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新世纪以来,江西作为历史上农业大省,确立了工业立省、人才强省的目标。经济转型使人力资源成为首要问题。本研究结合江西经济和社会发展战略目标的重大调整,以两所本地高校为例,揭示大力发展女性高等教育的重大意义,并对比经济发达国家较为完整的女性高等教育体系及其女性人才的职业前景,为我国,特别是江西省女性高等教育体系的建立、女大学生就业保障体系的建立提供参考。  相似文献   
长期以来,欧美文学一直围绕着自然在做文章,比如希腊神话中的遵循自然,中世纪的违反自然,文艺复兴时期的超越自然,启蒙时期的回归自然,浪漫主义的歌颂自然,现实主义的反映自然,现代主义的神话自然,等等。这种回归自然的思想发人深思。  相似文献   
监狱文学是一国文学的重要组成部分,往往反映出社会权力最底层的声音和挣扎,折射出历史的进步与苦痛。简要回顾美国监狱文学发端、发展与高峰的历史,对各个时期监狱文学的特点、影响以及代表作家和作品进行初步的梳理和介绍,以为进一步的研究打下基础。  相似文献   
本文通过解读简.奥斯汀和路易莎·梅·奥尔科特两位女作家经典代表作品《傲慢与偏见》、《爱玛》和《小妇人》中人物的情感世界,展现两位作家在生活时代背景下赋予作品的社会意义与精神追求,阐述这些伟大作品传承至今的重要作用和对英语教学的指导性意义。  相似文献   
翻译和出版书籍,是美国新教传教士在华的一项重要文化活动。这些活动为近代中国人睁眼看世界,接触、比较与吸收西方现代文明的成果提供了一定的物质手段,并加速了中西文化交流的进程。但任何一种历史现象,都有其两面性。除了正确评价西方传教士在华文化活动的积极作用,我们还要对其带来的消极影响进行客观的评价。  相似文献   
拉丁美洲和加勒比(下文简称"拉美")地区在中国外交中占有重要地位。近年来,中拉关系呈现良好发展态势,正从以民间交往为主向"官民并重"转变,从象征性联系向政治、经济、文化、安全等多领域的实质性联系转变,从低层次往来向高层次交往转变,从缓慢推进向跨越式发展转变。随着中国国际地位的不断提升和拉美在国际事务中的地位日益凸显,以《中国对拉丁美洲和加勒比政策文件》为政策文本依据,不断推动中拉关系向深层次、多领域、全方位发展,是新时期中国发展同广大拉美国家关系的国家战略利益所在。  相似文献   
“史迪威事件”起源于太平洋战争时期中关两国对日战争的战略方针及有关问题上的分歧,是二战时期中关关系变化发展的一个缩影。“史迪威事件”不仅清晰地折射出中关两国的战时利益之争,也充分显示出中关两国在二战时期既合作又矛盾的关系,它对战后中关关系产生了深刻的影响。  相似文献   

There has been little exploration of the psychological impact of land loss and displacement on American minority populations. What little there is, is evident in research on Native Americans. Virtually absent from the mental health literature is research on the psychological processes of land loss and the coping strategies employed by the Hispanos of Northern New Mexico. Hispanos received land grants by the Spanish and Mexican governments beginning in the 17th century. Living in Northern New Mexico for many years, this author observed negative emotions regarding land loss within the Hispano community. Such observations were reinforced by the continued appearance of local and national newspaper articles on land grant activism and litigation in Northern New Mexico and annual commemoration of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, a document drafted at the end of the Mexican American War in 1848, upholding the rights of Hispanos to the possession of land grants. Such observations led this writer to initiate a pilot survey that would capture current Hispano feelings regarding land loss. The hypothesis guiding this investigation was that Hispanos in Northern New Mexico would express negative emotions when discussing land loss. Six Hispanos were purposefully recruited. Some claimed fifth or sixth generation of Hispano Northern New Mexican ancestry. A survey questionnaire in English was generated by the researcher and normed with a local Hispano. It included demographic items and open ended questions on acculturation, language, land grants, and land loss. Overall findings described sadness, anger, loss, resentment of outsiders, and dishonor. Responses also elicited feelings of injustice, loyalty to the land and domination by the Euroamerican culture. Collapsed responses revealed two concepts, encroachment by the Euroamerican culture and the Federal government, and class conflict within the Hispano community. Implications for such findings include various coping behaviors needing more investigation and future research that will generate relevant clinical theory and motivate public policy in the interest of Hispanos.  相似文献   
美国当代小说家菲利普·罗斯于20世纪末创作的《美国牧歌》刻画了主人公塞莫尔·利沃夫主体神话及家园想象的幻灭,揭示塞莫尔悲剧性命运的根源在于脱离现实的主体价值的构建。主体价值优先是人类中心主义思想在人类社会生活层面的表现,作品因此批判了主体神话的虚幻性和主体伦理的狭隘性,赋予了《美国牧歌》以社会生态和精神生态层面上的深刻意义。  相似文献   

Social work interventions for youths should be based on understanding how youths think about important issues in their lives. This study assesses the moral reasoning of 43 urban, low-income African American seventh graders in response to questions about how to handle dating dilemmas. Responses to videotaped dating situations were analyzed using qualitative methods to distinguish between justice and care perspectives. The majority of responses from both genders came from the justice perspective. Girls gave more responses that reflected care and combined justice and care perspectives. Boys were less skillful in communicating and tended to focus on negative consequences. Culture and social class appeared to play important roles in moral reasoning.  相似文献   
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