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冯巨章 《统计研究》2008,25(3):51-54
 本文利用WTO的统计数据,对1995-2006年间的国际实施最终反倾销措施进行了统计分析。本文分别分析了WTO时代国际实施最终反倾销措施的总体特点、国别或地区分布、产品结构、国别或地区与产品的混合分布,并在此基础上提出了值得进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   
Experimental and empirical literature on individual decision-making has shown a remarkable difference between planning and ongoing decisions: when asked to plan their actions, people overweight events with low probability; on the contrary, in ongoing decisions, they tend to ignore them. We report on a laboratory experiment designed to explore the presence of this decisional inconsistency in taxpayers’ behavior, by means of a commitment system for compliance. In line with the overweighting of events with small probabilities (i.e. fiscal audits), we find that planning induces the majority of people not only to adopt a mechanism of commitment to tax compliance, but also to actually comply.  相似文献   
We propose a procedure to identify a lowest dose having greater effect than a threshold dose under the assumption of monotonicity of dose mean response in dose response test. So, we use statistics based on contrasts among sample means and apply a group sequential procedure to our procedure to identify effectively the dose. If we can identify the dose at an early step in the sequential test, since we can terminate the procedure with a few observations, the procedure is useful from an economical point of view. In a simulation studies, we compare the superiority among these procedures based on three contrasts.  相似文献   
 中国金融系统在资源分配上表现出明显的城市化倾向,农村金融发展滞后,资源配置效率低下,农村储蓄流向城市是造成中国城乡收入差距扩大的内在机制。本文采用2007年中国县级截面数据,运用非参数检验方法研究金融发展对城乡收入差距的影响,研究表明:根据全国县域金融发展水平的高低,在金融发展的初步阶段,金融深度与城乡收入差距呈正相关关系,即金融深度较高的地区,城乡收入差距反而更大;在金融发展的中期阶段,金融深度与城乡收入差距的相关关系不显著,即金融深度水平对城乡收入差距程度不会造成明显的影响;在金融发展的高级阶段,两者表现出负相关关系,即随着金融深度的提高,城乡收入差距逐渐缩小,在空间上,城乡收入不平等逐步收敛。其中拐点的出现在金融深度的20%至60%分位数水平区间。  相似文献   
中小企业有效融资是世界性难题,全球范围内"麦克米伦缺口"依然十分突出。在中国,"麦克米伦缺口"有着不同于其他国家和地区的特征和成因,因此也产生了针对这些特殊性的中国式治理。虽然目前的各种治理方法还略微粗糙,却有效地缓解了困扰已久的中小企业融资窘境。随着治理"麦克米伦缺口"各种探索的持续深入,中国金融界在不久的将来或许就能全面破解这一世界性的难题。  相似文献   

The analysis of clustered data in a longitudinal ophthalmology study is complicated by correlations between repeatedly measured visual outcomes of paired eyes in a participant and missing observations due to the loss of follow-up. In the present article we consider hypothesis testing problems in an ophthalmology study, where eligible eyes are randomized to two treatments (when two eyes of a participant are eligible, the paired eyes are assigned to different treatments), and vision function outcomes are repeatedly measured over time. A large sample-based nonparametric test statistic and a nonparametric Bootstrap test analog are proposed for testing an interaction effect of two factors and testing an effect of a eye-specific factor within a level of the other person-specific factor on visual function outcomes. Both test statistics allow for missing observations, correlations between repeatedly measured outcomes on individual eyes, and correlations between repeatedly measured outcomes on both eyes of each participant. A simulation study shows that these proposed test statistics maintain nominal significance levels approximately and comparable powers to each other, as well as higher powers than the naive test statistic ignoring correlations between repeated bilateral measurements of both eyes in the same person. For illustration, we apply the proposed test statistics to the changes of visual field defect score in the Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study.  相似文献   
在对拉美社会保障体系的研究中,人们的关注大多集中在其九十年代的以私有化为导向的改革中,而对于其改革成效和晚近发展讨论较少,对这些体系特点以及社会基础的解释也很不充分。拉美国家社会政策发展的教训警示我们:城市化和市场化的发展未必增进社会全体人民的生活状况,而会导致社会两极化或强化社会区隔。拉美国家私有化、民营化的经验在增强福利供给的多样性、给人们更多的选择方面起到很大作用,但其在增进社会保障程度、减少贫困率方面的效应却很弱。这些国际经验对于我们回答中国的社会实践问题可以提供相应的参照系。  相似文献   
In recent years, committee quotas have been introduced to combat the underrepresentation of women in male-stereotyped environments. However, the lack of clarity surrounding in-group preferences and gender differences in group dynamics calls into question the inclusion of women as a solution to the gender gap in labour market outcomes. In this paper, I provide experimental evidence to show: a) how the gender composition of committees affects the probability of female candidates being recruited in a hiring process; and b) how men and women behave in group dynamics as a mechanism explaining the outcome of the policy. I designed a laboratory experiment in which groups of three subjects had to jointly select two candidates from a pool of six to perform a task. Female candidates’ probability of success did not improve as the number of women in the committee increased. I found that male-majority committees were the most beneficial for female candidates. In these groups, men and women exhibited a similar level of voice and influence during deliberations, proposing both male and female candidates for recruitment. Conversely, female-majority groups were the most detrimental to female candidates. Women in female-majority groups exhibited a similar level of voice, but men, who proposed more male candidates, were more influential, which limited the contribution of women. The paper suggests that having more women in the committee does not necessarily benefit female candidates and calls for caution when it comes to designing policies for equality in the labour market.  相似文献   

For comparing several logistic regression slopes to that of a control for small sample sizes, Dasgupta et al. (2001) proposed an "asymptotic" small-sample test and a "pivoted" version of that test statistic. Their results show both methods perform well in terms of Type I error control and marginal power when the response is related to the explanatory variable via a logistic regression model. This study finds, via Monte Carlo simulations, that when the underlying relationship is probit, complementary log-log, linear, or even non-monotonic, the "asymptotic" and the "pivoted" small-sample methods perform fairly well in terms of Type I error control and marginal power. Unlike their large sample competitors, they are generally robust to departures from the logistic regression model.  相似文献   
贫困缺口总指数的构造、分解与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐映梅  张提 《统计研究》2016,33(7):3-10
本文构造了一个新贫困指数 ,通过对 指数的因素分解及衍生指数的构造,提出了一些重要贫困指标的预测和推算办法。基于CHNS1991-2011年跨度20年的8轮调查数据进行实证分析,结果表明,我国农村近20年来总贫困缺口率呈现年均6.39%的缩减率,其贡献全部来自贫困人口总规模递减这一因素的影响,而另外两个因素,即平均贫困缺口水平和贫困差异度则呈现年均小幅上升趋势,表明减贫质量不容乐观;以现有减贫模式对我国农村2020年的平均贫困缺口水平、贫困不平等程度、贫困规模等指标进行预测显示,减贫目标依然任重道远;提出了采用精准减贫,重心在于提升贫困人口获取收入的能力和缩小贫困不平等程度的相关建议。  相似文献   
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