Through a quantitative survey with 350 employees who work for a variety of organizations, the study’s results indicated that an ethical organizational culture plays a critical role in nurturing transparent communication and perceived relationship investment, which in turn, cultivate employee advocacy behaviors. Additionally, the impact of transparent communication on employee advocacy is partially mediated by perceived relationship investment. Relevant theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   
While extensive literature has examined the role of employees in corporate social responsibility (CSR), little is known about employees’ role in corporate social irresponsibility (CSI). The current study aims to examine the voice behaviors of employees generated around the issue of CSI. Two online surveys were administered to full-time employees by using two different scenarios involving CSI situations: environmental and diversity issues. The results of the study identified employees’ pre-established organizational identification as a critical cross-situational factor that influenced their CSI perceptions. In addition, employees’ situational perceptions of CSI – how they perceive CSI as a serious problem, their sense of connection to the situation, and their perceived constraints in solving the situation – played critical roles in motivating them to engage in voice behavior. Furthermore, the level of power distance culture within an organization significantly moderated the relationship between employees’ CSI perceptions and voice behavior. By incorporating organizational identification literature and public relations theory in the context of CSI communication and management, this study provides theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   
基于调节焦点理论,本研究探讨了促进型调节焦点在挑战性工作压力和员工创造力之间、防御型调节焦点在阻碍性工作压力和员工创造力之间所起的中介作用,并根据社会信息处理理论,进一步探究了参与型领导在此过程中的调节作用。通过对202份调查问卷进行统计分析,得出以下研究结论:(1)挑战性工作压力能够诱发员工的促进型调节焦点,阻碍性工作压力能够诱发员工的防御型调节焦点;(2)促进型调节焦点在挑战性工作压力与员工创造力之间起中介作用,即挑战性工作压力通过增强促进型调节焦点继而提高员工创造力,防御型调节焦点在阻碍性工作压力与员工创造力之间的没有起到中介作用;(3)参与型领导增强了挑战性工作压力与促进型调节焦点之间的正向关系,并在这个模型中起调节作用;(4)参与型领导削弱了阻碍性工作压力与防御型调节焦点之间的正向关系,但并没有在整个模型中起到调节作用。以上研究为如何使员工在沉重的工作压力下提高创造力等问题提供了一个新的解释,具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   
Many employees affirm that supervisors affect employee well-being, and research has demonstrated associations between supervisor behaviour and employee psychological well-being. However, what hasn't been clear is the extent to which the association with supervisor behaviour compares with that of other variables known to affect well-being. This exploratory study addresses that issue. Our hypothesis was that supervisor behaviour can contribute to the prediction of psychiatric disturbance beyond the contribution of other influential variables. We created a new, questionnaire-based instrument to measure supervisor behaviour. We tested our hypothesis using stepwise regression with a convenience sample of 167 men and women working in a variety of organizations, occupations, and industries in the USA. Results supported our hypothesis: supervisor behaviour made a statistically significant contribution to the prediction of psychiatric disturbance beyond a step-one variate comprised of age, health practices, support from other people at work, support from home, stressful life events, and stressful work events. This provides additional evidence that supervisor behaviour can affect employee well-being and suggests that those seeking to create healthier workplaces should not neglect supervision. We believe that there is now ample justification for those concerned with psychosocial working conditions to consider supervisor behaviour as a potentially influential variable.

Furthermore, we believe that we have presented a new instrument for assessing supervisor behaviour that has the potential to be of value in future studies.  相似文献   
This study recounts the implementation and evaluation of a problem-solving skills training program for adolescents. Sixty-six students from the seventh, eighth, and ninth grades of a local junior high school were identified by guidance counselors as needing problem-solving training—48 male and 18 female students between the ages of 11 and 16. The hypothesis that students included in the training sessions would demonstrate better problem-solving skills, a more internal locus of control, and a higher level of self-esteem than control group students was tested via a pretest-posttest Control Group Design. The results of a stepwise discriminant analysis of the data supported the hypothesis. An analysis of grade level differences indicated that the program had less effect on the seventh-grade training group. Implications for program modification and the limitations of the evaluation findings are discussed.  相似文献   
In sports, the most valuable player award goes to the individual or group of players who have contributed most to the success of the team. This paper presents the results of two Australian empirical studies conducted six years apart, which suggest that, in business, employees are the most valuable stakeholder group. In particular, we find evidence to support the proposition that employee orientation contributes more to corporate financial performance (CFP) than orientation towards any other individual primary stakeholder group, including customers, communities, suppliers and shareholders. These findings have practical implications for corporate level strategy and the prioritization of budgetary resources by communication managers. From a theoretical perspective, the paper contributes to the debate on the best way to conceptualize employee orientation.  相似文献   
姚霞 《社会工作》2009,(14):24-27
全面构建和谐社会,需要反思原来的反贫困政策。目前的反贫困,仍没有脱离传统的救济式反贫困理念的羁绊。克服反贫困政策的缺陷与不足,需要专业社会工作的介入。专业社会工作的介入,是修正与弥合目前社会救助制度弊端、提升贫困群体“自助”能力的重要举措。本文将全面分析社会工作介入反贫困的必要性以及社会工作在反贫困领域中的作用,希望引起人们对社会工作在反贫困行动中的功能的认识,在反贫困政策设计和具体实践中注意发挥专业社会工作的功能,以期从社会工作专业化的角度发现反贫困行动新的可能路径。  相似文献   
A sample of 104 British transportation employees with alcohol-related problems were examined for changes in mental health and job perceptions before and after a company-based counselling programme. Data was mainly obtained by means of structured interviews. When clients were assessed at a 6-month follow-up, significant positive changes were found for the group as a whole in terms of context-free mental health, self- and supervisor ratings of work performance as well as measures of absenteeism. Small positive differences were observed for measures relating to perceived work demands. However, no significant differences were observed for the measures of job satisfaction and job commitment. The findings are discussed in relation to the expected client and organizational outcomes of workplace counselling interventions.  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to understand the effects of different capacity management strategies on the well-being of employees in long-term healthcare organizations. Such strategies may produce psychological effects in terms of job satisfaction and well-being among employees, namely frontline employees, thus affecting service quality. We collected 2158 observations from 42 nursing homes in Italy. Our results show that all capacity management strategies addressed in this study can influence the perceived degree of fatigue or of job hazard, and some of them can influence both. Moreover, a better perception of job hazard and fatigue leads to a higher degree of reported well-being from employees, although with the former, it is only through the mediation of job satisfaction. We conclude our paper by discussing theoretical contributions and policy implications.  相似文献   
This study sought to discover how stewardship strategies and involvement impact organization-public relationship (OPR) outcomes for higher education donors at three different levels of giving. The first study to compare annual donors, major gift donors with one endowment, and major gift donors with two or more endowments suggests that each donor type experiences stewardship and OPR differently. Specifically, as donors deepen their giving relationship with an institution, they experience stewardship and OPR outcomes more positively. Additionally, involvement only slightly contributes to this relationship between stewardship and OPR outcomes. Findings also reveal that stewardship may include only three strategies, including a new concept called respect. Implications for fundraising practice and theory are made.  相似文献   
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