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In the aftermath of the Asian financial crisis, the Hong Kong government introduced welfare reforms to ease the pressure from fiscal challenges and swelling welfare rolls; at the same time, to maintain its development credentials, it made an effort to adhere to its colonial tradition on the provision of welfare. The government adopted various strategies to garner popular support for promoting economic development as the primary goal and for promoting social harmony under the concept of ‘helping people to help themselves’. This article examines Hong Kong people's changing perceptions of the condition of social welfare in the past decade. Using a multidimensional developmental welfare approach and data from two opinion surveys conducted in 1997 and 2008, the study finds that Hong Kong people expressed a relatively high level of satisfaction about their own lives, but varying degrees of reservation about the problem of poverty, government provision of social welfare, and opportunities for social mobility. As a result of the sectorally unbalanced welfare reforms, which are biased against the disadvantaged, some of these perceptions have become more negative in recent years. Socially vulnerable people, especially the lower classes, are now more critical of the condition of social welfare, and such feelings seem to be intensifying. It is thus suggested that special attention to the issue of class should be paid in social development programmes to ensure social equality and social justice.  相似文献   
《范进中举》和《孔乙己》都抨击黑暗腐朽的封建制度,都善于通过人物言语行动描绘刻画人物形象,但两者形似而质异,在主旨思想、表现手法、语言特色等方面有明显而重要的差异和不同。  相似文献   
自酿葡萄酒的卫生指标和理化指标的检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本实验以手工酿造的葡萄酒为原料,分别用维生素C试验盒法、密度瓶法、甲醇比色法和大肠菌群9管发酵法来测定葡萄酒酿造过程中的酒精度、甲醇的含量,维生素C含量、菌落总数和大肠菌群情况.结果显示,自酿葡萄酒的酒精度达(8.24~8.28)%、甲醇含量为0.029g/100mL,符合国家新标准中规定的红葡萄酒甲醇含量.维生素C随着酿造时间的延长,含量逐渐下降,由20d的28.536μg/mL降低到90d的25.013μg/mL.菌落总数和大肠菌群均符合国家标准.  相似文献   
晚明学者焦竑一生勤于著述,所撰诸书遍及经、史、子、集,然因清廷禁毁,散佚较多,流布不广,今存者仅有十余部,是研究焦竑学术的重要史料。  相似文献   
美国华裔作家汤亭亭的作品中常常表现出明显的中国情结,她的小说《中国佬》就是例证。这部小说的主人公在实现“美国梦”后产生的空幻感印证了当代华裔文学叙述中的文化悖论现象,即身份认同的困惑和生存状态的悖反现象。  相似文献   
萧红小说的悲剧意蕴   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
女作家萧红是一个有着自觉的主题意识和强烈的悲剧意识的作家.她自身坎坷曲折的经历使她有了看待生活的独特方式和对人生的独特发现,这既形成她小说悲剧意蕴的重要基础,也与当时的生活现状及审美的时代特征不谋而合,也因此,萧红的小说充满了悲剧意蕴.  相似文献   
焦是明代一代儒宗 ,师从泰州学派重要传人罗近溪、王东崖、李贽、耿定向 ,是明代杰出的理学家。文章从尽性至命之学 ,“百姓日用之道”的哲学特质 ,大圆镜智的佛学特质与素朴辨证法思想 ,宽商惠民与仁义功利相结合等方面分析焦哲学的内涵  相似文献   
上海与香港都进入了经济结构升级和服务功能提升的国际化发展的新阶段,沪港合作将主要是各自以广阔经济腹地为主要支撑的共同面向国际市场竞争的新的合作,在新的互动与合作中实现共赢与发展。上海应借鉴香港的成功经验,着力于服务业的国际化、市场化、信息化和法制化发展,从而加快上海国际地位与国际经济中心功能的提升。  相似文献   

Hong Kong's population is aging but retirement research is largely missing from the research agenda in Hong Kong. This study, based on a telephone survey of 1,078 respondents, examines middle-aged adult's retirement planning activities in Hong Kong. The findings show men are more likely to be involved in financial planning, while women are more likely to take part in some forms of health, living arrangement and psychological planning for retirement. Further, there are age, education and income differences in the various forms of retirement planning activities within genders. Women are living longer; because of their lack of financial retirement planning, they are prime candidates for poverty. The discussion concludes with policy implications related to assisting midlife individuals, in particular women, in planning for retirement.  相似文献   
Research findings from an ethnographic study into low-income Pakistani families in Hong Kong indicate the existence of significant barriers in society militating against social inclusion. Racial discrimination contributes to marginalization, reducing life opportunities. Identified problems include educational, linguistic, and employment issues. These factors lead to social exclusion and weakened social capital.  相似文献   
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