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伊朗核危机与中国石油安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伊朗核危机中,伊朗凭借其地缘、能源“优势”大力开展“政治性能源外交”,与美国展开“能源博弈”,这一状况将对中国的石油安全造成一定的影响。为了突破能源“困境”,中国需要做出一些“战略性”的政策调整。  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of a study that identified how often a probabilistic risk assessment (PRA)should be updated to accommodate the changes that take place at nuclear power plants. Based on a 7-year analysis of design and procedural changes at one plant, we consider 5 years to be the maximum interval for updating PRAs. This conclusion is preliminary because it is based on the review of changes that occurred at a single plant, and it addresses only PRAs that involve a Level 1 analysis (i.e., a PRA including calculation of core damage frequency only). Nevertheless, this conclusion indicates that maintaining a useful PRA requires periodic updating efforts. However, the need for this periodic update stems only partly from the number of changes that can be expected to take place at nuclear power plants–changes that individually have only a moderate to minor impact on the PRA, but whose combined impact is substantial and necessitates a PRA update. Additionally, a comparison of two generations of PRAs performed about 5 years apart indicates that PRAs must be periodically updated to reflect the evolution of PRA methods. The most desirable updating interval depends on these two technical considerations as well as the cost of updating the PRA. (Cost considerations, however, were beyond the scope of this study.)  相似文献   
俄罗斯自视为“世界大国”,伊朗自视为“中东大国”。俄伊关系对中东政治格局具有重大的影响。俄伊两国在经济金融、核能开发、军工装备和打击恐怖主义等方面,存在着共同利益。但与此同时,俄罗斯和伊朗在叙利亚问题、对美国关系和中东地缘政治等议题上,仍然存在猜忌和矛盾。自视为“世界大国”的俄罗斯与美国保持既合作又竞争的复杂关系,因此在中东事务上,保持着与美国及其盟国的关系;自视为“中东大国”的伊朗反对外部力量干涉,反对美国及其盟国影响中东事务。美国的压力和威胁,促成了俄罗斯和伊朗之间的多领域合作。然而,俄罗斯和伊朗对美国的认知差异,是俄伊两国关系进一步发展的重要障碍。  相似文献   
Monitoring the complexities: Nuclear power and public opinion   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Interaction between organizations and stakeholders today takes place on virtual and physical ‘issue arenas’. This study examined opinions on nuclear power and asked who are the players discussing nuclear power in Finland? Through content analysis, surveys and interviews, the study concluded that politicians, power companies and regulators were the ones with voice, as NGOs and citizens were hardly heard. The paper suggests the future role of PR practitioners to be to find the right issue arenas and facilitate corporate voice and reputation on those arenas.  相似文献   
新一届美国政府成立后,其对伊朗核问题的立场成为国际社会广泛关注的热点问题。伊朗核问题解决的方式,主要取决于美伊双方,但在全球化的今天,美国和伊朗走向直接对抗甚至爆发战争的可能性越来越小,双方更可能以全方位外交谈判的方式来解决美伊之间的矛盾。  相似文献   

Nuclear colonialism, or the exploitation of Indigenous lands and peoples to sustain the nuclear fuel cycle from uranium mining and refining to nuclear energy and weapons production and the dumping of the resulting nuclear waste, occurs in many parts of the world and has generated considerable protest. This article focuses on a contemporary and ongoing case of nuclear colonialism in Canada: attempts to site two national deep geological repositories (DGRs) for nuclear waste on traditional First Nations land in Southwestern Ontario near the world’s largest operational nuclear power plant. Through histories of the rise of nuclear power and nuclear waste policy-making and their relationship to settler colonialism in Canada, as well as actions taken by the Saugeen Ojibway Nation (SON) and white settler anti-nuclear waste movements, the article explores how gender is at work in nuclear colonialism and anti-nuclear waste struggles. Gender is explored here in terms of the patriarchal nuclear imperative, the appropriation of Aboriginal land through undermining Aboriginal women’s status and the problematic relationship between First Nations and white settler women-led movements in resistance to nuclear waste burial from a feminist decolonial perspective  相似文献   
埃及军方推翻穆兄会政权,局势仍难以稳定;叙利亚化武危机化解,但政治解决步履艰难;巴、以重启和谈,取得突破仍困难重重;美、伊关系松动,伊核谈判取得阶段性成果;美国在中东地区的主导能力下降;阿拉伯国家转型之路漫长而艰难;伊斯兰势力崛起受挫。  相似文献   
认同的形成与发展受到文化的影响。网络文化作为凝聚着人类智慧的国际文化,改变着人们的思维方式、生活方式和行为方式。网络文化对大学生社会主义核心价值体系认同影响有其内在的机理,并产生了积极的影响。  相似文献   
Traditional risk assessments, including those involving the United States Department of Energy (USDOE), are often criticized for producing useless or noncredible management responses because they did not meaningfully involve the public. The first step to involve the public is to identify appropriate active participants (stakeholders). This study was done to understand the processes used to identify stakeholders to serve on advisory boards established at the two largest remediation sites in the United States: the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington state and the Savannah River Site in South Carolina. The Hanford stakeholder identification process produced an interest-based board whereas the Savannah River Site strategy produced population-based representation. The basic goals of the stakeholder advisory groups were similar. However, different processes were used to identify the participants for the groups in part because of distinctly different social and cultural conditions in the areas affected by the operations of the two facilities, and in part because of the different level of trust of the USDOE and their contractors at Hanford compared with Savannah River. The discussion analyzes their different needs and potential for successful citizen participation.  相似文献   
中美两国先后于1963年和2009年宣布了各自的零核倡议。从中美两国核政策的特点、成因及影响等方面对两国的零核概念进行评析,可以得知,中美两国的零核概念在最终目标和部分实现手段上具有相同之处。这证明了中国零核概念的生存性与前瞻性,也为两国在无核运动中的合作提供了前提。两者概念中的差异并不是造成影响力差别的主要原因,中国有必要加强在世界无核运动话语体系中的工作力度。  相似文献   
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