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著名的美国华裔作家汤亭亭的作品《华人:金山勇士》,记载了一百多年北美华人移民的经历。小说在虚构文本中,穿插杂糅了华人移民中相传的故事和有纪录的史实,打破了现实主义、传记和历史书的局限,能使读者发掘和发现原来在英语语境中默默无声的华人,其实也是为荚国的发展做出巨大贡献的开国英雄——金山勇士,只是因为白人的文化偏见和歧视而被遮蔽和丑化了。同时,作者在写作时力图创造一个对话性的话语空间以及采取黑色幽默的手法,颠覆了美国的东方学表现华人的固定的模式和有关“黄祸”的神话。  相似文献   
孔颖达儒学思想的异质性考论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孔颖达是隋末唐初经学大师,以主撰《五经正义》播名于史。《五经正义》作为有唐一代权威儒学典籍,以儒学正统为宗旨,一方面旗帜鲜明地坚持了儒家立场,另一方面在具体阐释中又融入了道、玄、释等诸家思想质素,从而既表现了孔颖达儒家思想的丰富性与复杂性,又显示了中国汉魏以降儒、道、玄、释诸家思想交融互渗、此消彼长的动态文脉景观。孔氏《五经正义》这种以儒为本,兼融道、释、玄诸家思想于一炉的异质性特征,是唐初特定的人文语境、文化酵素与儒家士人多元互动的结果,它对后世的社会意识形态的发展产生了多维而深远的影响。  相似文献   
藏民族是我国历史悠久、文化发达的少数民族之一,对中华民族文化历史的发展作出了重大的贡献。藏民族对于自己生活的宇宙世界进行了大量的思考,反映在他们的文化、艺术、宗教信仰等方面。在人类漫长的历史中,当人们在生产力落后,生产关系狭隘的情况下,往往借助幻想和神话来构造自己的世界图式,人们最初探讨的便是宇宙天地、人从何处来等问题,藏民族对这些问题的思考则反映在一些神话传说中,而这些神话传说也正是古代藏族先民哲学萌芽的摇篮。  相似文献   
主题形态:精神归返与灵魂挽唱--《呼兰河传》新论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<呼兰河传>实际上存在着两重主题形态.潜隐的主题形态不仅是萧红以女性话语重操乡音找家门的隐喻方式,而且是20世纪人类回归心灵家园和精神故乡的深度寓言,是人类永恒的"回家"之歌,是对整个人类精神思想领域的深沉潜航.显在的主题形态是国民灵魂改造的一曲挽歌,萧红站在了精神再造的文化制高点上,对病态社会的生态、病态民族的心态与病态灵魂的丑态进行了深刻的文化批判,是对整个中华民族精神思想领域的深沉潜航.  相似文献   
In the 1970s, as the now compact, mature economies in East and Southeast Asia were industrializing, their governments had claimed that they saw no need for the kind of welfare programmes developed in Western “welfare states”. Notwithstanding this claim, a study of social welfare development in these economies in the last three decades, particularly when Hong Kong is taken as an example, shows that they have gone for universal social welfare, largely as a result of the growing prosperity and the rising expectations of the people. This trend has, however, been reversed since the start of the Asian financial crisis in the latter part of 1997, with the resultant slowing down of the economy, rising unemployment and surging fiscal deficits. Governments of the compact, mature economies in East and Southeast Asia found that they must rethink their social commitments and in order to return to balanced budgets, the former selective approach is now adopted by concentrating social welfare resources on the most needy people. While it is not in dispute that there is a close and positive relationship between industrialization and social welfare, the case of the compact, mature economies in East and Southeast Asia shows that as they are more vulnerable to world economic vicissitudes, the relationship may not be as steady as it has been in the Western industrial states.  相似文献   
Public policy discussions on how to regulate acupuncture and herbal medical practitioners have reached a stalemate in the United Kingdom. After considerable activity in the first half of the current decade a wider review of professional regulation has re-opened the discussion as to the most appropriate way to regulate the practice of all health-care practitioners. In the meantime, the public continues to consult complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practitioners in large numbers and self-medicate with herbal products and other natural remedies, posing challenges for policy-makers as to how to ensure public safety. In the NHS, providers and purchasers struggle to reconcile demands for access to CAM services with their clinical governance requirements. Hong Kong implemented new arrangements for the statutory regulation of traditional Chinese medical practitioners in the 1990s and has experienced the challenges of regulating a large established private market as well as integrating Chinese medicine further into the public health system. This experience is analysed in order to see whether the approach adopted there could address the public policy challenges faced in the UK. The article finds that, despite key cultural and historical differences related to the provision and use of CAM services, the similarities between the health-care systems and the reasons for moves to professional regulation in Hong Kong and the UK provide useful insights into what is happening in the UK in relation to service provision and the relationship with the NHS and the medical profession. These are discussed in the light of current health policy developments in the UK.  相似文献   
