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在日本社会尤其是研究华侨华人的学界,新近出现了“老华侨”“新华侨”的称呼。对新、老华侨的称呼、定义和范畴的规定等等,学者们尚未取得一致意见。很多被归属于“新华侨”里的人们,也并不认同这个称呼和分类。但是这种分类的出现本身,则标示出老一代移民和新一代移民已经有了巨大的文化特征上的变异。笔者试图通过对日本的“新华侨华人”年节习俗以及饮食生活等文化的行为表象的观察和分析,读取其文化深层的要素,建构日本华侨华人文化融合与文化认同的模式类型。  相似文献   
西北回族由于政治、经济和文化诸因素,自民国以来移居沙特阿拉伯等国者逐步形成群体规模,成为海外华人华侨的一分子。他们有着自身显明的特征,即虽然选择移居中东与其信仰相关联,但中华文化的深远影响,铸就了回族侨民的深层观念。他们不忘故土,视中国为祖国,教育子孙习学汉语言文字。20世纪90年代以来,一些人因在居住国卓有才干,获得较高地位,乃在沙特阿拉伯与中国的交往中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   
城市尤其是上海形象在李欧梵学术视野中的凸显,映现出他复杂的文化现代性立场。《上海摩登》正是这样一部著作。李欧梵从分析老上海物质文化入手,重绘老上海文化地图;对施蛰存、刘呐鸥、穆时英、邵洵美、叶灵凤、张爱玲等“海上”现代作家加以分析,着重揭示其作品的“浪漫”“颓废”信息与“阴柔”气象,由此展现现代生活变化的本质。李欧梵意在呈现浪漫主义及现代性的内在联系及其在现代中国的曲折之旅,从都市文化批判中描绘出审美现代性与启蒙现代性的历史性错位与冲突。  相似文献   

The notion of transnational citizenship emphasizes the mobility and flexibility of transmigrants with respect to the affective claims and disciplinary operations of the nation-state. Such representations tend to make redundant the analysis of the deep commitments of time, acculturation, and identification that have traditionally been considered the sine qua non of national belonging. I shall aim to put these modalities of citizenship into a more dialectical relation by arguing that in order to reap the full benefits of their mobility, that is, to be able to secure the highest rates of conversion for their transnational cultural capital, transmigrants must legitimate their claims to national membership by accumulating practical national belonging. These issues will be explored through an ethnographic analysis of the strategies by which overseas Vietnamese attempt to assert and accumulate legitimacy as subjects of national belonging in Vietnam.  相似文献   

Building on the burgeoning literature on gender and transnationalism, this article considers how Filipina women's labor and marriage migrations are intertwined in complex and paradoxical ways with global, local, and personal factors. Central to the article are the stories of two women, one a Filipina overseas contract worker in Hong Kong and the other a Filipina in the Philippines who sought to meet a foreign marriage partner through correspondence. These stories illustrate how, because of the absence of divorce in the Philippines, women creatively maneuver across transnational terrain in order to realize their desired marital subjectivities. These stories point to women's agency and to the importance of structural factors-particularly legal ones-that both constrain women and yet simultaneously allow them to creatively utilize legal inconsistencies across transnational spaces to redefine themselves as wives and to reclaim a "respectable" marital status. In contrast to the common assumption that women marry foreign men in order to migrate or primarily for material gain, this article argues that-in at least some cases-migration can also serve as a means to attain the valued goal of (re)marriage.  相似文献   
《Long Range Planning》2022,55(1):102044
Within MNCs’ foreign subsidiaries financial slack, i.e., uncommitted financial resources in excess of those needed for current operations, may incur costs for headquarters. These costs may emanate from subsidiaries' decision to forego investment opportunities and stockpile cash instead, which, in turn, may lead to fewer resources being available for redistribution within the organization. From an agency theory perspective, headquarters can minimize these costs through monitoring mechanisms. While agency theory is considered theoretically appropriate for the study of the headquarters-subsidiary relationship, it reflects a rather undersocialized manifestation of human behaviour, which in turn limits its applicability. In this paper, we attempt to address this limitation by suggesting and empirically exploring that the effect of monitoring mechanisms is dependent (1) on the different types of monitoring used, and (2) on subsidiaries' external embeddedness. Drawing on empirical evidence from 94 subsidiaries of foreign multinationals operating in Greece, we provide some initial evidence on the differential impact of monitoring through expatriates and monitoring through bureaucratic processes. Most importantly, we show that subsidiaries' structural embeddedness moderates both associations. In doing so, we reveal that whether subsidiaries behave opportunistically or as good citizens is partially determined by the social context in which they are embedded. An unexpected finding concerns the positive effect of the origin of the CEO on subsidiaries' financial slack for expatriates compared to local managers. This finding underscores the importance of the CEO identity, and highlights the need for future research exploring its effect on subsidiaries' performance.  相似文献   
袁卫  李惠 《统计研究》2021,38(7):153-160
民国时期统计留学生主要求学地分布在英美等国,其中既有专门研究数理统计方法的许宝騄等人,也有利用统计学方法研究生物学、经济学、教育学、社会学、心理学等问题的朱君毅、陈达、吴定良等人。这批统计留学生求学于当时的世界统计中心或顶尖大学,其中不乏令世界统计学界为之瞩目的杰出人才,以相对较小的规模取得了比肩国际一流水平的学术成就,为世界统计学发展贡献了中国智慧。他们的教育背景和学术水平,奠定了我国近代统计教育的较高起点和坚实基础,值得学术界深入挖掘和研究。其学术报国的家国情怀,至今仍是激励后辈学人的精神力量。  相似文献   
“中体西用”思想及其当代价值再审视   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴永 《南都学坛》2009,29(3):107-111
"中体西用"思想是近代以来,中国学习和借鉴西方文明的一种政治文化理念。它折中中西、兼容并包,与我们的民族文化相契合。作为洋务运动的指导性思想,尽管它没有改变中国积弱积贫的面貌,但它的确在某种程度上,有力地促进了中国的近代化进程。随着时代的发展和国际交往的加深,"中体西用"思想的价值逐渐凸显,为我们弘扬民族文化,维护民族尊严,建设中国特色社会主义提供了可鉴范式。  相似文献   
刘尚希 《科学发展》2016,(11):50-52
离岸业务和境外股权投资的蓬勃发展是经济开放度和活跃度的重要体现,有利于提升全球营运控制功能和价值链高端环节竞争力.自贸试验区作为我国对外开放的高地,应大力发展境外股权投资和离岸业务,并以此为抓手带动国际金融中心和贸易中心能级提升.  相似文献   
中小型民营企业"走出去",可以发挥其机制灵活的优势,更好地开展对外投资合作。上海急需培育一批本土中小企业跨国公司,以形成上海未来新的经济增长点和动力源。为此,上海要加强对中小企业"走出去"的统筹协调、分类指导;做好中小企业境外投资风险防范工作;引导企业实施商标国际化战略;强化金融扶持政策的支持力度;实施降低中小企业税负的政策;创新贸易便利性政策,提高境外投资通关服务水平;提升国家形象和外交水平,为中小企业境外投资提供服务和保障;加大"走出去"人才的培养与建设;强化中国在认证体系上的话语权和公信力;完善政府"走出去"服务体系政策。  相似文献   
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