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In this article, we draw on findings from an empirical project involving talking to Australian women about their sensory and sensemaking engagements with digital health technologies. Adopting a new feminist materialist perspective, our analysis identified a series of relational connections, affective forces and agential capacities generated when our participants came together with digitized modes of self-tracking. The agential capacities engendered through and with these technologies included discovering and uncovering information, motivation, quantifying and automating data collection, distinguishing “false” bodily sensations from “real,” discerning patterns, and enhancing sensory capabilities. Working with these technologies, the women were able to access insights into their bodies, feel more in control of bodily activities by reflecting on this information and any patterns over time it revealed. The limitations of these sensory devices were also revealed in the women’s accounts. The devices sometimes closed off or challenged women’s sensory knowledge in ways they found less than useful or helpful, due to failings in the devices’ design or functionality. Our analysis, therefore, highlights the intra-action of enactments of human sensory responses as they engage with digital devices and digital data, including the ways in which these responses were extended, facilitated, or, in some cases, challenged.  相似文献   
We examine in this article the impact of digitization on the provision of public services by studying how citizens experience the use of web portals in their pension planning. Based on focus groups and user test material, we elucidate five critical phases that each operate as an obstacle for citizens' further engagement in the digital self‐service process: interest, access, comprehension, reflection and support. We argue that these phases and the obstacles they entail illustrate a transition away from a situation in which control and agency over the quality of public services is embedded in a dyadic relationship between citizens and frontline personnel, and to a situation characterized by more complex relations between citizens, the front line, and the digital infrastructure. We argue that this transition implies that citizens are required to possess a new type of competence that contains both financial and digital skills. Citizens who are unable to develop or acquire such competence are likely to be disadvantaged by the services. Lastly, we argue that these developments pose significant challenges for public administrations to ensure the overall quality of the public services.  相似文献   
客户体验与客户体验管理能够解决个人网上银行的同质化问题。本文旨在探讨个人网上银行客户体验基本构成要素间的作用关系。通过对2000多位客户的问卷调查,本文采用结构方程模型,对体验感知、体验期望和感知价值等个人网上银行客户体验基本构成要素之间的作用关系以及安全、使用成本等因素对体验感知的作用关系进行实证研究,发现体验感知对感知价值、体验期望对体验感知有正向的影响;体验期望对感知价值有负向影响;安全、使用成本、易用、速度与稳定、品牌信任、功能满足、客户服务和便利等对体验感知有正向影响;而营销活动对体验感知没有显著影响。  相似文献   
张琰 《社会工作》2011,(4):56-58
在香港,无论是接受政府资助的社会服务机构,还是自筹经费的社会服务机构,都必须面对评估和问责的要求.不同的是,前者主要接受资助方-政府的评估与问责,而后者更多是向社会公众交代.说到对受资助机构的评估,就必须要提到《服务表现监察制度》.它是对受资助机构进行规管、厘定及评估服务表现的重要文件,包括社会福利署与受资助机构签订的...  相似文献   
农民工的养老保险问题逐渐受到政府和社会各界的关注.一些地区根据本地经济发展实际,以地方性立法的形式相继建立起本地区的农民工养老保险体系;但农民工社会养老保险制度建设尚处探索阶段,现行的保险办法未免存在一定的缺陷和不足.文章通过对现行农民工养老保险的办法加以分析.试图从不同层面揭示影响农民工参加社会养老保险的主要因素,并提出相应对策以期为农民工统一养老保险办法的制定和出台提供有益之参考.  相似文献   
常规的振动位移监测设备存在价格昂贵、受传感器安装位置以及空间的限制等缺点,很难在工业领域里大规模地推广应用。由于加速度与位移之间存在着积分运算关系,且加速度信号比较容易测量,因此,课题组对加速度频域积分方法进行了研究,并利用LabVIEW虚拟仪器平台和MATLAB开发出一套简易且具有较高精度的振动位移测量系统。为了进一步验证当前系统的有效性,课题组以振动平台作为实验对象,将当前系统测量的位移与数字图像相关(digital image correlation,DIC)方法测量的位移进行了对比研究。实验结果表明所提出的振动位移测量系统具有较高的测量精度。  相似文献   
论个人信用制度在我国的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
个人信用制度是市场经济秩序的保证,建立个人信用制度能够促进我国有社会主义市场经济的健 康发展。建立个人信用制度需要制定法律予以保障,需要建立个人信用的收集、评估、供给机构为社会相 关部门提供信用信息。  相似文献   
陈南旭  李益 《西北人口》2022,43(6):65-76
人力资本是推动社会生产力不断向前发展的重要因素,其发展水平也是体现国家竞争力的重要标志。伴随着新一轮科技革命持续推进,数字经济不断与传统产业融合,持续改变社会生产生活方式,对多领域、多行业、多区域的人力资本水平产生了深刻影响。与此同时,比对《中国数字经济发展报告》与《第七次全国人口普查公报》发现,近年来中国数字经济规模增长与地区人口规模增长基本保持同步,这是巧合还是蕴含着内在规律?人口数量增长是否对应人口质量增长?这些问题都值得关注和研究。为此,文章尝试探讨数字经济对人力资本水平提升的影响,在分析数字经济对人力资本水平提升作用机制的基础上,基于2011~2020年省级数据予以检验。研究表明:与中部地区相比,数字经济对人力资本水平提升的促进作用在东、西部地区更为明显;随着城镇化进程推进,数字经济对人力资本水平提升的影响同样呈现区域异质性;考虑工业产业结构变动,数字经济对人力资本水平提升的影响存在双重门槛效应。  相似文献   
We examine methods for reducing respondent burden in evaluating alter–alter ties on a set of network structural measures. The data consist of two sets, each containing 45 alters from respondent free lists: the first contains 447 personal networks, and the second 554. Respondents evaluated the communication between 990 alter pairs. The methods were (1) dropping alters from the end of the free-list, (2) randomly dropping alters, (3) randomly dropping links, and (4) predicting ties based on transitivity. For some measures network structure is captured with samples of less than 20 alters; other measures are less consistent. Researchers should be aware of the need to sample a minimum number of alters to capture structural variation.  相似文献   
Globalisation raises numerous problems for contemporary public relations theory. In a world where the geographic reach of organisations routinely spans cultures and nation states and where issues of culture, economics and politics are inseparably intertwined, the discipline of public relations has established a distance from the immediacy of the marketplace, failed to fully engage with discussions of culture. By taking a relentlessly managerialist approach, theorists have also failed to recognise the true complexity of public relations practice and this has marginalised aspects of practice that, though nebulous and intangible, are none the less real. This paper argues that attention needs to shift towards the complexities of practice, in order to recapture and theorise a distinctive occupational field with the aim of better understanding the relationship between universal humanising principles, on the one hand, and the purposive demands of capital, on the other; the attempt to theorise how public relations makes profitable sense in society. The paper was prompted by the author's reflections on auto-ethnographic research into the public relations field, part of an ongoing research project.  相似文献   
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