《孔乙己》是鲁迅先生短篇小说的代表作之一,也是最早译为日文的鲁迅作品,日本多位知名译者皆曾翻译过这部小说。文章选取井上红梅的译本,将其与原著详细核对,发现井上多处误读原著,导致译本出现误译漏译等问题。文章以井上译本为例,通过分析这些误读现象,探讨译者在翻译中的作用。译者既是文化的传播者,又是翻译尺度的掌控者,译者在翻译过程中既要忠实地传达出作品的风格与意义,又不能过度诠释,将译者自己意志强加读者,只有把握好翻译的尺度,才能避免失误,保证翻译质量。  相似文献   

Governments in low fertility countries tend to tackle low birth rates by addressing macro-level factors rather than the meaning that having a child holds for men and women. Yet whether or not an individual decides to have a child depends in part on what they think having a child will mean for their lives. This study examines the meanings that constitute reasons for wanting a child among a sample of middle-class, married, Hong Kong Chinese women who wanted children. These women were living in Hong Kong when it had one of the lowest total fertility rates in the world and the lowest in its history. Using semi-structured, in-depth interviews, it finds that for these women, to have a child makes one’s family complete; is the next stage of life; provides happiness, fun, and enjoyment; brings care and company in old age; and children are “lovely” and “cute.” Governments concerned about low birth rates can use research on what having a child means for women to improve policy so as to make having a child more attractive, and to create messages that hold greater appeal to women.  相似文献   

In recent research on post-divorce families in Hong Kong, there has been a shift away from the assumption of pathology, and in favor of a trend of increasing attention to children's resilience and the benefits of a continuous parental relationship. There remains, however, a lack of empirical knowledge to guide social work practices in this area in contemporary Hong Kong. The present study is designed to examine how children's relationships with both parents and the different patterns of parental relationships impact children's self-esteem. Sixty-nine post-divorce families participated in the survey. The findings of a positive impact of quality relationship with both parents supported the promotion of active involvement of both parents. The likelihood of increased parental conflicts, however, makes the co-parental involvement a double-edged sword as far as the children are concerned, while an avoidance/low-conflict pattern of parental relationship is found to be the most beneficial pattern for the children. To enhance the well-being of children, a secure residential parent-child relationship with a noncompetitive nonresidential parent-child relationship is deemed beneficial.  相似文献   
Matthew Chew 《Cultural Studies》2013,27(3-4):602-620
This paper examines some of the current metacritical perspectives to postcolonial cultural studies, and discusses an alternative cultural contextualist perspective through the case of Hong Kong cultural studies. I first demarcate between contextualist and non-contextualist metacritical perspectives as well as between political-economic and cultural-contextualist ones. Then I identify major metacritiques that are currently made against postcolonial studies, and by showing how they may be applicable to Hong Kong cultural studies, I suggest ways to re-interpret these metacritiques from a cultural sociological perspective. I shall highlight important structural characteristics of Hong Kong cultural studies, and analyse them in terms of a cultural sociology of the postcolonial intellectual field. Ultimately, I argue that the problems associated with this postcolonial intellectual field appear to originate from the hierarchical global cultural context.  相似文献   
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