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本研究基于我国227家制造型企业的问卷调查数据,实证考察了市场导向和创新导向对新产品开发绩效的影响,以及创新导向和环境变动在市场导向和新产品绩效关系中的调节作用。结果显示:(1)本研究的概念模型整体拟合度优于西方常用模型;(2)市场导向和创新导向对制造型企业新产品开发绩效的影响显著为正,且均高于以前文献研究的一般水平;(3)创新导向和技术变化对于市场导向和新产品绩效的关系起到正向调节作用;(4)市场变化和竞争强度的调节作用不显著。研究结果对于制造型企业改善产品创新绩效具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   
Application of Executive Order 12898 to risk assessment of highway or rail transport of hazardous materials has proven difficult; in general, the location and conditions affecting the propagation of a plume of hazardous material released in a potential accident are unknown. Therefore, analyses have only been possible in a geographically broad or approximate manner. The advent of geographic information systems and development of software enhancements at Sandia National Laboratories have made kilometer-by-kilometer analysis of populations tallied by U.S. Census blocks along entire routes practicable. Tabulations of total or racially/ethnically distinct populations close to a route, its alternatives, or the broader surrounding area, can then be compared and differences evaluated statistically. This article presents methods of comparing populations and their racial/ethnic compositions using simple tabulations, histograms, and chi-square tests for statistical significance of differences found. Two examples of these methods are presented: comparison of two routes and comparison of a route with its surroundings.  相似文献   
在环境库兹涅茨曲线理论的基础上,选用30个省域2000—2009年数据,运用空间面板计量经济模型研究碳排放与经济增长的关系,结果表明:利用空间相关性指标检验出经济发展与碳排放之间存在显著的空间效应;利用空间面板自回归和误差模型发现,中国碳排放与经济增长存在倒U形关系,转折点在8.167亿元至11.025亿元人均GDP之间;工业结构比重对碳减排有消极影响,而技术进步、FDI与碳排放之间存在显著的正效应,这说明通过降低工业结构比重、促进新能源技术的革新以及引进外资等能减少中国的碳排放。  相似文献   
Modelling daily multivariate pollutant data at multiple sites   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
Summary. This paper considers the spatiotemporal modelling of four pollutants measured daily at eight monitoring sites in London over a 4-year period. Such multiple-pollutant data sets measured over time at multiple sites within a region of interest are typical. Here, the modelling was carried out to provide the exposure for a study investigating the health effects of air pollution. Alternative objectives include the design problem of the positioning of a new monitoring site, or for regulatory purposes to determine whether environmental standards are being met. In general, analyses are hampered by missing data due, for example, to a particular pollutant not being measured at a site, a monitor being inactive by design (e.g. a 6-day monitoring schedule) or because of an unreliable or faulty monitor. Data of this type are modelled here within a dynamic linear modelling framework, in which the dependences across time, space and pollutants are exploited. Throughout the approach is Bayesian, with implementation via Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling.  相似文献   
"发展经济学"课程教学的若干思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章对"发展经济学"课程教学的相关问题提出了自己的看法。并结合教学实践,提出促进该课程教学的若干建议。  相似文献   
土壤最大持水量与环境因子的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文应用数量化理论Ⅰ方法,研究了土壤最大持水量与环境因子的相关关系。结果表明,影响土壤最大持水量的主导因子是坡向、地貌、土厚和部位。文中给出了土壤最大持水量的预测方程。  相似文献   
The aim of this case study is to discuss the role of technology in addressing environmental problems. The paper tries to scratch beneath the surface of the increasingly frequent ‘quick-fix’ solutions to the present environmental problems, based on such beguiling catchwords as Cleaner Technologies, Best Available Technologies, and Best Available Technologies Not Exceeding Excessive Costs, etc., in an attempt to discover whether there is any substance in them, or whether they are just full of hot air. Recent data from case studies performed by the author in Germany and Finland as well as a postal questionnaire in Denmark are presented. The paper analyses and discusses the roles and responsibilities of designers, industrialists, and government policy-makers. It is argued that existing regulatory regimes, supranational industrial structures, and market mechanisms do not favour the development of cleaner technologies, nor do they promote a reduction in consumption patterns. Evidence from ongoing empirical research in Northwest Europe suggests that industry is far from developing and/or implementing cleaner technologies. The paper closes with a discussion of some of the policy implications involved and some examples of urgently needed further research.  相似文献   
Low dose risk estimation via simultaneous statistical inferences   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary.  The paper develops and studies simultaneous confidence bounds that are useful for making low dose inferences in quantitative risk analysis. Application is intended for risk assessment studies where human, animal or ecological data are used to set safe low dose levels of a toxic agent, but where study information is limited to high dose levels of the agent. Methods are derived for estimating simultaneous, one-sided, upper confidence limits on risk for end points measured on a continuous scale. From the simultaneous confidence bounds, lower confidence limits on the dose that is associated with a particular risk (often referred to as a bench-mark dose ) are calculated. An important feature of the simultaneous construction is that any inferences that are based on inverting the simultaneous confidence bounds apply automatically to inverse bounds on the bench-mark dose.  相似文献   
通过问卷调查和访谈,发现福建农林大学国际经济与贸易本科生在外贸实践能力上存在英语能力薄弱、外贸知识掌握不够扎实、外贸素养不高等问题,描述Toastmasters及其在课堂教学中的应用,指出学生通过Toastmasters的角色扮演,提升了英语表达、局面掌控、临场反应等实践能力,提出加强基础英语的培训、加大专业商务英语训练、增加外贸实践活动环节的建议.  相似文献   
中国农村工业化及其环境污染的原因初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国农村工业化经过几十年的发展取得了较大成就,对国民经济做出了巨大贡献,加快了国家工业化的步伐,促进了经济体制的转换;转移了大量农村剩余劳动力,提高了农民收入;加快了小城镇建设的进程,在中国现代化进程中发挥了巨大的作用。但是,由于社会、经济等因素的影响,我国农村工业化进程代价相当大,尤其是这些年来在大力推进农村工业化进程的同时,忽视了环境污染与资源的有效利用问题,形成了沉重的生态负债,农村工业化和保护资源、环境、生态之间产生了日益尖锐的矛盾,面临的国土、生态、资源和环境的压力越来越大。客观地说,农村工业的高速增长在某种程度上是以资源高消耗和破坏生态环境为代价的。造成农村工业严重环境污染的原因包括:理论研究的盲点与导向的片面性、二元社会结构体制和传统的工业化发展模式及布局分散等。  相似文献   
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