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航空武器装备项目延期原因及对策研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在分析航空武器装备项目中常见的“返工”现象的基础上,分析了引起航空武器装备项目延期的主要原因,针对这些原因提出解决的对策,并针对耦合型作业引入一种异于并行工程的全新的解决思路。  相似文献   
The aging domestic oil production infrastructure represents a high risk to the environment because of the type of fluids being handled (oil and brine) and the potential for accidental release of these fluids into sensitive ecosystems. Currently, there is not a quantitative risk model directly applicable to onshore oil exploration and production (E&P) facilities. We report on a probabilistic reliability model created for onshore exploration and production (E&P) facilities. Reliability theory, failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA), and event trees were used to develop the model estimates of the failure probability of typical oil production equipment. Monte Carlo simulation was used to translate uncertainty in input parameter values to uncertainty in the model output. The predicted failure rates were calibrated to available failure rate information by adjusting probability density function parameters used as random variates in the Monte Carlo simulations. The mean and standard deviation of normal variate distributions from which the Weibull distribution characteristic life was chosen were used as adjustable parameters in the model calibration. The model was applied to oil production leases in the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve, Oklahoma. We present the estimated failure probability due to the combination of the most significant failure modes associated with each type of equipment (pumps, tanks, and pipes). The results show that the estimated probability of failure for tanks is about the same as that for pipes, but that pumps have much lower failure probability. The model can provide necessary equipment reliability information for proactive risk management at the lease level by providing quantitative information to base allocation of maintenance resources to high-risk equipment that will minimize both lost production and ecosystem damage.  相似文献   
高职院校计算机网络技术专业承担着为社会培养“精专业”、“高技能”的网络技术应用型人才的重任.为了达到培养目标,各高职院校非常重视实验课程的教学.本文综合鸡西大学实际情况,重点从“网络设备安装与管理”课程的计划和提纲、课前准备、实施和总结等方面,分析并阐述了如何上好该课程的实验,以便提高教学质量.  相似文献   
文章将KWW法扩展,从产业角度创新出口增加值核算方法。分解量化金砖国家装备制造业出口增加值,比较其在全球产业间的流动。不仅得到更真实的贸易利得,还实现了对出口增加值在全球行业间流动的动态分析。结果显示:(1)2000-2014年,中国该行业出口增加值经快速增长,远高于其他国家。2013年后增速回落,出口增加值率先降后升稳定于30%。中巴俄出口增加值率为30%左右,印度最低。(2)从全球流动现状看,金砖国家最终产品出口增加值占比较高。其中,中巴中间产品贸易有较大增加,深入到全球价值链分工体系。中国的重复统计项和出口返回部分最高。而俄印最终产品贸易比重不断增加。生产日益“碎片化”背景下,扩展的KWW法对研究出口增加值有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   
陈柳钦 《科学发展》2013,(1):97-105
我国石油石化装备制造业已具有一定基础,但与先进国家相比,还面临来自各方面的挑战。振兴我国石油石化装备制造业,要求我们做好以下几方面工作:一是强化规划科学引导,完善功能布局;二是发力高端装备制造,实现由大到强的战略转型;三是立足科学发展,着力增强自主创新能力;四是致力于国产化,提升石油石化装备国际话语权;五是努力拓展海外市场,寻求产业发展的更大空间;六是坚持走“绿色制造”之路,铸造新的辉煌。  相似文献   
东北装备制造业区域合作的重点、模式与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东北三省装备制造业沿哈大铁路线和沿海经济带呈倒"T"型结构布局,地域特征明显;东北三省装备制造业行业门类齐全,优势产业突出,在全国占有重要地位。但东北三省装备制造业在研发上缺乏省际间的横向联系和共性技术研究;在生产上缺乏省际间的分工协作,产业关联性差;在布局上同构现象严重,缺乏与域外地区的协作互动。笔者从区域视角对东北三省装备制造业发展的现状进行了评价,阐述了东北三省装备制造业区域合作的重点领域、主要模式,并提出了加强产品开发,提高技术创新能力;强化省际之间的协作互动,提高区际间协作配套能力等区域合作发展对策,从而促进东北三省装备制造业一体化进程。  相似文献   
辽宁装备制造业与国内同行业竞争力的动态比较分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文运用因子分析法对国内31个省、市、自治区的装备制造业的竞争力进行综合比较,发现辽宁省2003年-2007年装备制造业从规模和效率上都保持着良好的发展势头,但是和其他省份相比,发展缓慢,进步幅度相对较小,说明辽宁省装备制造业还有很大的提升空间,尤其在装备制造业的效率方面,还有待改进和提升。  相似文献   
本文以学院第二次教学工作会议的主题报告为中心,就网络与设备处如何提高信息化建设的软、硬件环境和技术水平进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   
本文分析了大型装备保障服务模式的知识共享需求,讨论了适应装备保障服务特点的装备保障服务跨组织运行模型框架,给出了基于知识共享的装备保障服务解决方案形成模式.  相似文献   
The paper focuses on the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), a performance indicator that is extensively used in the industry. The aim is to extend the capabilities of the OEE, so as to capture the day-to-day fluctuations to which manufacturing performances are subjected. To this aim, manufacturing losses are decomposed into elementary causes and modelled as LR fuzzy numbers. Next, in order to compute the Fuzzy Overall Equipment Effectiveness (FOEE), single losses are aggregated using the ‘fuzzy transformation model’. This approach limits the fuzzy overestimation phenomenon and assures both results’ accuracy and robustness. An industrial application, part of a lean project carried on by an important Italian manufacturing firm, is finally presented. Results are encouraging, since the FOEE made it possible to trace back the share of the overall fluctuations that is ascribable to each cause of loss. In this way, it provided the basis for setting improvement priorities and directed the lean team toward the selection of appropriate corrective actions.  相似文献   
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