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二战结束后,"原爆"的深远影响一直受到社会各界的广泛关注。与同时期描写女性原子弹受害者的作品相比,《梦千代日记》以其独树一帜的对原爆受害者形象的理解与刻画,在诸多同类作品中脱颖而出。本文通过对作品主人公梦千代形象的分析,讨论了作品引发社会共鸣的历史文化原因,及其艺术表现手法的突破与局限。  相似文献   
对于老舍优秀短篇《断魂枪》的创作意图 ,历来论者都认为是对所谓“保守”思想的批判。然而 ,无论是直接解读文本 ,还是去叩问作家的心理背景 ,我们所能读到的都是一曲对没落武侠文化的深情挽歌  相似文献   
基于江苏省沭阳县的调查数据,对农民参加养老保险情况与其土地流转意愿之间的关系进行了实证分析并得出结论:现阶段参加新型农村社会养老保险或商业养老保险的农民比没有参加的农民土地流转意愿更高. Logistic计量检验显示,农民是否参加养老保险与土地流转意愿呈显著正相关关系.拐点分析进一步表明,若农民没有任何养老保险,人均年收入需要达到10万元才能突破土地流转意愿的质变点,对于现阶段普遍只参加新农保的农民,土地流转意愿离质变点仍然有一定差距,而既参加新农保又参加商业养老保险的农民,人均年均收入仅需1600元以上就能达到较高的土地流转意愿水平.  相似文献   
方旭东 《社会科学》2012,(5):131-137
“知行合一”被看作王阳明标志性的哲学观点之一.王阳明有关知行合一的思想比较复杂,它由很多命题构成.文章着重讨论知行合一这个命题所包含的一个一般性的哲学问题:在道德行动中,意向与行动究竟是什么关系?通过逐一分析王阳明的相关论述:好恶属行,念动是知亦是行,意是行之始,知是行之始,我们发现,在意向与行动的关系问题上,王阳明的理解已经涉及作为行动的意向、作为善良意志的意向这些层面.前者有将有意识的行动与用以行动的意向融合的倾向,后者则注意到意向与意欲或意愿的联系.由于王阳明在使用“意”这个名词时并未自觉地意识到其不同面向,在其论述中产生了一定的混乱或自相矛盾.王阳明的思路是:假设人都有行善的善良意愿,从而使得行善就变成听从或顺应自己内心召唤的简单之事,对于当代道德哲学、行动哲学的相关讨论不无启发,也许行动的最终源泉既不是理性计算,也不是感性冲动,而在于行动者固有的美德.  相似文献   
Evidence suggests that departures from pure self-interest are due, at least partly, to individuals conditioning their behaviour on the perceived intentions of others. We present a new experiment that refines the study of intention-based other-regarding motives. Using a series of mini-ultimatum games that have been extensively studied in the literature, we compare the behaviour of normally-developing (ND) children to that of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), who typically lack the ability to attribute intentions to the observed actions of others. We find that ND children’s rejection behaviour responds systematically to changes in the set of available options, in line with previous findings. ASD children’s rejections are virtually unaffected by the intentions that could be inferred from the games’ strategy space. These differences are mainly driven by ASD children with low mentalising abilities.  相似文献   
The need for individuals to increase retirement savings has been widely promoted, yet our understanding of the motivations of individuals to save at a higher rate remains sparse. This paper reports the findings of a survey of 2300 retirement savings fund members and their motivations to contribute more to savings and to actively manage their investment strategy. Utilising the theory of planned behavior, the study reveals respondent’s self-reported attitudes, subjective norms and perceptions of behavioral control account for a high proportion of the variance in behavioral intention. Contrary to expectations, the study finds that respondent’s risk tolerance adds little to the prediction of behavioral intention. By contrast, perceptions of planning importance and self-assessed planning preparedness (domain knowledge) are found to exert powerful indirect influences on behavioral intentions via the perceived behavioral control construct. This novel finding confirms the relevance of planning constructs and financial literacy to an understanding of retirement savings behavior, and establishes a need to improve levels of financial literacy in society.  相似文献   
意在中国古代文学创作中具有特殊的地位,但这个意要在无意之中求得.故有意无意之间就成为作品的一种至高境界,也是中国古人文学创作的一种独特追求.  相似文献   
以生态批评理论重读经典作家和经典作品是文学研究的一个新动向。美国现代著名诗人惠特曼在《草叶集》中通过对大自然的歌颂抒发了诗人热爱自然、回归自然的思想,《草叶集》中包含了生态思想的萌芽;而惠特曼的一部不为国内读者所知的散文集《采集日志》同样了蕴含了深刻的生态诗学思想:自然是文学创造的源泉, 诗人的使命是把大自然与人的灵魂联结起来,把常人眼中只看作物质世界和物欲对象的大自然所具有的生命气息、精神韵致和神性内涵揭示给人们,使诗歌变成大自然沟通、走近和融入人的灵魂的精神通道。《采集日志》包含了对诗歌在人类与大自然之间生态功能的深切感悟。  相似文献   
Under the incorporation of social bonds within the residential satisfaction model, this study has attempted to examine why the elderly living in neighborhoods consider moving. The main hypothesis proposed in this study is that the four social bonds (friendship, social cohesion and trust, informal social control, and neighborhood activities), combined with residential satisfaction, affect the mobility intentions of elderly urban residents. This hypothesis is tested by survey data collected in 1995 from 1123 Chicago residents age 65 and over. The results support the hypothesis that strong social bonds, combined with residential satisfaction, are working as important factors when the mobility intentions of elderly urban residents are deterred.  相似文献   
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