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清末币制改革述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清朝末年,内忧外患,在银贵钱贱、币制混乱的情况下,清政府逐渐创立起一种新的币制,即银元制度。这实质上是中国在币制上的近代化。  相似文献   
《会计法》、《企业会计准则》、《企业财务通则》等法律法规的颁布和实施 ,适应了企业改革中建立现代企业制度的要求 ;但是 ,企业会计监督职能弱化仍是目前会计工作的一大顽症 ,会计报表中“虚盈实亏”的现象仍相当突出 ,直接影响到国家宏观经济政策的制定和宏观调控措施的实施。文章就企业会计中存在的问题进行探讨 ,并提出相应的对策。  相似文献   
对于自我交易,各国公司立法确立了比较完备的实体规规和相应有效的救济程序,而我国现行的《公司法》只是在第61条第2款作了原则性的禁止规定,缺乏可操作性。鉴于现有立法之不足,通过对各国关于自我交易规定的比较研究,试图确立符合法理的实体和程序规则,使得我国公司法上的自我交易问题得到有效解决。  相似文献   
中国科举史上的最后一科乡试   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
乡试是中国科举史上各级考试中最迟出现的一级考试,也是竞争最为激烈的一级考试,而且还是最早退出历史舞台的一级考试。乡试是各省人文教育活动的重大事件,对区域政治、文化、教育、民风等许多方面都产生过深刻的影响。末科乡试的考试内容已脱离了八股取士的格局,改为讲求经世致用。尽管科举制已进行了旷古未有的改革,从考试的内容到形式都试图跟上时代前进的步伐,但仍然无法逃避灭亡的命运。在当时科举与学堂难以协调发展的情况下,最终导致了废科举兴学堂的结局。  相似文献   
The development of a Municipal Information System, or currently better known as a local spatial data infrastructure, is considered complex due to the required inter-institutional relationships. In many developing countries Geographical Information Systems (GISs) are introduced but the benefits are modest as no changes take place in technical and organisational structure of organisations. Digital databases and computer-aided design (CAD) maps are mushrooming in great variety within different private and public institutions, municipal organisations and even within single departments and with structures similar to the paper period and thus operating on a stand-alone basis.Many national mapping agencies are not able to provide large-scale digital urban base maps, while the absence or low quality of cadastres makes those basic core data sets unavailable or inaccessible. The result is that duplication and incompatible data are frequently observed and also donor-driven stand-alone projects have a limited impact through the lack of institutional embedding and are not able to mature from the project to the institutional level. However, a positive sign is that there is an increasing awareness among data producers and consumers that investments in the development of digital data sets should be combined to reduce costs and increase benefits from especially GIS, and information and communication technology (ICT) in general.Within Trujillo a long-term vision was developed to make full use of ICT and GIS to modernise all operations of the Municipality to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of its tasks. However, large investments are not feasible due to the very limited municipal budgets. To guarantee the support of the municipal council, short-term results are required. This paper describes three ‘products’ as part of the vision to develop through a step-by-step approach a local spatial data infrastructure for Trujillo.The three, rather different, products are:
1. fiscal cadastre, to increase municipal revenues through property taxation;
2. an ‘environmental atlas’ based on a compatible spatial and attribute data sets from a variety of organisations; and
3. a municipal website with interactive GIS and meta data information.
The paper concludes with some comments on the institutional and political requirements for the successful development of a local spatial data infrastructure and stresses that such an infrastructure is not a product but an incremental development process that will progress only in case such a process is simple, cost effective, user-friendly, and flexible with clear products.Political interest and institutional stability and genuine interest for inter-institutional cooperation will add much to the success of this process.  相似文献   
科技特派员制度生命力的探析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
地处闽北的南平市在发展当地经济、促进农业重大转型的特定时期,启动科技特派员制度,有其深刻的时代背景和现实意义。本文从科技特派员制度创举与活力切入,分析这一制度创举深层次的原因,并进一步探讨这一制度生命力如何在新时期持续和创新。  相似文献   
为了克服传统贸易制度忽略环境因素的缺陷,建立全球性绿色贸易制度不仅是必要的,而且是可行 的。但是,由于涉及主权转让、相对优势变动、技术性障碍,特别是发达国家推诿责任等因素的影响,该制度的建 立还尚费时日。因此,坚定不移地实施国际协调是至关重要的。  相似文献   
This article gives a simple result for the expression of the Fisher information in order statistics. This result enables us to calculate easily the Fisher information in any set of order statistics whose details have been known to be messy and complicated. We consider here its application in the optimal spacing problem where the exact Fisher information in order statistics has been approximated with the asymptotic information or the reciprocal of the variance of a suitable estimator. This work was supported by Korea Research Foundation Grant(KRF-2000-015-DP0056)  相似文献   
二级教学管理中几个问题的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文结合北京林业大学信息学院本科教学管理的实际情况,就教学管理体制和二级教学管理中所面临的教学管理体制、教务规范化管理、研究生助教(TA)等问题进行了探讨。指出教学管理中的学校(教务处)、学院、系(专业)三级要明确责权利,相互配合完成专业人才培养工作。在教学资源紧张时期,实施TA制和教务管理规范化与信息化,是提高教学质量的有效途径。  相似文献   
加拿大高等教育的特点主要体现在管理体制和教育教学两个方面,包括:联邦政府不设教育部;分为大学和学院两个系统;多样化的联合办学模式;完全学分制;宽口径厚基础的课程体系;启发式的教学模式,等等.加拿大高等教育给予我们的启示有:树立以人为本的办学理念,实施完全学分制;理性思考学校定位,开展多渠道合作办学;整体优化培养方案,实施启发式教学方法;建立科学的高校内部评价体系,等等.  相似文献   
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