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In this paper, with the use of linear regressions to investigate how relationship dissolution affects sexual attitudes and behaviors, the authors address the stereotype that newly single people seek multiple sexual partners. Although the newly single people surveyed did obtain new sexual partners, the rate at which they acquired new partners did not support the stereotype. Specifically, men with custody of their children seemed oriented toward finding a steady partner. Additionally, men and women with low incomes reported relatively high rates of partner acquisition after relationship dissolution. The high rates reported by disadvantaged groups may be more directly related to familial instability accompanying poverty than to cultural characteristics associated with income or race. We argue that a life stage model with categorical stages in a rigid, anachronistic progression provides insufficient means to gain an understanding of newly single people.  相似文献   
马克·吐温,这位在美国文学史上开一代创作先河的小说家,为后人留下了20多篇不朽佳作.其中,令人惊讶的是:在他全部作品中,两部描写少年历险故事的著作——《汤姆·索耶历险记》和《哈克贝里·费恩历险记》,始终处于最突出的位置,并一直被中外学者公推为其代表作.于是我们不得不深思这样一个问题,作为美国文坛杰出代表人物之一的马克·吐温为什么选择了儿童的角色,而又把他们塑造很空前成功?纵观文学界对马克·吐温作品及其人物形象的有关研究成果和论述,似乎都不能够圆满地答复这个问题.  相似文献   
海勒的《第二十二条军规》运用讽刺暴露等手法,无情地揭露和鞭挞了战争的荒谬和不道德以及美国社会的黑暗和罪恶。  相似文献   
学术界在认识美国进步主义运动的性质方面迄今尚有分歧,存在着“旧中产阶级争夺权势说”、“企业主利益冲突说”、“城市新中产阶级价值观改造说”和“中产阶级文化重建说”等多种观点。然而对这一运动的中坚力量与领导成分的考察则表明,知识分子在运动的领导主体中,占据了相当大的比例,并发挥了先锋骨干作用。从这一角度来看,美国进步主义运动可以被界定为是一次由知识分子倡导的社会改革运动。  相似文献   
Since 1965 hundreds of articles and books have been published about African American families. Nevertheless, our understanding of these families continues to be limited. There is a tendency to gloss over important within-group differences; thus, monolithic, stereotypic and inaccurance portrayals of Black family life are common. This paper sets aside debates of Black family pathology or viability, focusing instead on these families' essential character. The paper seeks to understand Black families on their own terms, locating them in relevant social, historical, political and cultural contexts. Key empirical patterns and trends reveal dramatic changes in Black family geographic location, headship, quality of life and socioeconomic status since 1950.A complex picture is revealed. There has been gradual but steady overall improvement alongside persistent, extreme racial disparties and pronounced class disparities among Black families. The proposed Black Family Socio-Ecological Context model specifies and connects institutional, interpersonal, environmental, temporal and cultural facts that shape the essential character of Black family life in such a way as to produce characteristics simultaneously shared and idiosyncratic. The model also provides an organized, systematic accounting of research and public policy issues relevant to the study of African American families.An early version co-authored with Richard A. English was presented during the National Council on Family Relations Meetings in Portland, Oregon, October 1980.  相似文献   
This paper examines the twentieth-century population recovery of Native Americans with reference to urbanization, intermarriage, and differing definitions of the Native American population from census and tribal enrollment data. The recent increase in the Native American population reflected in regular US decennial censuses since 1960 is discussed in terms of changing self-identification of individuals as Native American. Also discussed are criteria for enrollment in Native American tribes, particularly blood quantum requirements. Census enumerations are compared with tribal enrollment data, and it is illustrated that a large proportion of those identifying as Native American in the census are not enrolled in Native American tribes. Special attention is given to how Native American tribal enrollment criteria might impact future population size.  相似文献   
共建“一带一路”倡议如今已经走过十余年历程,取得了突出成就,为共建国家发展赢得新的机遇。随着美国对“一带一路”的关注度持续上升,分析美国主流媒体对“一带一路”的相关报道可以反映美国对该倡议的态度,便于中国做出有效应对措施。研究运用语料库文本挖掘方法,选取美国两大主流媒体《纽约时报》《华盛顿邮报》中涉及“一带一路”的报道文本,从主题分布、主体建构、搭配词和索引行等维度考察美国主流媒体对该倡议的话语建构方式。研究发现,十年间美国两大媒体对“一带一路”的报道包括“一带一路”建设内容和中国影响力等多个主题。根据时间变化,报道主题存在三个阶段的差异:初期突出中国与亚洲国家的合作,中期重点报道中国的世界影响力,近期涉及新冷战等主题。两大媒体通过勾勒基础设施建设与投资、大国关系和中美贸易等内容建构“中国”和“一带一路”形象,对该倡议的认知从早期的中性态度转向中近期的消极态度。基于此,一方面适时开展舆论反击工作是应对美国舆论的关键,向美国媒体传递高质量“一带一路”信息以回击不实言论;另一方面事实胜于雄辩,继续坚持共建“一带一路”是长期发展之要义,展现大国的胸怀与担当,吸纳更多国家参与“一带一路”,推动共建国家合作共赢,促进文明交流互鉴。  相似文献   
人力资本是经济增长的重要源泉之一,重视人力资源开发是美国成功的一个重要因素。本文通过对殖民地时期到20世纪中叶美国人力资源开发过程和政策的回顾,来说明人力资源开发对美国经济发展的重要作用。  相似文献   
从深刻的主题内容和独特的写作手法两方面分析《土生子》的艺术特色,旨在研究理查德·赖特对黑人传统文学的继承和发展,强调他在美国乃至世界文坛的重要地位。  相似文献   
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