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国内文学批评界对艾萨克·巴什维斯·辛格作品的评论侧重分析其创作的源流与特色、宗教思想、主题模式等,强调其作品所凸显的犹太性及回归传统倾向。鉴于此,文章从揭示、探究辛格作品中的悖论情结出发,借用文化诗学的理论元素,将文学文本放入辛格个人及犹太民族的历史、宗教、哲学及社会学的语境中加以考察,对其进行文化阐释,揭示文学与文化之间的互文性,从而探究其悖论情结的根源。  相似文献   
战后美国犹太小说几乎感应了整个社会的脉搏。题材的多样性和深刻性涉及到社会的每一个角落。作为一个特殊群体的作家群,无论他们对自己的犹太身份持何种态度,他们在自己的作品中,或多或少会流露出双重文化对自己的影响。犹太文化根深蒂固的向心力与西方(美国)传统潜移默化的渲染,在他们身上迸出巨大的生命力量,这种文化的骚动与融合,造成了兼收并蓄、缤纷多彩的文学奇观。索尔·贝娄如何由开始时对犹太文化的背离最终又走向回归;辛格强调犹太文化与现代社会的冲突;罗斯的小说关注犹太人在美国社会世俗化过程中的种种困惑。所有这些都从细枝末节中揭示了美国犹太人如何在各个方面与西方传统痛苦而又成功的嫁接。  相似文献   
《受害者》中的利文撒尔与阿尔比两人既是受害者,同时也是受难者。他们痛苦与荒谬的处境构成了一种双重悖谬。而他们的受难在很大程度上是由当时的反犹主义倾向造成的,阿尔比将反犹主义思想同化于自己的内心,并施加在利文撒尔身上。他们之间是迫害与被迫害的关系。尽管利文撒尔认为自己对阿尔比的生活与人生无需承担任何责任,也不必要有负疚感。可是他仍然承担起了责任,这其中"爱邻如己"的犹太伦理思想起到了决定性作用。小说展现了苦难对于受害者的积极意义,它能促使人更加努力地奋斗并最终摆脱苦难。  相似文献   
菲利普·罗斯后期代表作《美国牧歌》讲述了犹太移民利沃夫一家三代20纪初到20世纪60年代在美国梦追寻中传统文化身份的历史变迁过程。小说既包涵了丰富的犹太民族文化要素,又体现了当代美国主流文化的时代元素,呈现出了独特的社会文化意义。本文将考察小说主人公利沃夫家族三代人在历史观照下美国梦的演进与传统身份文化变迁之间的内在关联性,并以此为研究主线,探究构成小说各文化要素的深层文化运行机制。  相似文献   
艾.巴.辛格的作品《卢布林的魔术师》塑造了埃丝特、玛格达、泽弗特尔、埃米莉亚和埃尔兹贝太等女性形象。这些女性形象的塑造,是那个时代犹太妇女苦难生活的写照,同时也反映了犹太宗教和传统文化对作者创作的影响和作者的犹太传统意识。  相似文献   
The article evaluates the perceptions of Jewish power among the Czechoslovak exiles in Britain during the Second World War. The analysis documents the apparent persistence of prejudices against the Jewish minority among the Czechoslovak non-Jewish authorities that eventually formed the government-in-exile (1940–5), under the presidency of Edvard Bene? (1884–1948). The Czechoslovak exiles believed that the Jewish minority, in particular the Jewish nationalists (Zionists), had vehement supporters within Jewish circles in Western countries. Furthermore, they believed that the Jewish press played a significant role in the formation of public opinion in Britain and especially in the United States. In the early 1940s, the government-in-exile embarked on a policy of national homogenisation of post-war Czechoslovakia and was anxious to give concessions to the political representatives of the ethnic minority groups in exile, in particular the Germans, Hungarians and Jews. Yet the concerns about Jewish influence in liberal democracies granted several political concessions to the Jewish minority, in particular the appointment of a Zionist representative, Arno?t Frischer (1887–1954), to the exile parliament. This notwithstanding, by analysing the internal situation among the Czechoslovak Jewish groups in London, the article documents the internal weakness and disputes among the Jewish groups which gradually revealed the utter powerlessness of the Jewish exiles during their negotiations with the Czechoslovak authorities. The Jewish groups (the assimilationists, Orthodox and secular nationalists) were divided by mutual as well as internal disputes which were not concealed from outside observers and were utilised by the exile government. What emerges from the analysis is an impression of quarrelling groups that could not agree on any of the fundamental issues and whose only power was the ability to court the support of Western Jewish groups, which were perceived by the non-Jewish exiles as influential actors in US and British society.  相似文献   
Individuals with disabilities face numerous barriers that limit their inclusion within the Jewish community (Trieschmann 2001 Trieschmann, R. B. 2001. “Spirituality and Energy Medicine.” Journal of Rehabilitation 67 (1): 2632.[Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). While many Jewish communities have progressed and moved towards an attitude of ‘acceptance’ and ‘tolerance’ for people with disabilities out of religious obligation, it is often a practice without the spiritual ethical governing force and guiding principles of respect, equality, and human rights (Shatz and Wolowelsky 2004 Shatz, D., and J. B. Wolowelsky. 2004. Mind, Body, and Judaism: The Interaction of Jewish Law with Psychology and Biology. Ktav Publishing House: Yeshiva University Press. [Google Scholar]). People with disabilities are stereotyped as dependent, draining, incompetent, pitiful, victims, freaks, angels, embarrassments, innocent, pathetic, and asexual social burdens (Nario-Redmond 2010 Nario-Redmond, M. R. 2010. “Cultural Stereotypes of Disabled and Non-Disabled Men and Women: Consensus for Global Category Representations and Diagnostic Domains.” British Journal of Social Psychology 49: 471488.10.1348/014466609X468411 [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). What is lacking is the consideration of people with disabilities as human beings. This injustice is most evident, painful, and damaging at an individual and communal level when it comes to Jewish singles and their pursuit of intimate relationships. A central Jewish value, right, and goal, one that is strongly promoted in Israeli society, is that of committed intimate relationships. However, this value does not apply to people with disabilities  相似文献   
近十年来(1997-2007)国内学术界在犹太思想与文化研究、犹太历史研究、"大屠杀"研究、中国犹太人问题以及当代以色列国家研究等五个方面取得了丰硕的成果,详细梳理所取得的学术成就并分析目前国内犹太研究存在的问题,如专职人员匮乏、学术基础薄弱、原创性学术成果数量偏少等等,对于推进犹太研究具有重要的学术价值.  相似文献   
犹太人的历史就是移民的历史.此论文主要阐述1880年到1924年期间犹太人移民美国后融入美国社会并确立美国犹太人在教育、经济和宗教方面的独特性.  相似文献   
This is an exploratory qualitative study of 10 seniors (5 men and 5 women), who remarried or lived together after the age of 65. They were all Jewish, lived in Toronto, Canada, and had been married previously. The subjects were interviewed in their own homes, using a questionnaire. The study attempts to explore the pathways to recoupling, how the partners met, the differences between the first and second partners, and the major issues faced by the subjects in moving into a new relationship. The results in this article are significantly presented through the words of the respondents. This gives the reader the flavor of what is involved in senior relationships. The conclusions summarize the major findings of the study, and make suggestions for further research. We focus on implications for health and wellbeing from our findings.  相似文献   
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