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在追求公平与质量的学前教育时代背景下,推动大型公共学前教育项目以保障弱势儿童群体的受教育权是政府的应尽责任和重要任务。当前我国公共学前教育项目正处于起步阶段,可多方借鉴有效学前教育项目的国际经验。本研究以新泽西州阿博特学前教育项目(Abbott Preschool Program)这一被公认为高效能的项目为对象,重点探讨了该项目在政策保障与政府执行、财政投入与供给模式、多层质量标准体系、高标准教师队伍以及监测系统构建等方面的核心举措,总结了该项目的中短期成效和问题反思,并结合当前我国学前教育项目的实施现状,从支持保障系统、质量提升系统、项目设计核心要素等方面提出了相应政策建议。  相似文献   
Using agriculture to improve nutrition is an approach growing in popularity, with programs becoming increasingly complex and multisectoral. While there is an active line of research assessing the impacts of such programs, little has been written about the process of successfully implementing them. As such, this paper uses a multisectoral nutrition-sensitive agriculture program implemented in four African countries as a case study to address key challenges in and lessons learned from implementation. We highlight the overall flexibility of nutrition-sensitive agriculture but also the need to adapt certain aspects to the particular context, as well as the opportunities for cross-context learning (and the limits to this). Integrating rigorous evaluation into such complex programs and forging diverse cross-sectoral partnerships offer both rewards and challenges, upon which we reflect. Main lessons learned from the program include the importance of carefully sequencing interventions, retaining flexibility in implementation, allowing for considerable time for cross-sector integration and coordination, and considering community impacts when designing research.  相似文献   
本文从国际工程承包市场趋势分析入手,提出了国际工程发展的新趋势及其对策。  相似文献   
城市化带来大规模农地转用。在现行的制度下,土地的城市化与耕地保护显然存在冲突。严峻的用地实践催生了土地制度变迁,进而开启了农村土地制度变迁之路。在城乡建设用地增减平衡的思路下,各地进行了很多有益的探索,农村土地制度形成了一条从宅基地换房、挂钩项目到地票交易所的演进路径。以中国的实践为基础,本文对这样一条农村土地制度变迁的脉络做了简单勾勒,分析了变迁中存在的问题,并在总结经验的基础上对未来土地制度演进方向做了尝试性探索。  相似文献   
高等学校存在行政与学术两种权力,很多时候后者服从前者,所以两种权力之间存在冲突,但学术是立校之本,忽视学术权力的行政权力会使高校的发展偏离正轨。部门管理者会在自己的职权范围内做出强化学术行为的假象以规避行政与学术的矛盾,“弼马温”的管理模式由此产生,该种管理思路会产生很多隐患:以一团和气抵消团队建设;小人得势并危及高层管理者的领导权威;大浪淘尽优秀员工使得教师团队变为“矮人国”。  相似文献   
村干部在村庄治理中扮演着关键角色,但在实践中村干部行为却出现了日益权变的趋向。通过对S省J县7个村庄的项目进村的案例比较研究发现:村庄资源禀赋与公众参与是影响和塑造村干部角色与行为的关键变量。项目进村中,村干部角色在国家“代理人”与村庄“当家人”的制度角色定位中出现了变异或偏移,呈现出“撞钟型”“横暴型”“分利型”“协调型”干部四种行为类型,村庄治理也由此呈现为“沉默秩序”“普力夺秩序”“谋利秩序”和“多元治理秩序”四种治理型态。新时代乡村治理重心下移,对村干部角色具有纠偏和规制效应,促使村干部角色回归其应然位置,促进乡村多元有序治理和良善秩序的生成。  相似文献   
项目制作为一种新的国家治理体制,在中国经济与社会发展中发挥着日益深广的影响力。文献考察发现,国内研究围绕五个主要议题展开,研究成果较集中于近六年内;国外研究也有一定基础。既有研究尚存在两方面突出问题:一是研究视角有缺失,偏重宏观层面和政府视角而忽视了基层村庄社会的回应;二是研究议题失均衡,对项目制负面效应发生机理和防范机制研究还很薄弱。“村庄回应”是项目制研究值得重视的一条新路径,以此路径切入,可探寻“项目进村”的实践逻辑与问题成因,是有利于找到优化基层治理格局、提升项目制实践成效并防范“项目进村”负面效应的有效方法。  相似文献   
Public participation in the planning and design of major public infrastructure and construction (PIC) projects is crucial to their success, as the interests of different stakeholders can be systematically captured and built into the finalised scheme. However, public participation may not always yield a mutually acceptable solution, especially when the interests of stakeholders are diverse and conflicting. Confrontations and disputes can arise unless the concerns or needs of the community are carefully analysed and addressed. The aim of the paper is to propose a systematic method of analysing stakeholder concerns relating to PIC projects by examining the degree of consensus and/or conflict involved. The results of a questionnaire survey and a series of interviews with different entities are provided, which indicate the existence of a significant divergence of views among stakeholder groups and that conflicts arise when there is a mismatch between peoples’ perception concerning money and happiness on the one hand and development and damages on the other. Policy and decision-makers should strive to resolve at least the majority of conflicts that arise throughout the lifecycle of major PIC projects so as to maximise their chance of success.  相似文献   
我国即将推行以承包商履约担保和业主支付担保为核心的工程风险管理制度,在工程建设领域强制实行工程保险制度已提到日程上来.本文就推行工程保险制度的必要性与可行性及椎行工程保险制度应采取的措施等问题进行探计.  相似文献   
政府投资项目在质量目标、预算目标和进度目标相对独立和相互依存条件下的激励机制是一个值得研究的问题。当多项任务努力的激励成本相互独立时,最优报酬系数也相互独立,并且最优报酬系数是绝对风险规避率、边际激励成本变化率和可观测变量方差的减函数。基于多任务委托-代理模型,可以考虑采用政府业主与承包商之间的最优激励契约。  相似文献   
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