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自20世纪80年代末以来,随着信息、通讯技术的迅速发展和国际范围买方市场的全面形成,作为一种新颖的融资手段,国际保理在国际贸易中发挥越来越重要的作用。我国作为外贸出口大国,应尽快制定并完善我国的保理法律体系。  相似文献   
文章通过实例,分析了订单农业中机会主义的治理。认为公司守信在先、树立信誉是治理机会主义的先决条件。公司进一步采取措施预防、甄别、约束和惩罚机会主义,并对守信者予以激励。通过重复博弈,使非合作均衡走向合作均衡,实现公司、农户双赢。  相似文献   
汪炜  袁东任 《统计研究》2014,31(4):89-96
自愿性信息披露是管理层对外传递公司价值,缓解信息不对称的重要手段,是强制性财务报告的有益补充。财务报告的盈余信息不但通过契约制定约束了管理层行为,其盈余质量也反映了管理层可信度并影响自愿披露的估值作用,这些都会影响公司自愿披露行为。本文以上市公司自愿披露的前瞻性信息为对象,分析了盈余质量对自愿性信息披露的影响及作用机理。实证结果证实了盈余质量对自愿性信息披露有契约作用和鉴证作用;契约作用表现为盈余质量可通过降低代理成本提高自愿披露水平;而鉴证作用体现在盈余质量为自愿披露信息提供了可鉴证性保障,提高了公司价值与自愿披露水平的相关性。  相似文献   


The evidence of benefit for antenatal psychosocial assessment and depression screening has been sufficient to lead the implementation of screening in public hospitals in all states of Australia. Details of the implementation of perinatal screening in private obstetric settings is less well known.


As any successful implementation relies on the identification of local barriers, we aimed to determine what perceived or actual barriers may exist for the implementation of evidence-based perinatal screening interventions in private obstetric care, and specifically within small private hospitals.


The integrative literature review method offers a structured systematic approach to organise, synthesize and critique research from a range of sources. This method was used to determine what barriers have been identified in implementing psychosocial assessment and depression screening with women receiving obstetric care in private hospital settings.


The integrative review findings suggest that barriers to implementing psychosocial screening in the private sector are similar to those experienced in the public sector but may also be influenced by the corporate focus of private services. Barriers were identified among health professionals, within the personal and psychosocial context of women and their families, and at provider or system level.


Once identified, barriers can be systematically addressed to enhance the success of implementing psychosocial and depression screening in the private sector. Screening is likely to be influenced by the business models and operating systems of private service providers. Health professionals working within this environment need more support to conduct perinatal assessment within this context.  相似文献   


Low prenatal well-being has adverse outcomes for mother and infant but few interventions currently exist to promote and maintain prenatal well-being.


Mindfulness and gratitude based interventions consistently demonstrate benefits in diverse populations. Interventions integrating these constructs have potential to improve psychological and physiological health during pregnancy.


The aim of this pilot study is to examine the effect of a novel gratitude and mindfulness based intervention on prenatal stress, cortisol levels, and well-being.


A pilot randomised controlled trial was conducted with 46 pregnant women. Participants used an online mindfulness and gratitude intervention 4 times a week for 3 weeks. Measures of prenatal stress, salivary cortisol, gratitude, mindfulness, and satisfaction with life were completed at baseline, 1.5 weeks later, and 3 weeks later.


Intervention participants demonstrated significant reductions in prenatal stress in comparison to the control condition (p = .04). Within subjects reductions in waking (p = .004) and evening cortisol (p > .001) measures were observed for intervention participants. Significant effects were not observed for other well-being outcomes.


Reducing self-report and physiological stress in pregnancy can improve maternal and infant outcomes. The findings of this pilot study indicate potential direct effects of the intervention on self-reported stress in comparison to a treatment-as-usual control. Effects on a biomarker of stress, cortisol, were also observed within the intervention group.


A brief mindfulness and gratitude based intervention has the potential to reduce stress in pregnancy. Future research is needed to further explore mechanisms and potential benefits of such interventions.  相似文献   
大学毕业生从事企业基层工作是非常普遍的现象,而这些在企业基层工作的大学生,尤其是刚就业的大学生员工普遍存在着一系列的心理失衡现象。本文通过分析基层工作者S的个案,全面了解了案主心理失衡的原因,采用社会工作中的个案和小组的专业工作方法进行介入和干预,不仅帮助案主解决了他在工作中的心理失衡问题,同时也为预防其他员工此类问题的产生提供了良好的经验。  相似文献   
日本劳动合同法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本2007年底通过了《劳动合同法》,将既有的劳动合同相关判例法理明确和成文化,日本的《劳动合同法》虽然内容比较简单,但是其确定的权利不得滥用等原则和规定仍然值得我国借鉴。  相似文献   
经济性裁员不仅是劳动者个体的梦魇,而且严重冲击劳动力市场,构成经济社会不稳定因素,是各国劳动立法的重点。欧盟集体性裁员立法经过近30年的发展,较为成熟,可作为我国经济性裁员立法的借鉴。我国相关修法,应解决经济性裁员界定的瑕疵并予以精细化,强化经济性裁员中用人单位的信息披露义务,以促进劳资双方就相关事宜的协商,政府干预应以违规稽查为主,避免事前许可方式的过度干预。从整体上借鉴欧盟程序立法的特色,以弥补我国经济性裁员立法偏重实体规定的不足。  相似文献   
自我和谐是构建心理和谐的基础   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
心理和谐是人民幸福生活的重要指标之一。主观幸福感是社会和谐的心理指标,心理和谐是健康心理的本质特征,表现为身心和谐、知情意的和谐、人格的和谐等。自我具有调节心理和谐的功能,自我和谐是人格和谐的核心特征,认识自我、悦纳自我、延伸自我、创造自我则是自我和谐的四个构成要素。建立恰当的参照系、确立适当的期望值、提高社会适应能力、建立社会支持网络、塑造积极的人生观是促进心理和谐的有效途径与方法。  相似文献   
心理暗示在广告中的作用及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
袁晓松 《阴山学刊》2008,21(6):85-89
心理暗示由于它特殊的心理效应,对消费者接受信息转变态度有极为微妙的作用,在广告设计中有着重要的应用价值和广阔的使用前景,是广告设计者和学习者重要的研究和学习内容。在广告中运用暗示对提升广告的宣传效应是很有意义的。我们只要在广告的创意中认真研究受众心理,把握好暗示的特性,巧妙而恰当地在广告设计中利用暗示方法和技巧,就一定会使广告宣传取得事半功倍的良好效果。  相似文献   
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